The Skyguard Is Not a Viable Deterrent

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Verviedi, May 14, 2014.

  1. LibertyRevolution

    I have killed viper lightnings with my skyguard.. yes they were horrible players.. but it is not like its a kobalt!
  2. Danath

    And top armor should actually give extra survivability ¬_¬
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  3. LibertyRevolution

    Yes, top armor should be the counter to air attacks, and it should make it so that you can't be one clipped by a tankbuster.
  4. Volccis


    Indar in prime time. Sure 1 Skyguard cant stop 10 ESFs flying around (or sometimes it stops) but often there is more than 1 Flak cannon.
  5. Botji

    I feel this image represents ground based AA much better.


    Skyguards sound very loud(painfully so from inside), they light up targets with their colored shots and explosions but you would probably have to fire less fireworks at a plane IRL before they would refuse to let it fly than you need to hit a ESF with the Skyguard :p
  6. dstock

    People getting 1-mag'd by TBs aren't taking rounds to the top armor.

    Blame rear armor vulnerability.
  7. MrNature72

    I'd gladly sacrifice my side/read/front armor for a 360 degree armor that only protected against airborne assailants.
  8. Silus

    Eh, I'd settle for better covering camo coupled with Stealth.

    Ain't nothin' funnier than bushwhacking a Lib as he flies a little too close to a Skyguard running full Stealth and terrain appropriate camo.
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