The Railjack: The Real Issue

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Styrkr, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Adaption

    Precisely! Because of this, the RailJack has no truly unique quality. Therefore it's the dimmest light in the ESSR line-up.
  2. gnometheft

    You are doing more against your argument than for it. Thank you.
  3. PostalDude

    That doesn't make any sense, considering what a railgun has to be made of.
  4. Epicstrat

    The hell are people doing arguing about the feasability of a railgun. NANITES! Nuff said. But seriously, reality does not apply unless your playing a simulator. There's so much stuff in this game that makes no sense, who cares if there's one more?
  5. Nephi1im

    Just for all of you who seem to be unaware of how this actually shakes out, I'll include the numbers:

    Bolt Driver, time to 300 meters:
    300/550 = 0.55 seconds

    LA80, time to 300 meters:
    300/600 = 0.5 seconds

    Longshot, time to 300 meters:
    650/300 = 0.46 seconds

    Railjack, time to 300 meters:
    300/850 + 0.2 second delay = 0.55 seconds

    So, we shouldn't even be talking about how it compares to the longshot since it is actually closest to the freaking bolt driver.... This is ludicrous, and I really hope for the sake of people who are supposed to be game designers that they just neglected to pull out their handy dandy calculator prior to making this call. Otherwise, I'm at a loss....
    • Up x 3
  6. DevDevBooday

    I didnt equivocate at all (do you even know what that means?) I gave you the cold hard facts about the Railjack. The exact opposite of equivocation.

    You have to lead more yes because of the delay but thats only if you cant move your reticule AFTER you click. But as we all know you can click THEN lead your target. The only time you cant compensate is after the bullet has left the chamber, which it does at 850 mps.
    So no, you dont need to lead more.

    Bottom line is:

    You a sacrificing 0.1 seconds for an extra 200 metres of muzzle velocity and 100 damage.

    Let that soak in....
  7. nightbird

    They should have just made it a reload after each shot = slow refire weapon. A you-miss-that-first-shot?-no-chance-for-follow-up!-type-of-weapon. None of this delay after pulling the trigger crap.
  8. minhalexus

    Aren't gauss guns/rifles supposed to have like no sound? (scientifically speaking)

    If so, i would like all Gauss guns and this Railgun to have no sound at all.
  9. PostalDude

    You'd hear the sonic boom from the projectile breaking the sound barrier, and the wind from the bullet displacing air. So it'd start off wit ha boom, and end with a high whistling sound.
  10. GunsmithJoe

    I'm fairly certain that all depends rather heavily on the aerodynamic profile of the projectile in question... How's your physics?
  11. TheShrapnelKing

    And this looked like a gun I was going to buy.

    Sigh....why can't we have any fun guns? Why do they all have to get gimped as soon as they ever start to look awesome?
  12. PostalDude

    True, true. However we don't know anything about Auraxis. The air pressure, gravity, all sorts of factors.
  13. minhalexus


    If that is so, maybe that nanites in auraxis can actually nullify the charge time on the railjack.

    Funny how all your physics goes against the possible buffs for the NC.

    BTW arent NC supposed to be having more velocity on every gauss rifle they have? (scientifically speaking)
  14. PostalDude

    *facepalm* Nanites are nano-machines, not some magical superconductor. While it's true that they could store energy, it would be very likely that they would melt upon the railgun firing. Or destroyed because of the electrical current frying their more delicate silicate circuits. If the nanites dispersed cooling agents, that would shorten the delay, however you would still have a delay due to the capacitors having to fill up.

    Of course I'm going agains the NC, I play VS/TR not easymode.

    Both yes and no. It depends on how many coils, are inside a NC coilgun, since there is obvious gunpowder and flash. I'm assuming that it is a coilgun-hybrid. That fires bullets and uses electromagnetic coils to help the projectile move faster. Electromagnents require electricity. So maybe the NC have a little battery of sorts, and they can turn on their increased damage, kind of like a second abillity ?
  15. Engine91

    How to fix the Railjack.
    Remove the fire delay then give it a nice trait that no one else has.
    Multi Target Penetration: Can damage up to 5 people in a row with damage dropping per target.
    target 1 (with a headshot) 100% damage, #2 75% damage, #3 45% damage, #4 20% damage, #5 5% damage as the shell flys through each of them. There is more to calculate to damage drop (like passing through a MAX or heavy with his shields up) but It would be a cool mechanic.

    Anti Armor capabilities.

    "Panic Button" shotgun: 1 shot shotgun, dumping the whole RJ clip for a single pump action grade shot, longer reload then normal to balance it out for using the "panic button".

    Pass through shields (with severely reduced damage). Not 100% on the idea, but its an idea.

    anything, alongside its speed (which its high velocity would justify Multi target pen, anti armor, or anti shields)

    Also. kewl Railguns.

    (mach 10 test, blunt projectile used to prevent it from exiting facility and causing havoc)
    Note the instant firing. No Delay. just video editing.

    Anyways, even just removing the fire delay the railjack would just be a Bolt action in a pretty wrapper. Give it a cool trait like those above.

    Also. while we're at it. can we give it a different sound effect? Less "pew" and something more like that real railgun? like a electrical bang or something beefy.
  16. PostalDude

    Lolno to the above.

    Well, they could add a nice whistling effect to the projectile, especially if it's shaped.
  17. IrishPride

    I need more batteries!
  18. IrishPride

    Can that real rail gun kill someone? o_O
  19. Hatesphere

    I have a hard time believing that they cant keep caps charged and topped up in combat. and keeping a cap trickle charged isn't necessarily a bad thing. the can store energy for more then a few short seconds, why do you think they wanted to use super caps on short range electric cars? yes caps bleed off a bit of energy over time, but you can and likely would keep them trickle charged on a weapon if you could. the delay would be between shots, not as you pull the trigger.
  20. Nilidus

    heres a short cqc demonstration HD
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