The state of PS2 and what I feel must change.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. fpsbosna

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  2. HLM

    Well this is something to read when I get home.. I already know I'm probably going to agree with it all.
  3. Raichu

    You make so much sense *sarcasm*
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  4. Ascent

    Agree on every point. Flak armor should be the norm (and universal), placement of infantry should be less random to create a steadier front on the battlefield, bases need to feel like bases with a true defensive perimeter, and everything else. Also, this game desperately needs a lattice system and a way to funnel players into fights instead of encouraging them to avoid each other and just ghost cap everything.

    One comment though: Instead of adding a pain field to a spawn room when the SCU is dropped, why not just remove the shields and pain field to let the attackers kill the defenders camping in there? It makes more sense logically (no SCU = hostile pain field vs. no SCU = no shield or friendly pain field).
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  5. SturmovikDrakon

    Oh man, I don't think there is anything in those posts that I disagree with
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  6. Dhart

    Changes that will likely not happen. There's big things on horizon...

    This more than anything convinces me that Dev's (in their black, little hearts) know PS2 is doomed to fail. They don't care! It's like winning the lottery... suck the populace for every penny possible... and then move on.

    TITAN (Blizzard) will be out at the end of the year... if any corporation in existence has more wealth and talent...than Wow... please do tell...

    Aion had potential... Warhammer had potential...Rift had potential... SWTOR had major potential... all failed games with negligible communities...present day... Planetside2 will soon be among them much sooner than the rest... it started out as F2P. Dev's bias would have to do 180' at this point to come back to zero.

    I don't see it happening.... suck it while you can. Be over in less than a year... for most of us.
  7. BuzzCutPsycho

    Can't get into the spawn room easily on towers, prevents annoying spam and grief magnets that are rushing into spawn rooms.
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  8. Morocka

    I do agree with the certification issue it is getting tired grinding credits so I can get the same stuff on every class. Grinding the
    same loadout for every gun too..scopes..bullets..grips..

    As for as "outfits" go, don't need em in this game I feel. I hop in and find the action usually within 5 minutes with no
    problems at all.

    The biggest problem I feel with the game is the TKing. Most people in these games suck, cant throw grenades or aim
    to save their lives and vehicle drivers seem to purposely just run you over.

    As far as merging goes I play on the same server as you buzz and the population seems just fine. The fights are huge
    and sometimes last for few hours with sides exchanging same piece of land over and over again. As far as the other 2
    continents nobody plays them. Could just make 1 random continent appear daily and we just fight on that make it last 24 hours or
    just cycle the 3.
  9. BuzzCutPsycho

    They have no guide or lattice system to tell them where to go. You truly never know where the enemy will attack next you can only assume.

    Also, way too many spawn locations are available. Kills what little front line we have, people are dispersed, nobody's on the same page. The attackers continue to gain more and more momentum while the defenders leave and cause the situation to snowball even further.
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  10. BuzzCutPsycho

    Indar hasn't been 33/33/33 in a long while.
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  11. thefinn


    You learn em buzz.
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  12. Morocka

    Its never going to be 33/33/33. I see it a lot with all 3 in the 30s. Are the sides fair? You can't judge where the entire enemy is at any given time. Gotta take the good with the matter where you are or what your doing fights can't be judged "fair" there is always gonna be a loser too many random factors in "games".
  13. Gumbo

    I agree with all the points apart from the pain fields in spawn rooms.

    I think we should have spawn rooms like in PS1. Not buildings stuck out in the open but rooms under bases with destroyable spawn tubes. It worked in PS1 and was an absolute blast attacking and defending them with 2 simple doorways each side of the room and the stairway in towers.
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  14. bwdodd

    I hope the developers read this and take it into account that many players feel the exact same way as Buzz about this game, we need compelling game play and even though the messenger is buzzcutpsycho he has many valid points and intelligent ways to get this game back in the right direction. I'm not saying that buzz's ideas are the only way to give the game direction, but he has ideas that would make the game better than what it is right now.
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  15. Kon

    not a bad read... some things we agree on some we dont, but i could live with them either way
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  16. Enemylol

    I agree with everything buzz posted. Hopefully the devs are listening....
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  17. Taskforce

    Buzz, you are right on the money on every word. I can't comment to much because nearly every issue is literally the word for word problems with Ps2.

    Every game has problems, and the size and youth of this one makes it a common place for game play issues. Its the actions taken by the developers at this point to decide what to fix. That will be the deciding factor on whether this game will have what it takes to make it the length of time its predecessor did.

    Thanks for the write up Buzzcut.

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  18. Cyridius

    Just read through the entire thing, and I gotta agree with pretty much all of it. Flinch, spawn camping, SCUs, front lines...

    Hopefully this will gather the required attention and devs will take this feedback on board. There are plenty of good ideas out there and people willing to present them coherently and comprehensively and this is just proof of that.
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  19. bigcracker

    This needs to happen, i would come back and play if this happen.
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  20. axiom537

    Nice post! I agree with many of the items you bring up. I will only hit on a few of the things I disagree with...

    First off I disagree with removing the instaction timer. It too easily leads to exploitation by larger coordinated outfits and it removes some of the necessity of transportation.

    I sort of agree with your thoughts on restricting AMS deployments, but I have a slightly different solution, which would be to simply remove the generators that allow the attackers to knock out the court yard shields. There is no reason for the attackers vehicles to gain access to the court yard unless they own the base or they manage to hack an internal terminal. This change would serve the same purpose plus keep the attackers from camping with vehicles in the inner courtyard.

    I also disagree with adding an SCU to outposts. It just changes what gets camped, we basically had this in early beta and it didn't work all that well. if anything it was worse.