The Queen has returned...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Nov 19, 2013.

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  1. Shadowyc

    NUC stopped playing as much? I might make a new character on Waterson then. :p
  2. Prudentia

    just one word: InvisiGal, you are one day late.
  3. ViXeN

  4. PapaMojo

    My apologies then. I guess I was slightly confused by the thread title. I thought this was a self-promoting look at me thread and not a discussion of current PS2 mechanics and issues. My mistake.
  5. CaptainYamerica

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  6. ViXeN

    Invisiwhat? I must have missed something again.
  7. Simferion

    Harasser will be nerfed so NuC will have no more reason to play anyway :D
  8. Prudentia

    Galaxys were invisible today for a few hours.
    i equiped my trusty Battlegal with stealth and parked about 50 meters from an TR sundy, switched to bulldog and got 50 kills or so in a few minutes. it feels so dirty, even got a Battlerank trough this :eek:
  9. Serell

    Don't know any Queen. I do know an elitist that views herself as a Queen, though.
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  10. ViXeN

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  11. MFP_TK_01

    My theory is because the VS won the war thing. I've been seeing VS pops rise on multiple servers as of late. It's actually continually in the lead now on Connery where NC held the pop title for a long time.
  12. ViXeN

    The vulcan or the harassers in general?

    That sounds potentially annoying as an infantry player. :eek:

    Now see, THIS is how angry NC who have run into me in game usually react toward me. LOL
  13. Simferion

  14. ViXeN

    Well, its good to see more people decide to convert to Vanuism and accept Vanu into their lives. :D
  15. MajiinBuu

    VS is still the best, anyone who thinks otherwise is not VS
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  16. CaptainYamerica


  17. Prudentia

    you have no idea. Multiple TR Outfits had Battegals pretty much instant in the air and where camping the VS warpgate with InvisiGals. and every other base had 4-6 InvisiGals with MultiBulldog crews. and you couldn't destroy them.
    Air? you can't see them
    Tanks? you can't see them
    Droppods? gets the pilot away from his coffee to check who he just killed
    groundfire? lol? its still 5 Galaxies
    Another Galaxy? hell yes, suprise Galaxy sits on you, see ya :D
  18. Serell

    Thing is, I've never ran into you. I've just seen you spew stupid on the forums.
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  19. RHINO_Mk.II

    Frankly, I liked it better when we didn't have to deal with a pointless Vixen thread every day or two.
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  20. ViXeN

    So I'm guessing you basically just had people dumb-firing rockets randomly in the air trying to hit the invisible gals? LOL Yeah, I'm really happy that I decided to wait until tomorrow to start playing again.

    You seem pretty angry for someone who has never met me in game. This kind of anger usually comes from my poor TR/NC victims. ;)
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