The problem with todays player base

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MasonSTL, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. DreamlessLiberty

    Population imbalance with indar hockey net = nice POWER PLAY! :rolleyes:
  2. Pikachu

    Just wait 1 week before buying newly released weapons.
  3. IamDH

    Well when a GU kills your playstyle...How would you feel if i nerfed the weapon you used right now or even worse ruined your game style
  4. KnightCole

    Problem with the playerbase is that they are expecting the items they use to win for them. Instead of trying to get good with the gear they get. They look for the most OP thing and just spam it for the win(LOLPods, ZoE MAX, Shotguns, HA Shield)

    Soo, naturally, when that kinda stuff gets nerfed, of course they cry. Since aircraft have been nerfed and AA buffed, pilots been crying like babies cuz their OPmachine has been brought more to them its like "oh? you mean i cant hit W and LMB and win anymore"? QQ!
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  5. KnightCole

    I wait longer then that. Maybe a full month of more.....if it hasnt been nerfed by then, its prolly OK. Not that ive yet bought any guns with SC.
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  6. Haterade

    The general population doesn't know enough about game development to help drive the development of any game. I always felt that the Roadmap was a bad idea because giving uneducated people a window into the game development will lead to problems. People will act as if the Roadmap is a promise of what will happen, when it will happen and how it will happen. They'll then get upset when things don't go as originally intended.

    SOE is ahead of the curve on it's game development. It's going to take a while for the player base to catch up, and until that happens there will be massive QQ everywhere.

    This is the problem with the community:

    Things change and are reprioritized. Nothing was promised.

    Absolutely not. I've played this game since early beta. I've easily spent $250 on this game. All my weapon unlocks (save maybe a couple such as the Cycler TRV) have been purchased with SC. I have never, ever been upset when an OP weapon I previously purchased was balanced. I understand that stats are subject to change and that OP things will get balanced.

    How come whenever people whine about refunds they never volunteer to give back all the certs they won with the OP weapon?
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  7. Karzi

    People are upset cause they dont get sweet lolz killstreak option like an AC 130 or nuclear bomb to get massive lulz KDR HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE.
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  8. TimeyWimey

    yes, yes.. same here, but just maybe not $250 (dunno, maybe 120-150e so far?). But I get why some people get pissed off if a weapon gets changed after they've spent money on it.
  9. woooow

    Oooh I used to do this all the time! The answer is: Dodging cars
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  10. TeknoBug

    That happened 4 or 5 times so far, it became obvious when the Fury had the nerf changes on PTS during the Fury SC sale a month ago.

    I thought that was Guild Wars 2.
  11. ent|ty

    No, that's what beta is for.
    I bought my sub based on the current state of the game at the time, and when they nerf and change the things that caused me to sub in the first place, it sucks.

    After game launch, only minor patches should be made.

    But this is a F2Play model, which allows companies to get us to pay for the development, so that they take little or no risk, and rake in razor-cut purchases like 'micro-transactions' to make us all pay far more than we should.

    Same thing happened with Minecraft. I bought it during the dev state around 1.73 for $11, and then on official launch I paid another $20 for a new account so I or another friend could use it. And that's where it should have been left alone. It was fine. But no, they had to go and add stupid enchanting, crafting of potions, ******** mobs like witches and bats, and all sorts of other additions unneeded - and they're still adding stuff! And the original idea of simple explorationg, mining and building stuff is getting lost in a bunch of extra crap. this is what PS2 is doing.
  12. Tekone

    A little off topic, but there are some seriously epic signatures in this thread lol.
  13. Sordid

    Easily avoided by, y'know, not buying weapons for SC. ;)
  14. Jalek

    All this SC talk, so it's ok if something is purchased with certs and gets nerfed to uselessness?
    Perhaps if there were cert refunds...
  15. dBMachine

    Is this the first F2P game you guys have ever played?

    F2P games are in constant development. SOE also makes absolutely zero garuntees that your purchases will live a nerf free life. They have to balance the game regardless of how much SC you spent on your gear.

    It's the exact same way if you buy a champion in League of Legends or a gun in Tribes: Ascend. That's just the way it is.

    OP is right, it's the player base.
  16. Tricycle

    Let me put this simple. The moment you start to blame the customer aka the player base for the problems, you have already lost. End of story.
  17. FateJH

    Heaven forbid I defend Minecraft over something but Minecraft at least has the saving grace of not forcing the player to do anything. Don't want enchanting? Don't make an enchanting table. Don't want potions? Never make a brewing stand. Don't want to go to the End? the Nether? fight Silverfish? No problem. It ain't necessary. Player mods to the world gen system are expansive enough that you can completely remove whole portions of the expanded tech tree and play a much more primitive version of the game. And there are enough servers with whatever you want or don't want.

    Heck, the Classic creative mode without any of the bells and whistles of then-future releases is still available if you look for it.
  18. Vanus Aran

    I think Developers should have MANNERS and dont bring in changes NO ONE ASKED for.

    You have no idea how much I suspect that LATTICE destroyed Miller as the fun-server that it was.
    In the course of a week to 3 weeks, the population on Miller got so badly mixed up, compared to before the good ingame-times are now 1/9 from before.
    Because if you dont play TR - you can bend and struggle all you want, your empires population doesnt allow you to really fight on equal ground with the red communist scum.
    Same with NC... alltough I must say NC and VS are equally stupid for not permanently teaming up at least during alerts.

    NICE HUH? " Who cares about if we mess up the community - we will now bring this stupid change!! "

    Or at least make a poll and FORCE the players to read a big message ingame, adressing lattice after a certain time ingame and marking choices if you want it to keep in the game or not?
    Im still waiting for something like that cause then I would not feel so detested and looked down upon by SOE.

    But I fear that most people not wanting lattice already quit the game due to it anyway and wont vote anymore!

    You are talking about patience? Do you even know what that means?
    Dont tell me to keep my cool or something when there complete absurd and stupid changes going on right now that destroy the whole flow of the game?!
  19. Zenith

    That 'customer is always right' nonsense went out the door a long time ago. People are often the problem, especially in groups.
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  20. Rift23

    Wasn't Mass Effect 3 given a 9/10?