The striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FROG55JON, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. whitupiggu

    I just bought it and its the only one I use. Barring situations where I need dumbfire that is. Don't know why you are so ******** at the thought someone might disagree with you. As someone with fairly extensive experience with the crow I can say with certainty the annihilater is much better due to it actually hitting a moving target. Of course being able to lock on to air and ground vehicles is a big plus since you usually aren't near a terminal to switch RLs.
  2. UberBonisseur

    Am I supposed to rely on the Lock-on indicator instead ?

    Seriously, suck my purple beacon.
    All of you striker users.
  3. Vixxing

    Annihilator better? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA :) You the man! Prefer 1200 damge to 2500! You so funneh!
  4. The King

    Same, the camera guided rockets always miss me, yet, they always hit me. Can be far away from me, but they were actually close to me to hit me. Since I have knowledge, I know that on the users screen, they hit me, on my screen, they didn't.
  5. whitupiggu

    Learn to read.
  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    why are you so worked up about this? trying to defend your favorite crutch tool to keep pwning vehicle players? sure looks like it

    also nice try derailing the thread with zoe. it's clear you're just a terran fanboy. what a joke
  7. ReconTeemo

    Let me get straight. People complain about Striker because it's Op?, yet look who's driving/gunning a Harraser.. I call striker op, if I can kill esf with 1 clip. Which you can't, unless it's already damage or on smoke.
  8. whitupiggu

    TR spam harassers harder than anyone else on waterson.
  9. Ganelon

    No. You currently can't rely on anything, with any rocket because of clientside hit detection.

    Be happy you get a lock on warning, I sure as hell don't get them with AV MANA turrets, Lancers or Phoenixes.
  10. Slattjaw

    go to VR room, grab a "lock-on" rocket launcher, lock-on target, spin 30-60 degrees either direction, see how long it takes for lock-on to drop off.
    now go switch characters go to vr room, grab a "lock-on" rocket launcher, spin 30-60 degrees either direction, see how long it takes for lock-on to drop off.
    and finally switch to 3rd character, go to vr room, grab a "lock-on" rocket launcher, spin 30-60 degrees either direction, see how long it takes for lock-on to drop off.
    Now get some punch and pie and remark at the "lock-on" mechanics and watch that video again.

    You might notice:

    A) the lock was already fully locked so thus the heat seeking missiles are on their way.
    B) the lock does not instantly break as soon as you break LOS (which I believe is to make up for the time it takes to lock-on and to allow players to step in front of your line of sight. see above instructions When targeting LOS breaks will disrupt the lock-on.)
    C) there could be a second player locked onto the harasser while the first is reloading.

    Maybe if you stopped looking directly at the purple light in your beacon you would understand how the lock-on system works. Sorry we don't all have instant beams of light for rocket launchers.
    • Up x 2
  11. ReconTeemo

    yo mama spam harder than anyone else on waterson. [IMG]
  12. Masterofm

    If there are problems with lock on weapons maybe the whole problem with lock ons needs to be addressed first before diving into the striker as a problem. Right now they are good for what they can do. It chases away air and armor, but hopefully fixes with the system in general will help stabilize the issue.

    If it does not then yes strikers should be nerfed if it's still overpowered. Balance needs to happen, but to look through it with faction colored eyes doesn't do anything to help your case. One side or the other.
  13. FROG55JON

    Please stop the striker is not OP it is broken
  14. firewolf

    Ok 3 things one each vid.

    Number 1 that's an animation bug it looks like its dumbfiring and not tracking but it still is.

    2 So what a squad all pulled strikers your going have a bad day if a squad of annihilates lock you at the same time.

    3 Every lockon has that same field of fire once locked. Its just the striker has 4 more rockets to get off so its more noticeable.
  15. Zeghart

    If there's a terrain/lockonFOV bug, then it definitely needs to be fixed and the whining is justified.

    For everything else, the Striker is fine. It's pretty much a version of the Annihilator that does more damage at the cost of more time to fire (meaning more time out of cover) and more projectiles that need to hit (more time to use flares/smoke before receiving full damage, and more time for the target to get into cover).

    It works extremely well against aircrafts since there's much less cover in the air (duh), but that's standard for any lock-on weapon. I doubt a team of Heavies with Annihilators would fare much worse than a team with Strikers. And they don't, as many people might have seen before the Striker was released. Both wipe the floor just as well in groups.

    If you have a problem with that, then you have a problem with lockons in general. And maybe you might have a point with that.
  16. Kyouki

  17. rickampf

    Do you guys know that the striker will change drastically, right?