Most of you spreadsheet warriors should go in game and actually use the weapon for like 25 hours or more same for the annhilator and than make assumptions based on the feel of the gun and how it actually works in game. Just like others said the amoun of time you are vulnerable to enemy fire among lots of other factors you cant read of from spreadsheets.
Striker in dumbfire would be awesome... a bit spammy if people started using it over other rocket launchers though (imagine 5*10 rockets coming at you at say a bridge). It's current incarnation is both underpowered and BORING. I'll take the phoenix and lancer anyday, just because they are fun to use.
Hopefully it will be good against filled valkyries, notice the explosion radius and damage, anyone that's used a striker before on a crowded sunderer noticed you'll get several splash kills from only hitting it.
The Striker is fine..... IF THEY REMOVE THE ANNIHILATOR! The Jackhammer is fine.... IF THEY REMOVE THE BARON! The Marauder is fine (harasser version).... IF THEY REMOVE THE FURY!
To me the only way the striker is to be changed that i can see without switching ANYTHING else is: increasing velocity a very small amount and Rate of fire a little more OR shorten the locklon timer, but even then this is dangerous to game breaking i still say they need to just make a non lock-on rapid firing rocket launcher. Simple (4 barrel type rocket launcher) kinda like fracture MAX there done. That is the type of TR weapon i want, I don't see a TRAC-5 or any other weapon of TR that locks on unless you has cheats . oh well one can dream.
The striker never was great. It was a situational weapon that only took out novice pilots. Not only does it require immense coordination to use effectively, it leaves heavies completely vulnerable while they maintain the lock-on.... Now that the lock-on type specific launchers are cheap, there is absolutely no reason to get this weapon. It's just a good example of neglect and nothing more.
I don't know where did Ztiller take those stats out from, imho the Striker remains a terrible rocket launcher. The only purchase I deeply regret in 2 years of PS2. The biggest problem with the Striker is it's very mediocre at dealing with vehicles: if only less than half target is behind cover you lose the lock. But your target can still shell you easily. Then there are flares / smoke, and stealth increasing lock-on time further. Range of missiles has been nerfed so much that aircraft can go ofter out of range, but it can still shoot you back. Last time me and my outfit mates rolled 3 Strykers to take down a Liberator we failed, it felt like pretending to kill a whale with tooth sticks. This would be acceptable if only Striker had a dumb-fire mode, but it has none. You can't fire Max units, infantry, base turrets, engineers turrets. This limitations is way too big, and it makes the Stryker just not worth the SC / certs. Personally I don't. I don't care if it's better than Phoenix or Lancer: I'd be happy if it only were a decent weapon.
I bought the Stryker for the lock on. Now, it is just a week sad teddy bear gun. I would love my station cash back on this purchase! I am sure the NERF came from whinney "sky lords" that hated their K/D affected. The NERF came from other faction crying and the Dev team ate that crap up.
Unless it already has it, it should have at least the same TTK vs armor as the decimator to make up for it's long ADS time, but other than that from my experience it seems to be in a great place balance wise.
almost true. the original striker was useless and everyone knew it. now it's worse than a joke. watch the video in my siggie and just listen to what he says.
The Striker got buffed after this video was made. The 100 damage is only against infantry (in this video) not against armour or ESFs since they have different resistance value. Thinking about that, all ESRL have pathetic damage against infantry. Lastly, I'm not perfectly sure what the 'original striker was' I have been playing this game since June 2013, but if it was the one before the PU01, then yes it was OP. A lock-on required 3 reloads to kill an ESF, old Striker could 1 clip it. It was like a stronger decimator with a super accurate lock-on feature. The one after PU01 was fairly balanced but was very uninteresting and had a similar counter-part available to all.
the buff did nothing to improve damage, or the chances of damaging anything. it still takes 6 rockets to kill a tank spawn. yes - THAT'S SIX ROCKETS. but at least it doesn't fire back, and it isn't moving, so your chances of actually succeeding are quite high unless someone notices what you are doing. besides which, what the video is about is WHY IT GOT NERFED INTO THE GROUND IN THE FIRST PLACE. ie, everybody knew it wasn't OP, yet it was repeatedly called for until it was. and btw the "old striker" (ie when it still had lockon) did bugger all. like all other rocket launchers you could empty all that you had (if by some miracle you lived that long) and the target would be barely scratched.
How about we make it shoot like the Rl2a Swarm from Blacklight Retribution? Shoots 3 rockets at once. And they go like spinning towards their target. Large blast radius, low damage. (But not too low like how it is now. 100dmg rockets is BS). Faster than a Phoenix, slower than a Lancer.