The problem with players. =Mattherson=

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dibola, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Dibola

    If you're the Skull that usually rolls with my people then you know how it USUALLY is.
  2. CHDT65

    I do that every time.
    Because I need certs.
    You know why....
  3. Dibola

    Do the math people...if a faction has a good portion what's stopping people from piling over so they may possibly get the full 10k?

    That's like 10 bio labs worth of exp folks. It's abusable and YES it does cause unbalancing. This once again is the reason why there needs to be a 1 faction on a server policy enforced and if you want to try a differ faction you must play on a differ server and so on. Go by Hardware ID and IP so they can't just simply make a separate account too.
  4. skull4squadron

    Yea thats me :)
  5. TintaBux

    You can't do that on Miller due to queue unless you got membership.
  6. Dibola

    That isn't gonna stop people from trying though when there's super easy certs involved.
  7. ThePackage

    You gain more exp if you're almost warp-gated in an alert. Unless you're just awful at the game that is....
  8. Vertabrae

    OP wasn't making a complaint about TR. If you reread his original post, he is actually making a valid point. He's not making a TR whine thread, or saying anyone is OP.

    He is simply saying that towards the end of the alert, many people change to whatever faction is winning the alert so they can get more certs. If you notice, whichever faction is winning gets a HUGE population boost in the last 10 or so mins of an alert. This could be fixed by having a delay of switching from one faction to another on the same server.
  9. Zaik

    hmm, maybe I should start doing this. got over 3k certs in reserve for max update, and i would like to get my TR alt a mercy so I can stop using the burster offhand.

    edit: faction switch timers won't work because people can just use different accts instead.
  10. LowTechKiller

    I play NC on Mattherson, and I haven't really thought about doing this...until now.

    But...if everyone fights like crazy, and then in the last 5 minutes or so (pick your time), the 2 losing faction players switch over to their winning faction alts to get the bonus...who cares? I mean, what difference does it make? I haven't thought about it for more than a few minutes, but does it really matter to the game? The 2 losing sides weren't going to come back and win anyway...and the bonuses will ONLY support the winning faction, since they can't be used or spent by your other alts.
  11. Vertabrae

    People can use different accounts, however many people have 1 account with SC tied up in it. Now the maximum you can get for winning an alert is 40 certs. That's if your faction has complete control of the continent.

    So I don't see many people making a secondary account, just to get a max of 40 certs. Not when you often get far less than 40 certs. Even then, you have a new character that you now have to either spend more SC on to gear up, or wait for ever to get enough certs to gear up. Most people have a main account, they want certs on that account. On the characters that are already leveled a bit, that have gear and upgrades. A faction switch timer would cut down on a large number of those people switching sides.
  12. NoctD

    I'm switching over to my alts (on other servers) because the VS/NC have been continually harassing the TR so most of the continents become quite unplayable and even on one where we keep decent pops, its not a lot of fun. As long as this 2v1 nonsense keeps going on, I find little reason to play my main.

    Edit - also have to put some of the fault on certain large TR outfits that seem to want to bury themselves in one spot and hole up. Just not my king of game.
  13. Cpu46

    I will agree that a lot of the TR mattherson players are easily dissuaded and will hop continents or 4th faction at the first sign of not having the upper hand. However there is also a strong core of players who will gladly fight despite any imbalance. With all the recent TR issues these core players have become far more visible and I have had the best time playing alongside them even when fighting against overwhelming odds.
  14. LowTechKiller

    Unless I'm missing something, the max continent population you can have during an alert is 33%.
  15. NoctD

    33% is only possible if all factions can fill up the continent with their faction limits. So it doesn't happen all day, only during busy hours. Other times, its possible for one factions to fill up 50%+ easily if they have the numbers to do so and the other factions are lacking in bodies.
  16. Meeka

    I hope you never fight by my side...
    Traitors abandoning ship like a scalded rat in the face of overwhelming forces.

    I play all three factions, but I would never betray my team in a losing battle by switching to the 'winning' side. It might be just a game, but you should at least have dedication to fight along side those of your current faction until the battle is done.

    I feel the same way about people who abandon a long hard fight between two factions just to go fight an Alert.
    You guys have no respect to those you fight along side who choose to keep fighting...
    • Up x 2
  17. Dibola

    Yes, yes it does matter. It matters a lot.
  18. Eckstacee

    That's why I only play NC. I know where my loyalties lie you traitors!!!
  19. Negator

    Vertebrae, OP, other tinfoil hatted TR, how do you propose someone switches faction and gets on a pop locked continent?

    Do you have screenshots of this pop imbalance? i watch it, and it doesnt fluctuate.

    get good.
  20. Vertabrae

    First off, I never said a word about pop imbalance, so leave me out of that.

    I also never said a word about switching factions and getting on a pop locked continent. Let me use an example to illustrate what I mean. Take me for example. I have a TR, a VS, and an NC, all three of which are on Matttherson thanks to the server mergers. Lets say I'm playing my VS alt, running around on Esamir during the Esamir alert. Getting that bonus xp. Now lets say that with 5 mins left to go in the alert, I see that TR holds 28% of Esamir, VS holds 17%, and NC holds 55%. So I switch to NC. Now I don't need to get onto Esamir at that point. All I have to do is log in, and sit at whatever WG I start in and go AFK. I'm automatically awarded the xp from the NC win. Soon as I get it, I log out and go back to my VS.

    Now I personally don't do this, to be honest I'm not even playing PS2 right now, taking a couple weeks off for personal reasons. However this is what this thread was about. How people turned it into a TR whine fest IDK. Simply because someone who plays TR makes a thread, suddenly now that thread must be about TR. This thread isn't. So stop being all high and mighty. I never whined, nor complained. Never said anything personally about pop imbalance or anything like that. You want to throw my name out there, then read what I wrote, and don't include me in things I never mentioned.