The True Infiltrator Build.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by BrB Stove Exploded, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Bape

    Actually you are straight up lieng? I just got the shadow and i kill infantry in 2-3 shots in close range i just tested it ..... and in range it takes 4 shots to kill u must seriously have horrible aiming if it takes you 9 shots to kill an infantry. However i don't know about the supressor but if your an infiltrator and u capture bases then this is the way to go. But if you zerg then u dont need this.
  2. Nyth_

    Semi autos work just fine in close combat, as long as you got the element of surprise. The fact you can pump out 3-4 bullets before they even know you're there gives you the advantage. HA don't run around with their shields up inside their own base, that's where you can get the edge.

    You seem to miss a lot of side benefits of the silencer, this isn't call of duty where it's all about the red dots on the minimap.

    The silencer does 3 things:
    1) It reduces the fire noise, this is huge. Because weapon fire in an enemy base is the first thing people react to. If you hear someone shooting you look at your minimap and see a red dot, you know someone is around.
    2) It reduces the muzzle flash, which in night fights is just as harmful as sounds are.
    3) It removes the red dot. You say that it doesn't matter because your reposition, but together with point #1 you just alerted half a base of your presence.

    All in all it keeps you stealthy. Especially since this game (unlike CoD or BF3) doesn't have a kill cam, it makes it even more useful. I've done some infiltrating. And it's simply hilarious to shoot someone in the head, with a bunch of other guys standing next to him just wondering what the hell just happened. Believe me without silencer, they're all over you in a matter of seconds. And cloak really doesn't help if they KNOW you're there.

    As for the downsides, it's only limiting you at longer ranges. There is no reduced damage, and even if there was it's minor and only for longer ranges, which is not what infiltrating is about.
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  3. Perls

    I second the silencer. Used it with my cycler on medic in beta. It's hilarious, and ridiculously effective. You really can't judge it till you've tried it. If your K/D ratio doesn't increase significantly after you get it, you're either really terrible or not trying to flank.

    It's not meant for picking people at range, it's meant for getting inside medium to close range. Get in, wreck someone, and stay on the move while the others struggle to find you. My biggest issue after running with it, is AMMO =D
  4. SteelNutz

    This is the best part of the build, best hundred certs spent :)
  5. BrB Stove Exploded

    Exactly. If you are using this build correctly you will find yourself uncloaked behind 4-6 enemies 90% of the time. Shoot a few in the head, stab a few, throw a grenade on the ground, stealth away.

    One of my favorite things to to infantry is set up the big boom. When things get really crazy and I have worn out my welcome as much as possible, meaning people are respawning and specifically hunting me now. The jig is up, but you have 1 final trick up your sleeve.

    Sometimes you just have to conjure up Taliban style. In a room or funneling area where you know and understand not 1, but 3-4 infantry are going to be. If you have to, kite them on to it. Shoot at a bunch of guys then just run back to your deadly trap.

    The trap:

    Place 2 betties strategically in the area. Try to cover all entrances/exits with 2. Now go change to engineer, and place 2 anti tank mines STRATEGICALLY. Place the AT mines with in the blast radius of the betties, but in areas where the betties wont hit.

    note: You can further add to this devastation by placing down C4 as well if you have it! Alternately this also gives you the ability to set the trap off yourself. Place C4 instead of Betties with the AT mines, and now you can trigger your IED at any time your heart desires! Allah Akbar!

    If done right you should have completely covered the size of the room with the "blast radius" of all bombs. Now wait for your trap to be set. I usually get 2-4 kills with this trap always. I couple of times i have gotten 5+ from doing this on cap points lol.

    note: I ALWAYS leave this trap in spawn rooms of bases the enemy is about to take. Make sure not to put the mines/tanks right at the entrance. I like to put the triggers(betties) in the center of the room, and the AT mines on the outskirts by the exits/entrances. This way the betties will be set off by the first wave of people as the second wave is rushing in getting you maximum kills.

    Yesterday I was able to kill the same squad with this trick a couple times. You could see the difference it made in their tactics. They stopped trying to follow me when I ran retreated into random buildings, and would just try to surround it and throw in nades to set off my traps on me lol.
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  6. gunshooter

    English really isn't that hard; i'm clearly using a different weapon for comparison. The only relevant factor is that the silencer reduces damage.
  7. BrB Stove Exploded

    Thats so true. I never really had an issue with ammo on any class until i started using this build. Now i constantly find myself running back to hack terminals to refill.

    That will be your most vulnerable time if you use this build. Running back to Infantry terminals to refill on BB's, tank mines, ammo, ect, can be vert hazardous. Most of the time those terminals are directly under a spawn point, or right next to it. Try not to be to routine about things or people will start to camp the terminals...or even worse....blow them up :( .
  8. FullDread

    Just leave. You arn't contributing, so just go away.

    On topic, has anyone confirmed if that laser is visable in stealth? Might just be a case of swaping out to your secondary in steath if so.
  9. MagisterCrow

    I would like to add one thing to your 'additional cert' list: vehicle certs. While hacking, I once managed to get behind an enemy sunderer and heavy tank, hack the vehicle terminal, spawn a heavy tank, and take them both out before they really knew what had happened. Pick 1-2 vehicles and get some certs in them. I HIGHLY suggest the mobile spawn for the Sunderer (you know...for the new players...and most of my friends) as you can set up a quick point without people noticing. Others would be basic upgrades on vehicle weapons.
  10. ddp

    im having a problem with the sniper rifles im crouched and lens zoomed no upgrades just basic stuff and as i am aiming the targeting receptical
    moves. Is that how its suppost to be? I thought it was my laser mouse so I lifted it up off of the mouse pad and it still was the same.
  11. TheCF

    Are you talking about sway? It's normal. Just hold shift and you'll get 2-3 seconds where the scope is as good as still before going on to sway again.
  12. ddp

    Yeah thats it. Thanks!
  13. Raidashi

    Hey, I've been putting this together since its been mentioned but the NC on my server are such a mess they wouldnt... hell they dont know how to take advantage of an opportunity to create havok even when its right infront of them (seriously, i hack every vech term, every air term, and we get swarmed by tanks a minute later yet no one grabs a vech for them selves... they just all run out to try and fight it)

    Anyway, nuf about that...

    I'm wondering, have you tried using the Stalker with this build at all? I find that the Stalker actually has a slightly better TTK, but its a hungry hungry hippo. Also its more forgiving i think if your not a crack shot. Mind you i've only aggressively pushed for this kind of a build recently so i havnt yet got to actually play with this style yet. I'm still working on the silencer for the shadow. Also I think i'll need an outfit that will help support my mission rather than just going in with the zerg.

    I've been blaming alot of my issues on the zerg lately. I just cant help but think i'd have a better time if i could even remotely co-ordinate with some one.

    Lastly, i noticed the Shadow kills in 4 shots, not 3 ( except vs infiltrators and wounded)...
  14. Raidashi

    Bump for knowledge.

    Also I should amend what I said about the TTK. Stalker has better IF you accidentally miss a shot. That one less shot I find hurts you... A lot... And we aren't all always badass crack shots specially if they suddenly jerk the moment they see damage . I just want to know if people have tried this build using the stalker and their experience with it.
  15. BrB Stove Exploded

    The stalker is so meh right now. The thing that made me stop using it was me having to mag dump into someone 1 foot away from me. Your very right about the stalker though, its a hungry hippo. You WILL run out of ammo with this weapon. I dont care if you only kill 1 person or 8, you will run out of ammo with this gun.

    The damage is low. Not enough base ammo is given. The recoil is quite good, no complaints there, but if you compare the stalker to any carbine/Assault rifle, its clear the stalker gets out gunned by everything.

    The shadow is just the lesser of the 2 evils. It could use a slightly higher RoF imo. The shadow's weakness is when you are going head to head with someone and they start to strafe around/jump/crounch. The RoF is to low to keep up with them. So i literally stopped trying to go head to head with people in gun fights. It just does not work. Sure you will get a few lucky kills, but the majority you will be out gunned in this situation, especially with the plethora of TR heavies with chain guns running around ;)

    This is how I infiltrate:

    1. Open Map.

    2. Now your going to start mousing over the front lines of your allies and enemies. Basically your looking for adjacent hexes that the enemy owns, thats CURRENTLY being taken by YOUR faction. This is the most important information you can have as an infiltrator as this TELLS YOU WHERE TO GO.

    I do not go to the hex my faction is taking. Instead, I look around said hex and find the nearest, Biodome/tech plant that is 2/3 hexes away. Go there. Fly there with reaver, go on atv, get there anyway, any how. Just go.

    3. Arrive at Plant/dome. Start hacking turrets. Start hacking terminals. Get free kills. Blow up generators. Leave betties around blown gens. Leave tank mines in vehicle pathing. Set the base up for the take.

    -note: do not place betties down on generators until they explode. Most people arm the gens, then throw betties down only to have them explode when the generator blows. They are expensive, so dont waste the betties :(

    4. Get free kills while you await your faction.

    If you time this right, literally 1 infiltrator can shut down a tech/bio dome before the army arrives. If you make it to the SCU and destroy it, you pretty much just took the dome/plant yourself. Because by the time the defenders realize what just happened, your faction is rolling in the front door that you unlocked. All thats left to do is clean up what little resistance is left, and wait for 1000 certs.

    5. Dont forget to enjoy the jump pad killing in between. This is where infiltrators really shine and can have fun. Drop betties on the landing spots, hack people out of turrets, FREE KNIFE KILLS ALL AROUND on people who are not looking. Its just all around good fun.

    With that being said you can see why i use the shadow. I can unstealth with in 20 feet from a couple enemies and shoot them all in the head before they realize what happened. Where as the stalker you would run out of ammo before you killed 1 of them, and surely die or have to retreat on the reload.

    The shadow with the silencer can kill a cluster of 5 people with 1 clip and not have one of them realize what happened. A feat the stalker could never dream of achieving.
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  16. BrB Stove Exploded

    Also, if people are wondering I have been toying around with the Secondary Cloak we get. The Nano-Shield.

    The rundown:

    1. The Nano cloak does indeed CLOAK you. Most people think its just a heavy shield or something. Its not, its just a cloak that lasts half a long and absorbs damage.

    2. It seems to last 5 seconds at rank 1. I did not count this with a stop watch, so i could be off. Default cloak lasts around 12 seconds.

    3. It absorbs quite a bit of damage. Its unknowingly saved my life from Claymores a handful of times. I was in a sneak and hide fight with an infiltrator the other day. We both would use darts to find the other, and he would also set up claymores while trying to bait me. As a force of habit I always cloak before entering buildings. This ended up saving my life as the nano-cloak absorbed all of the blast damage.

    4. For My play style this is quite good. A maxed out nano cloak could be very good, I just have other things to invest certs into currently. One day in the future I will max it and I suspect it will be my go to cloak from them on. At rank 1 you will choose not use this. This will be something you invest a lot of certs into before it gets good enough to use.

    5. The regen rate is very, vey, very slow.
  17. ChocolateLoveMuscle

    Question, wouldn't having c4 on both engineer and light assault be redundant when you can just hit re-supply without having to invest in more certs for more c4.

    Also, can I do prox mines as an infiltrator then switch to an engineer and do AT mines, then do claymores then do c4? Why would I need c4 from a light assault?

    I disagree with this being the "ultimate" or "true" infiltrator build. Or any ultimate build. Most comes down to personal preference or playstyle. I myself personally despise the Artemis (Vanu's automatic rifle). And loathe CQC as an infiltrator.

    I'm more of a tower farmer who gets off from the thrill of a hunt. I consider a BA with a Suppressor the best one could possibly use. Why? One shot to the head means death. Dead men tell no tales. They do not recall the direction they were shot from, only a vague area where the snipers killzone is, because of their death in it. I've turned an entire tower upside down on itself with people raging in /yells all because of a good hiding spot, right in the open.

    After getting Auraxium with the V10 I branched out and started experimenting with all the others. I think I have roughly 80 hours behind the scope. And by far the best investment I found was the ammunition belt. It's been a while since I've gone completely empty of ammo but it still does happen occasionally. And I only go for assured headshots. Just think on that for a bit. Ammunition Belt 4 gives you a total of 50 rounds of ammo for a BA. That's 50 headshots (potentially) before you must retreat from your hiding spot to find more ammo, or redeploy.

    For those interested in my stats or medal progress: (2686 Headshots out of 8252 kills means ~32.5% of my total kills are from headshots. And it's going up at a noticeably fast rate.)
    And yes I know my KDR is 2.4, which is unimpressive. But when you spend most of your time as either a Liberator pilot or any type of infantry, infiltrator especially, life is going to be rough.
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    Target rich environment where people think they are safe is best:

    New record is 33 in 6:45, but sadly didn't capture it on video, just a SS of the end score.
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  20. Jonesofmaui

    Nukabazooka speaks the truth!!! I have seen the kill spam!!!