Before I pitch this idea, let me take note of a few things with PS2. 1. Harassing the enemy is enjoyable/productive. The Harasser is a multi-purpose vehicle that can regularly beat vehicles much heavier and more potent than it. 2. Hacking terminals/destroying key structures before an advance can greatly enhance the assaulting group's chances. 3. Small, roving bands of AT/AA infantry can move relatively undetected with the very jagged and rigid terrain on these maps. Mostly in defense, these units can provide an important boost to their own armor core in the face of an advancing armor column by striking from behind and being a general annoyance by destroying heavy tanks and sunderers. This can be key to disrupting a major offensive, as infantry being spawn by multiple sunderers can almost always overwhelm a garrison if they are not dealt with quickly. 4. A commander with foresight and intelligence will realize that while motivating the mob and making corpse mountains to capture the objective is ultimately how the game is played, these specialized troops can make the mob more effective and provide greater success through recon, harassment, and general cloak and dagger *************. 5. This kind of gameplay can create very memorable moments and encourage more participation as well as improve an outfit's battlefield capability. With regions requiring connectors, the old days of the ghost cap and behind the lines missions are gone but those were only effective occasionally unless done en masse. Small bands of specialized troops are now forced to engage around certain areas to cap and assist the team, but this is not a detriment. This is how these troops can be put to use. To that end, I would like to invite people to join a new outfit in which this kind of gameplay will be the norm. I'm sure quite a few people will think this is stupid. This is basically inviting lone wolves into a group and trying to get them to play cohesively. The whole idea sounds asinine at first, as lone wolves often disregard larger goals to pursue other goals that may be considered small in the big picture. This is why I plan to work almost exclusively with another major outfit during alerts and large assaults. Basically we will be an extension of that outfit under different leadership and equipped more for specifics. I have no real experience leading anything more than a squad sized element in game. I am not a Planetside 1 veteran. I was in an outfit for about 40 days before they disbanded. Otherwise, I can't tell you that I am this vastly experience commander. But I have an idea for tactics, strategy and organization. Everyone starts somewhere and I think that an outfit like this could assist greatly with the NC efforts. TL;DR Bands of roving specialized troops and close range infils hacking terminals and pissing off enemies are great assets. I'll put you in that position if you join my outfit. Other outfits looking at this? Contact me or I'll contact you when I get this off the ground and we can shaft TR and VS *****. My in-game name is Theinfirm. Please leave questions, comments, suggestions, etc. I'm open to them, as well as debate about the functionality of this.