The Striker post-buff constructive feedback thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zotamedu, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. MostlySilent

    Because the Lancer can do things no other rocket launcher can.

    The Striker doesn't have specialized attributes going for it like the Lancer does. The Coyote effect isn't particularly practical or worthwhile considering the rest of the launcher.

    Why are you so opposed to the TR ESRL being good or worth using? As it stands it's neither.
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  2. Rabbitz

    It's better than when it just came out, but still need improvement on air target.
    + I can hit all five rounds to a ground target better. Thank to increased in fire rate and projectile speed.
    - Hitting fast moving air target is still difficult both short range and long range.

    My suggestion.
    * Can it has a conditional increased of air target homing range ( e.g. the closer, the larger seeking radius)?
  3. RolandTEC

    I have not used the lancer but I thought you could charge it up, then come out of cover and shoot. If this is not true lancer still can actual hit long ranged targets, whereas striker cannot.
  4. LenaQuin

    They should decide first which role the striker is supposed to fulfill.

    If they want to make it effective against aircraft they should find a way to increase accuracy against targets that are actually moving.
    If they want to make it a close range AV weapon they should give it more damage per mag than the dumbfire ones.

    Combining close range accuracy, close to mid range velocity and an AA ability wont work.
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  5. Ronin Oni

    Uhm, yeah it is....

    THe way some of you guys are talking it sounds like you want the Striker to one clip an ESF.

    I mean... seriously??? Do you have no concept how broken that would be?

    I want the Striker to be good. I own it. I'm playing TR these days more than the other factions (mostly cause I want to play with this new toy and ZOMG the CARV buff!!!!!!! Also, I wanna see if I can Aurax the Banshee before they nerf it to dust cause damn that thing is OP)

    Some of you guys are making suggestions that, seem to me at least, to be entirely and grossly OP.

    At MOST I'd think it could use a SMALL velocity buff to around 200-220m/s and I'm still not convinced on even that.

    Also perhaps a CoF tightening when ADS, but I'm not sure that's even needed since a VERY short pause to reset CoF mid clip seems to be working fine for me, and slightly lower DPS at range, parituclarly considering it's higher than default velocity, doesn't seem to be a bad tradeoff.

    In short, I think it needs more time before being adjusted again, if at all... and any adjustment they do make should be QUITE SMALL INDEED.
  6. Ronin Oni


    You can't hold a charge for long (only like 1.5 seconds) and you move at 25% speed while charging...

    so you can imagine that you're not going to move far.

    What you CAN do is crouch so you're below sight line, charge up, then at full charge popup, aim, and fire... but you're not leaving yourself much time to aim when you do this, and this can't be done everywhere either obviosuly.

    Even strafing out of cover from behind say a tree is too far usually. I WILL start charging from behind the tree and start moving IMMEDIATELY out of cover, to minimize exposure time... but there's still exposure time where you're moving slowly.
  7. LenaQuin

    At most? Sure, let´s compare Lancer and Striker:

    Lancer offers higher accuracy (CoF/no bullet drop) and a huge velocity advantage. Both have probably more or less the same exposure time and (if all Striker rockets hit) probably similar DPS.
    I would trade the heat seeking for 700m/s velocity, higher alpha damage and pinpoint accuracy anytime and in every situation.

    Everything i can hit with 1 of those heat seeking rockets would be just as easy to hit with 700m/s velocity fully charged lancer and the damage would be done without time to react.

    A buff to 1/3 of the lancer velocity wont solve this issue at all.

    Please explain how a small velocity buff is enough to balance those two ESRL?
  8. Maljas23

    It doesn't need any more velocity. It needs either more dmg straight up or a larger magazine. The rockets are already faster than every other RL in the game, by a long shot, other than the Lancer. Rather than trying to make it into a psudo-Lancer, it should fill it's own niche of being a superior sustained DPS RL at close range. It's CoF should remain the same as it is now to enforce that. Meanwhile the Decimator remains the burst dmg RL.
  9. MostlySilent


    Stop it.

    Stop it right now.

    You go into every Striker thread and post wild exaggerations about what people are talking about, make assumptions, and generalize the entire faction's playerbase with big sweeping, usually irrelevant, claims. At no point did I mention how much damage it should deal or how many magazines of ammo it should take to destroy an ESF.

    We have very valid issues considering it doesn't excel at any point. People want it to excel at something. It's ok if it's bad at other things in order to excel at something. You interpret, "I really wish it had a higher damage per magazine over other launchers to justify needing more hits." as people wanting it to be straight overpowered no downsides. Stop it. People raising suggestions or concerns about wanting it to be worthwhile to use is a valid action. As far as I can tell people are less worried about how actually good the launcher is and more concerned about it having no real role within the game.

    If you're trying to argue that it DOES have a role and trying to justify what it is, then do that. Making up crazy implications to what people are saying is only going to get people to not only ignore you, but any valid ideas or counterpoints you might have. Also go look up the basic fallacies of debate, specifically Straw Man and Ad Hominem.

    This is all the time I'm hoping anyone gives you until you start acting better than this.
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  10. STR1D3R109

    Is this a bug or not??? So yesterday i was trying out the striker and it was locking on to MAX units.. Although it doesnt do much damage, I thought it was pretty hilarious! xD
  11. Ztiller

    In theory, yes. However it doesn't actually work in practice since you have a very short window before the shot automatically discharges. That window is not long enough to allow you to charge up, go out, find your target, aim and shoot.

    Yeah, the Lancer can hit longn range targets. That is its one and only strength. Ii'm not saying that the Lancer is bad, what i'm saying is that "Exposure time" does not justify ridiculous buffs.
  12. Ztiller

    Wrong. The Lancer have twice the exposure time. And no, the Lancer have a far lower theoretical DPS.

    You can get that, if you also agree to a 3 second delay on every single shot, a significant reduction in damage output, massive glowing projectile trails and hohrrible AI damage and no AOE.
  13. Golconda

    Lancer has *no* bigger exposure time, since you are deeply supposed to charge your lazor in cover, then walk in the light and shoot or cancel.

    Btw I don't think exp time is the real problem with the striker, the problem is that its hard to hit things with it, and when you do it does less damage than other RL.
    I really can't use the gun anymore, I love TR but I love more being able to use ES guns in an effective way, so I'm sticking with my lasher+lancer combo until they change striker or at least revert to how (bad) it was after this unwanted nerf.
  14. Zotamedu

    That's a bug. It's not supposed to do that. Also, it didn't do that the times I tried shooting at a MAX.
  15. TerminatorUK

    Cut-paste from another thread:

    Firstly, I'd like to thank the devs for making a buff to the Striker from the previous iteration (which was clearly underpowered) and I definitely think it is a step in the right direction.

    I still think that the Striker suffers from a bit of an identity crisis since the removal of its lock-on capability - a simple 'fix' would have been to give the last lock-on version a secondary dumb-fire mode. In its current form, it doesn't fill the same role as the Phoenix and the Lancer which are both accurate over range back lacking in burst / alpha damage.

    The new Striker is interesting (and very Planetside 1 ish in balance - as in asymmetric advantages / disadvantages between factions) in that it has fairly good short-range alpha damage but isn't very good at hitting vehicles reliably at range (especially using the latest full auto mode).

    There are a few suggestions which I would make the tune the current Striker into a weapon that fills a better role:

    - Remove the CoF bloom (or reduce it down again to be minimal) whilst on full auto. The current bloom negates any of the advantages that the full auto mode affords
    - Increase the magazine size to 7 or 8 rounds + increase the default ammo pool (only negative side is that it would need a bit of an artwork change on the magazine which only shows 5 rounds in it during reloads) or reduce the vehicle / MAX resistances against it / buff the damage slightly (I prefer the increased magazine size though as it is more TR-ish)
    - Balance the damage v.s. MAXs (currently it takes 9 hits to down a MAX which is too much) - either the damage or magazine size increase would help with this; ideally it would be 7 rounds with a damage buff or leave it at 9 if the Striker magazine size was 7 or 8
    - Increase the round velocity to help hit targets at range
    - Reduce the size of the rocket 'flare' to be more like a Fracture so it is easier to see what you are aiming at (it didn't matter with a lock-on but now with a manual aim it obscures too much of the screen)
  16. Ztiller

    Except thata realistically that doesn't work, and the only ones who think it does are TR and NC who have never actually used the Lancer.
  17. Zotamedu

    The problem with removing COF and increasing velocity is that it doesn't really help with the identity crisis. It only makes it an inferior Lancer. It would be more interesting to contrast it against the Lancer that is designed as a long range AV weapon and make the Striker a short range AV weapon. Then the COF can stay as a balancing point making it useless at range. Then adding more rockets would make it a short range sustained DPS launcher in contrast to the Decimator that is a short range high alpha damage launcher and the Lancer that's a long range high alpha launcher. It feels like the high velocity was added to make the Coyote mechanic even remotely useful, which it pretty much failed at. It will never be any good at anything other than annoying hovering ESF.
  18. Zotamedu

    How much time have you spent with the new Striker?
  19. Ztiller

    About 1 hour of live gameplay, and at least 4-5 hours with it on the PTS. That and the additional time i've spent doing the math of how it works. I know what i'm talking about.

    That 15 to 20 radius buff you got? I suggested that weeks ago. The new scope? Also a suggestion from me.

    So yeah. I know exactly what the Striker is good at and bad at. Difference be that i know the math that most don't, and i also have an open mind and don't expect weapons to just automatically do everything for me.
  20. Chris Bingley

    You'll have to bear with me here, please read the whole post.

    Let's look at the MCG. High RoF, 143 damage model, huge CoF that doesn't get reduced that much by ADSing. You can't reliably land headshots with this thing unless you're at point blank range, but you can saturate a target with bullets.

    Then look at the Lancer. Useless in solo play, but one full squad of them (with 1 medic and 1 engi for support) will instagib pretty much anything. There are videos on youtube, check them out if you don't believe me. Likewise the Phoenix tends to perform better when you have an entire squad of them, depsite it lacking somewhat in damage.

    So, I'm wondering if anybody has tried to use these as a full squad. Whilst one may suck, filling the flight path of an ESF with 50 or so coyote missiles is probably going to give it a very bad day. It might even be enough to send a Liberator crew back to the spawn tanks.