The Railjack: The Real Issue

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Styrkr, Feb 28, 2014.

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  1. Nephi1im

    The mere fact that you're ok with it being a worse lognshot that "can still get kills and looks cool" completely discredits and argument you have. It's people like you that ruin games by letting developers get away with crap like this. OMG in a battle with 400 people, the railjack got kills.... it must be good!!! That is so far from the point, you embarrass yourself.

    If you don't understand the absolute ridiculousness of one faction getting something in every way worse than what they have available, while one or both other factions get something at least somewhat (phaseshift) if not greatly (TRAP) useful, you are bad and you should feel bad.
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  2. PostalDude

    If you think it's gimped, you seriously need to practice with it, and stop being so critical about it. Also, yes that is true, but you would be dealing with much more expensive/dangerous chemicals.

    Something the NC's corporate sponsors wouldn't be able to get easy. What the scientists at the NC have created is a remarkable weapon, that all the fools think is bad, because they lack the mental ability of television. Did you also know that railguns overheat quite alot. Moving the electricity even faster, would compound that problem. If the arms melt, then the gun is useless.
  3. PostalDude

    Nc got a "bad" weapon for once. [IMG]
  4. Devrailis

    The Railjack has been out for little more than a day now, why not give people time to get a handle on the weapon before demanding it gets buffed? Rather than foam at the mouth about how bad you think it is, give people time to play with it without jumping up and down with these knee-jerk responses.

    I make no apologies to you sir for ruining your game. :rolleyes:
  5. Nephi1im

    I've got a gold medal with it actually. The FACTS of it are that it is in every measurable way worse than the longshot, aside from a half second shorter reload.... PERIOD. It hits targets in more time, it rechambers slower, it has fewer rounds per magazine, it has a completely counter intuitive "charge up" that was a kneejerk nerf.

    Again, I do not dispute that you can kill people with it. The FACT of the matter is that going from a longshot to a railjack is about like going from a longshot to a bolt driver. Sure, you can do it, but unless you just want another auraxium, there is no practical, sidegrade or niche, reason to choose it over the longshot.
  6. PostalDude

  7. Vaphell

    In other words you are saying the weapon is more hassle due to technicalities and user's shortsightedness than it's worth it? Agreed. Take the railgun boomstick back to the drawing board and come back when you got something decent and in the mean time we will continue to use a rock solid, tried and true gunpowder tech that only lacks swag. We don't need a 1000c turd in our arsenal.
  8. Nephi1im

    Gifs totally make the game history null and void. How long was NC gimped compared to the TR, if not the VS as well? Pot meet kettle. I'll assume you're trolling since your faction got the good weapon.
  9. Nephi1im

    Does it take more than 250 kills with something, especially as basic as a BASR, to decide how well it compares to the others? No sir it doesn't. It has been mathematically shown to be worse in every practical aspect compared to the longshot.

    On the subject of kneejerk... how about changing it from what we all tested for weeks in PTS without a single second of player testing? Does that count?
  10. minhalexus

    Many people have already trialed it.

    Most players will not buy it now cuz:
    1) it has not gotten the approval of pro snipers, who recommended the longshot over the railjack (unless railjack gets buffed)
    2) Its a 1000 certs, not very encouraging for a weapon that is not recommended
    3) People like me who trialed it, and labelled it 'terrible' in their opinions

    When i trial a weapon, i agree that i can not reach its depth, but if a trial a good weapon i get a "SPECIAL" feeling, that makes me want to buy this weapon, the railjack didnt even though i trialed it twice.

    Whatsoever its not a gun worth buying for a 1000 certs or 700 SC, and is the worst of the ESSR batch.
  11. PostalDude

    300+ m shots with no bullet drop ? Is a bad exchange for a sniper rifle ? keep in mind, your going to be a fair distance away, with cloak.

    Rechambers slowly: Pointless since you can cloak inbetween shots

    Fewer Rounds per Magazine: So ? This weapon isn't Terran.

    The charge up is due to the actual faction specific science. Deal with it.
  12. Nephi1im

    Do you know anything about battery chemistry... at all, or are you just saying "oh, it's risky and expensive" with the hopes that no one will call you on it? Humanity has actually stopped using protected batteries in recent years due to the fact that battery chemistry has become so rock solid that protection circuits are rarely needed. There are cars that run on 10,000+ cell laptop batteries at 0-60 in 3 seconds. Seriously, if you're going to try and lore your way out of a failed argument, at least try and be legit with it.
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  13. PostalDude

    It's bias, they work better with it. People are cattle and let other choose for them, it's called a metagame. The metagame is an enemy.

  14. HadesR

    RJ's bullet drop is comparable to the Longshots even with it's increased velocity
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  15. Nephi1im

    So, you obviously have NO IDEA what you're talking about and haven't tested it for 1 single second. It was changed 1 week prior to going live to have the exact same drop as the longshot.

    Please actually at least VR a gun before trying to argue against it.
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  16. PostalDude

    I went into physics, not electricity.

    I can explain to you why the vanu don't have bullet drop. However i could not explain to you how a circuit works.

    Also, for the love of god. Do you want your infiltrator to travel slower, or have less health ? To lug around a giant battery, for enough electricity to use the railgun ? The NC use refurbished mining equipment, and technology from their "corporate" sponsors. The railjack might've started off as a railgun meant to produce fission.
  17. minhalexus

    Actually 300m is like the total infantry rendering distance.
    And mate it does have bullet drop, as much as the longshot.

    The TR and VS actually got a unique and versatile weapon that has unique advantages in its fields. The NC got a crappy version of longshot, with a little uniqueness but no advantages.

    All that is asked is : Remove the charge up time, this feature nullifies all the advantage, and actually puts it at a disadvantage.
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  18. PostalDude

    They aren't going to remove the charge up time. Deal with it, and lead your targets. SHouldn't be an issue with 800 velocity.

    I've rendered infantry at 500 meters, don't tell me that 300 is the limit.
  19. Nephi1im

    Assuming, even on the low end of the curve, technology maintains its trajectory, the batteries required to propel a bullet sized projectile at 850 mps would be a non-issue when PS2 happens. By that logic, we really should have railjack pistols.
  20. HadesR

    Worth pointing out that the only uniqueness it has is it's downside of fire delay :p It would be better as just a copy paste Longshot, at least it would look good .

    Sadly since they went of their performance kick it is 300m .. Infantry on Engi turrets render further but normal infantry is 300m now and has been for a while ..
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