[Suggestion] The triage skill is sooo useless

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by gagle, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. isilyan

    But what use would the Healing nade have then?
  2. smoke eater

    better distance. Can lob it farther where dropping a pack requires you to hold still somewhat and drop the pack, then a few seconds for it to deploy at which time it is easier to kill the medic. I also haven't been hit by a healing grenade, I think the price (100 resources and certs) tend to steer people away from it. Also, using either the healing nade or the ress nade means that you need a close group of allies who are hurt/dead and together. Best effect would be if they are in a building or really CQC, maybe biolab. In a base attack/defense it would be easier if the medic had a med pack they could drop and infantry would be able to flock to it.

    As for usefulness, there is mineguard for flashes, flashlights, extra ammo belts for engineers (who can just spawn their own ammo) and other totally useless things in the game. I would probably rather have a deployable med kit that my team mates can cross over which would slowly heal them (slower than the tool) rather than wait for a group of allies to all get shot at so I can justify throwing a 100 resource grenade at them.
  3. Dironox

    Ambulance Camo for the sundy, maybe light bars and an emergency vehicle siren for the horn... that'll fix everything
  4. RobotNinja

    Said no one ever.
  5. Chinchy

    I find it quite useful, the task force I fight for requires high speed go go go 1000% speed pickups so a lot of the time the maxes don't have time to get reps and the other classes sometimes get in hurt. So I don't think its useless, just very situational. Its also great for driving a flash with auto repair.
  6. Epic High Five

    I'd like it if it worked like, you know, actual triage in that it would cause your healing aura to heal the most wounded faster than the least wounded or something along those lines.
  7. cheerstoyou

    This skill would be pretty useful, if characters could be injured inside vehicles by weapons that penetrate the hull...
  8. Slive Draver

    Just a quick note: Triage works with MAX units.

    During outfit operations where speed is necessary, it's a pain to have to wait at a Sunderer for people to switch to an Engineer so they can heal the MAX or two that need repairs, then switch back, then start moving. It's much quicker to just have everyone hop in and be at full health by the time they exit the vehicle. It's even worse when people have to futz around when you're trying to load a Galaxy quickly. (Many players seem content to take their sweet time moving from base to base, but moving quickly is an objective for some.)

    It's also nice for Harasser crews. With an Engineer driver, a Medic gunner, and a MAX hangin' out back, that MAX will stay alive as long as the Harasser does. Should the need for repairs arise, the Medic and MAX can remain in the vehicle manning the guns (and the MAX continuing to heal) while the Engineer repairs. The Engineer can also lay down extra ammunition for the MAX. A very effective, often-overlooked little team (and a hell of a lot of fun, to boot!).

    In all honesty, though, Triage is just a "capstone" skill. You're effective without it, and certing into it just gives you a couple more options you can try. It's handy when it works.
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  9. Halvorana

    I hate the "other classes need more work excuse"

    Honestly just give Triage a percentage bonus to the base medical gun healing and keep its current ability (which does indeed work sometimes, especially if you run with a engineer and a tank, of if you run a harrasser combo. You want to spend 1000 certs and heal a guy 20% faster ... great spend them. A programmer can make that work in about 20 seconds.
  10. Eyeklops

    Combat Harasser, medic driver + triage, Medic gunner + triage, engineer in rumble seat for repairs. Medics triage engineer in rumble seat when he takes hits. Sounds useful to me.
  11. TheKhopesh

    As a medic with triage, let me tell you.
    It sounds good in theory, but it heals max suits at the speed of a bio labs passive heal on infantry.
    It is useful-ish for cross continent sundy road trips just for the hell of it, but it's not useful if you're actually using it in combat.

    Triage's current effects need to be added to the respective tiers of the medics Nano regen device (The Self heal ability), and removed to make way for something else.
    As is, it is not useful for combat, I have made about 75 EXP total off Triage ever since I got the ability over 2 months ago.
  12. Vortok

    The idea of an overheal to give Gal drops and Sunderers that actually carry troops a bit more oomph is an interesting thought. I could see it leading to some peculiar player behavior though, depending on how fast the overcharge built up.

    Also, all the snipers would whine about another thing that doesn't die to a headshot.

    Either way, it's been discussed a bit on the roadmap as well, so decent chance of it being addressed when the Medic 'polish' turn comes around... likely next year, haha.
  13. deggy

    This is made worse by the fact that a default Medic can heal people in vehicles anyway.

    1) Stand next to a Sunderer
    2) Turn on AoE Heal (The F ability)
    3) You are now healing everyone in the Sunderer as long as its center of mass is inside your AoE.
  14. Nepau

    Personaly I can see a few ways to Boost Triage:

    1. Passive Healing around the Medic, so long as a person is not taking fire they get healed slowly, this is NOT better then even rank 1 of the Medics AOE heal

    2. Triage medics effect radiates around the vehicle they are in by 5-15m, This affect can stack to a Max of 2-3 times to limit the power of a sundy healing infantry while under fire

    3. Triage Give the Medic a Passive Health regen on themselves when not underfire (similer mechanic to Shield recharge). Idea is to let the medic heal themselves without having to use their Ability or a Med kit while they are out of the line of fire.
  15. isilyan

    Like what ppl say in this tread, hope the devs listen :)
    But a marker would be a small start, but much more needed, to show the Triage Medic some love :p
  16. The Shermanator


    Vehicles have the option to cert for a spall liner. Otherwise, hits have a chance of inflicting crew damage. I don't know, might give Triage some function.
  17. vincent-

    Why not change it into a deployable shield bubble that stops fire from both sides but is walk through. The generator is weak so that if someone can get into the shield they can try and destroy it.
  18. KnightCole

    Lol the medic is kinda a useless class with the advent of restore kits and med kits. I just pop one and call it good.

    Rarely do I need a medic anymore.
  19. isilyan

    Well if you only what to play the kill classes(HA,Max,LA), i can understand your point :)
  20. WTSherman

    One option is to borrow a page from Battlefield's playbook, and make it so that it heals people around your vehicle as well as in it, and display a symbol over the vehicle to let people know "get ye heals here". Sunderer under siege? Hop in the gun to defend it while passively healing the repairing engineers at the same time!

    Driving an MBT with an engineer gunner? Now he can get healed even while repping you, and anyone else who walks by can get in on the action too.

    And of course, then a sundy with AMS+ammo+triage would be a cert printing machine if you put it in the middle of a zerg.
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