The PS2 Camo Preview Project

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HLM, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. SpartanZero

    YOU SIR win the awesomesauce award. I've been asking for this since before the end of beta, mind you I found my patterns albeit waiting painstackingly until I saw them on someone else, this would have been a tremendous service to have had implemented ages ago.

    I do hope the devs, help you in this endeavor an grant you access to camo patterns for this very flashy test.. an then STICKY POST the damn thing!
  2. HLM

    That would be excellent. If you could send them to me ready-cropped that would be even better (smaller filesize), but the dimensions / co-ordinates for doing this will depend on the resolution you're playing in. But you can work it out if you're good with maths (I'm not!) or do some resizing and moving aobut in photoshop or whatever to get it.
    Otherwise, the whole screenshot is fine. Just a bigget file to upload.
    Images are saved as .jpg.

    This forum uses something called "conversations", sort of like PMs. I have not used it before, but photobucket seems pretty good for uploading and sharing whole galleries of images.

    What I use:
    1680 x 1050
    Cropped to:
    x pos: 526 y pos: 73
    355 width x 881 height
    then shrunk 75% of original (I was originally using larger images)

    Please remember if you're going to take screenshots:

    - Try to find a dark spot with nothing going on in the background. Putting a dark wall in your face helps.
    - Take screenshots from the Class screen (not the equipment terminal screen)
    - Hit the screenshot key immediately after selecting the class so that you grab it close to the first frame of the idle animation (but give it time to load the model!)
    - Equip default weapons, with no weapon camo
    - Remember to take off any additional armour, unless you're going to include that in separate screenshots.
  3. HLM


    - Added African Forest and Scrub Forest for TR (all classes)
    - Added Rocky Tundra, Sandy Scrub and Woodland for VS (Infiltrator) - thanks to Freyar.

    You were right with the multiple accounts thing - no unique email or verification required. Now that I've got the account-making process down pretty quickly, I should be getting camos added a lot faster. Adding all camos has suddenly become a posibility!
  4. HLM

    Go to PS2 Camo Preview Project


    - Preview selected camo on all classes and empires
    - Choose from front, back, left and right views
    - Choose combinations of armour and helmet upgrades
    - Stores the faction/class/camo/pose in memory so you don't have to keep switching back and forth.

    Now I'm really making progress!
    5 new camos added for TR (all classes)
    - Arid Forest
    - Digital
    - Scrub Forest
    - Snow Aspen
    - Temperate Chaparral

    • Up x 1
  5. Vedo

    I have screens of every VS vehicle with every camo.
  6. AtomicGerman

    You know, maybe im just silly, but I buy my camo based on utility, rather than "how it looks" on my vehicle, and surprisingly, each camo has saved my life from a Liberator, ESF or another MBT at least once.
  7. xen3000

    MOAR NC!!!

    Good work, bookmark and bump.

    PS: should be in game, but appreciate your efforts at being better then the Devs.
  8. Atromnis

    I would tend to agree, except for the inevitable "Q" spam, which I am guilty of.
    • Up x 1
  9. HLM

    Well it's true, but there are many a different camo that you could choose for each continent. Without seeing them, it's kind of hard to tell which of those vaguely desert-looking camos would look best in the sands of Indar for example.
    • Up x 1
  10. HLM

    3 new TR camos added. Just a few more and TR will actually be complete! (default armour at least)
    - Giraffe
    - Sandy Scrub
    - Pine Forest

    (may need to refresh page)

    Should have those final TR camos done tomorrow, so be sure to check back! For now though, it's time to sleep...
  11. microdis

    I took some screens for NC:
    Includes: Arid Forest, Rocky Tundra & Composite Armour.

    I had to leave the weapon camo on because it was a single use camo..
    But i think it's better than nothing.
  12. AtomicGerman

    Well because each continent has varying differences in the following, I typically choose them based on time of day, light temperature and local terrain:

    Night Time Amerish/Mountain regions: Grayscale forest camo

    Day Time Amerish Forrest: Forest Scrub/India Scrub/Forest Digital/Jungle Scrub

    Those are just some examples really, perhaps you could organize a camo selection system based on such parameters?

    Q spam 3D spot does ruin it, and im guilty of it, but sometimes the camo actually helps avoid that initial Q spam, Last night for instance, I got flown over by twelve VS liberators in my not-so-small Vangaurd on Indar thanks to the desert scrub camoflage[The one for dunes/open desert] And the fact that i was flush against some brightly colored dunes was a big helper. Had they Q'ed me, I'd have been a gonner.
  13. MeltingCPU

    Bump for greatness

    So few NC camo.. snif
  14. o.Solei.o

    You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!
  15. HLM


    Today I have reached a milestone in the project's development - all camos for the TR are now completed!
    Unfortunately not all have armours/helmets available, but I'm sure I will be taking advantage of today's sale on infantry gear and buying a few.

    - All remaining camos!

    - African Jungle with Composite Armour (front pose only)
    - California Scrub with Composite Armour (front pose only)
    - Forest Greyscale with Composite Armour (front pose only)
    (Thanks to Flanker15)

    - Pine Forest with Composite Armour, Composite Helmet, Skull Helmet, Banded Skull Helmet, Illuminated Skull Helmet (front pose only)
    (Thanks to ST4LK3R)

    (may need to refresh)

  16. Hammer3434

    you da man!
  17. Being@RT

    SOE, give this man all the cosmetics for doing something you should have done =)
  18. HLM


    I went on a bit of a spending spree during the sale and bought a bunch of armours and camos, so of course had to screenshot them all, plus I've had a couple of submissions for VS and NC!

    Composite Armour, (All classes), Composite Helmet (EN, HA) for the following:
    - Default
    - Alpha Squad
    - Arid Forest
    - California Scrub
    - Desert Scrub V2
    - Jungle Forest
    - Rocky Tundra
    - Woodland

    - African Forest (with Composite Armour and Apex Helmet for Engineer)
    - Northern Forest (with Composite Armour and Apex Helmet for Engineer)
    - Sandy Scrub (with Composite Armour and Apex Helmet for Engineer)
    (Thanks to K1E5ER)

    - Rocky Tundra (with Composite Armour and Composite Helmet for Medic)
    (Thanks to Isokon)



    As of today, the total screenshot count is now over 1,000! (1,366 to be precise)
  19. HLM

    Just a note to anyone planning on submitting any screenshots - I realised only yesterday that the naming standard I explained in the original post is different to what I'm actually using! (Don't worry, it was easy to fix with a quick bat-rename)

    The correct naming procedure for the screenshots is:


    Faction: vs, nc, tr


    Class: in, la, me, en, ha, mx

    Pose: f, b, l, r

    Armour (leave blank for none):
    Composite Armour: a_comp

    Helmet (leave blank for none):
    Composite Helmet: h_comp
    Skull Helmet: h_skull
    Banded Skull Helmet: h_bskull
    Illuminated Skull Helmet:h_iskull
    Apex Helmet: h_apex

  20. Mark467

    Is there any chance you can make one of these for vehicles?
    (Maybe you could start off with a sunderer considering it's common pool.)