The server is shutting down in: 00m:10s. Shutdown Reason: Invalid String

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by miniboomer, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. miniboomer

    What the hell is this?!
  2. Zer0range

    Invalid string is invalid.
    • Up x 2
  3. Foxiol

    Yes, thats why "I stopped" playing today at "Woodman" EU Server. After a while the server was unavailable. Now it is in "Low" state.
    Probably because Vanu was kicking TR and NC´s as*es and the server decided to shut down to not make an entire Ocean with their
  4. Nexuscrawler

    Just happend again 5 minutes ago....
  5. Aurochs

    Yeah. Just had this happen on Mattherson.
  6. Fleury

    More like 5 seconds ago; Matherson @ Indar!
  7. FirstPersonWinner

    Yeah, this just happened in/on/at (?) Mattherson
  8. Automat

    All servers down? I hit play ingame and nothing happens.
  9. TheGroggyOne

    I don't understand. I don't understand. I don't understand.
  10. Fleury

    Game Error G37
    We're sorry, there was a problem with the last action, can you please try again later?
  11. LouCypher

    As soon as I disconnect due to server shutdown it crashes to desktop.
  12. Fallenafar-US-

    Same on Waterson! :(
  13. Root

    Just happened on Waterson.

    Smed just tweeted:
    we are deploying an important server side fix. We'll bring each server down (1-2 at a time) and bring them right back up.
  14. Morro

    I can't let you do that Dave.
  15. Phantomstrk

    They stated on twitter that it's for a server side fix so i wouldn't worry about it but must be pretty serious to just drop it with only 10s warning
  16. newsjimdotcom

    I like patches :) This game is super fun, but has some bugs. My favorite part of this game is that it reminds me of PS1 pre mech days, and pre pro revear days. In a few weeks, I bet people can't just drive tanks on rampages without air support anymore. PS1 let you set up repair perimeters with autoturrets, but PS2 doesn't have auto turrets.
  17. Orion ji

    methinks someone is trying to hack?
  18. ed_anger

    Should have bought the Valid String instead.
  19. Fletch

    Miller went down (again), server restarted, and now my character isn't there anymore! o_O
  20. Rebur

    Waterson same. Now server is supposed to be back up and getting Queue 0 issue now.