The Phoenix is Borderline Useless right now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CorporalClegg, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. CorporalClegg


    After the patch, I've noticed that a certain bug has become much more prominent in phoenix usage.

    I'm refering to a bug that makes your missile dumb fire and pretty much go straight into the ground without doing damage. This was around before but on some runs, it affects nearly half of my reserve missiles. It happens way more often now.

    Due to the launcher's low dps, I almost always role out with munitions pack when I play heavy as you need more rockets to actually kill unless you are in a big group with phoenixes and many NC on emerald (barring VCO) don't use this tactic enough. Your rockets are precious when you use the phoenix due to low damage output and having half of them dud fire is detrimental.

    It ruins a lot of clutch moments too when a tank goes around a corner smoking and the one last rocket you need putters out in front of you.

    I listed this as a PSA to advise NC to file bug reports so this is fixed. I'll put one down as well. Every NC Pheonix user make sure to upvote the first post on this thread.

    The phoenix is one of my favorite launchers and I would be sad to see it rendered this inneffective for a long time.
    • Up x 5
  2. Mxiter

    SOE broke the game again.
  3. FateJH

    If this is like the old persistent flare bug, there was a way to mitigate its effects. You might be able to get that to work here until a formal fix is produced. You need to pull a normal lock-on launcher (any) and acquire a normal lock on an enemy Vehicle. Afterwards, your rockets should fly properly again.
    • Up x 1
  4. CorporalClegg

    I'll see if that works for now. Thanks!
  5. gigastar

    Obviously, your corporate masters decided to cut the ammo budget.

    Camera guided rockets must be expensive. :p
  6. Goretzu

    Yeah it's basically broken at the moment, moving slightly seems to reset it sometimes, but that could be placebo I guess.
  7. \m/SLAYER\m/

    Current Phoenix
  8. FLHuk

    Hang on a second here. PS2 is ALL about old bugs coming back when you least expect it....