The Striker is ruining air game

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Tar, May 10, 2013.

  1. ElementalFiend

    The argument is that flares aren't helping. Why don't you read a thread before bashing people in it. Or troll elsewhere, your choice.
  2. biterwylie

    At the moment TR win territory simply because they have the best stuff to dominate. Prowler against Infantry, lock down max against air, striker against air and ground.

    Oh and the Pheonix is garbage as it does so little damage and requires outfit play to work. The standard crow lock on launcher does twice the damage of the Pheonix. But of course no where near the damage if striker which murders ESF's and even armoured columns better than the annihilator.
  3. HamOnRye

    I have read the arguments on this thread, and they are the same horse**** arguments that where brought up when pilots where complaining about the annihilator. The annihilator is still here, so are the faction equivilant anti air launchers, and so is the striker. Calling me a troll is not going to change that, nor will it change the fact modifing the launchers to please pilots will render them effectively useless.

    As SOE doesnt seem to be remotely concered about lock on launchers, after 12 months of them being in game and three generations of them, yes you are a bunch of idiots to think they will modify them now, and are wasting your time. Spend your efforts elsewhere. Get smart and advocate changes that SOE can easy implement, and will actually entertain.
  4. Tar

    SOE refuses to communicate on their own forums, and we are the idiots. Right.
  5. BindMind

    As a mosquito Pilot and TR HA, I have one thing to say on this topic.

    Anyone who complains that the Striker is OP is a ******.

    I have flown ESFs on each faction, all with flares, and the amount I die in each ESF is exactly the same. Do you know what the difference is? When I face TR, I die mostly to the striker. I don't die MORE, I just die to the STRIKER. And why is that? I dunno, maybe because the Striker is FUN?

    That's the only difference. It's not OP, it's just fun, therefore most TR like to use it. I use the striker, not because I think I'll have an advantage, the Annihilator is literally the same thing, I use it because I like it.

    Don't be dumb.
  6. Cobsy

    Hmm.. By BlindMinds logic I can create a cool statement:

    As a Vanu soldier, I have one thing to say on this topic.

    Anyone who complains that the ZOE-MAX is OP is a ******.

    I have tried Maxes on each faction, all with Utilities, and the amount I die to each MAX is exactly the same. Do you know what the difference is? When I face VS, I die mostly to the ZOE. I don't die MORE, I just die to the ZOE. And why is that? I dunno, maybe because the ZOE is FUN?

    That's the only difference. It's not OP, it's just fun, therefore most VS like to use it. I use the ZOE, not because I think I'll have an advantage, the TR/NC-MAX is literally the same thing, I use it because I like it.

    Don't be dumb.
    • Up x 2
  7. Ziogatto89

    Your opinion is as relevant as an NC MAX user's opinion about the splatter max.

    Besides, if the annihilator is the same thing, why is nobody using it? It obiviously isn't.
  8. BindMind

    That's funny, that's how I feel about the Zoe as well. I know it was meant as a poke at my logic, but really, I feel the same way.

    Cry more about the striker.
  9. Tar

    could it be because your definition of "fun" is "I get a lot of kills"?
  10. Ronin Oni

    Striker is fine for the most part......

    This new lock-on bug makes it STUPIDLY OP

    frack man, I can't believe how bad this bug makes the Striker OP. Flared AND put terrain between me and rockets... STILL DIED
  11. urida

    Look I know this has been said before and based off the most recent rage posts this isn't going to help but I figured I'd try.
    The issue isn't that the strikers design is op, the issue is it isn't functioning properly. Lock ons are designed to be breakable A: from flares B: by flying around obstacles ( yes I know they made this more difficult even with the annihilation but...) the problem is neither of these seem to work on the striker. That is not in the design that is a bug.
  12. Tar

    There's one more bug/issue that I found while trying the Striker out. You can fire all rockets even when you lose LOS while firing. I was almost sad for all those I killed with it, esp. aircraft
    Also whoever said it was weak against ground targets is either incompetent or flat out lying. It's as great against ground as it is against air. You point, you click 5 times, you hit 5 times. Rinse, Repeat, Win.