The Striker Buffs...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DatVanuMan, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    Are not enough. Increasing damage and fire rate is not enough. SOE should have increased magazine size, too. And I don't think velocity was buffed, either. Thoughts?
  2. z1967

    I would wait a week and see what the results are. Don't want to over buff it and then sledge hammer it.
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  3. Ransurian

    It's still stupidly inaccurate. Its cone of fire needs to be eliminated, and it needs a modest damage or velocity buff. The weapon's cone of fire in particular has no reason to exist -- it only serves to further limit our effective range, which is already gimped by the Striker's slow projectile velocity.
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  4. Hatesphere

    someone got their small arms COF all up in my rocket launcher. I agree its unintuitive to have a weapon like this with a huge COF since it relies on you hitting your mark with 5 shots already.
  5. WTSherman

    I'm withholding my judgement on the buffs until I can see more of the current Striker in action, since they have buffed multiple aspects at the same time and I am not sure how these will interact.
  6. Leftconsin

    I'm thinking a major problem with it is the damage per magazine is still almost the same as the other dumbfires.

    I NEVER want to stand out in the open five times as long and still do the same amount of damage.
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  7. Yeahy

    COF, Bullet velocity, and bullet drop are the 3 main factors. Damage is OK.
  8. Yeahy

    Yeah but it has lock on mechanics.
    I think a good place for the striker is more DPS than a annihilator/lock on but less than a dumbfire.
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  9. gigastar

    So the patch has been out for how long and people are already complaining?
  10. Bitmap

    While the Striker is much better than it was, it still needs a couple of things to really shine.

    1) The rocket velocity needs a slight boost. Nothing huge. Maybe 10-20% faster. Damage seems ok now.

    2) Cone of fire is fine if you are shooting it from the hip but should go away when you ADS.

    3) Give the Striker coyote lockon for ground vehicles. (Radius seems about right at 20m)

    This would make the Striker both fun to use and effective in its role.
  11. Shadowomega

    They should have given it the coyote tracking mode on ground targets as well, but that will take creating a new code set which will take a little longer.
  12. DatVanuMan

    Changes I would make:
    Buff magazine size to eight.
    Decrease CoF by a bit.
    Increase RoF by a SIGNIFICANT margin.
    Velocity better be 300, it's not like it's even near Lancer territory:p
  13. Shadowomega

    225 or 250 and apply it to all Lock on Launchers and that would be fine.
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  14. DatVanuMan

    Okay, even better. Now it's not even half of the Lancer's minimum velocity:D
    Nice change, man.
  15. SteamBoiler

    I think its perfectly fine as it is now. I've been doing pretty well with it today
  16. Tatwi

    That's just it, if the object isn't flying right at you and within 150m or so you're just not going to hit it.

    With that in mind, the Striker fails when:

    • Compared to any other rocket launcher (so why even use it).
    • When shooting at anything other than aircraft.
    • When aircraft are moving away.
    • When aircraft are flying by.
    • When aircraft are far away (say flying over the opposite wall of an AMP Station from you).
    In every case it makes way more sense to use a Grounder or even the default dumb fire - if the object is stationary, you SHOULD use the dumb fire...
  17. cruczi

    Gotta agree with this. It doesn't make sense how easily the rockets fly away from where your crosshair is pointing. It's like the sights on the thing weren't properly calibrated before taking the weapon to battle... and TR is supposed to be the faction with a professional army? pff
  18. Flag

    So faster than all tank shells? (sans anchor, but that's a special case)

    How about no?
    Bring your tank instead.
  19. DatVanuMan

    Oh yeah. You came in.
    Okay, how about 200? OR EVEN better, let's decrease it, just to make you happy.
  20. bookbook

    Request reduction Striker Damage :( this is not rocket

    I have a terrible weapon experience