The optimization hotfix did nothing.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Badgered

    I used to get 60 FPS at the always crowded Indar warpgate. Now I am getting around 40-45. I used to get 40-45 FPS at large fights at tech plants. Now I get 20-25 FPS. The hotfix did nothing for me.

    i7-3770k @ 3.5 GHz (3.9 GHz turbo boost)
    16 GB DDR3 @ 1333MHz
    nVidia 660 GTX 2GB

    Please SOE, you're my only hope!
    • Up x 5
  2. sustainedfire

    I tested it briefly, and it seemed to make things slightly better, though fps is still down.
    • Up x 1
  3. AccelPrime

    I logged in and had 60-65 FPS at warpgate.

    I used to have 95-110.
  4. iller

    holy heck.... a lousy 20fps on a 3770?
    Now I'm downright afraid to even try logging in on my dualcore. I was gonna after the hotfix, but not anymore

    Thanks for the PSA
  5. Xind

    I'm still getting intermittent drops to unplayable levels. I'm really not sure whats up. It sort of resolved the problem in some areas for me.
  6. Larington

    Ok, I relogged not long ago and this time the game downloaded a 40MB patch, NOW the performance is much better. Though, for some reason, my FPS/stutter took a nasty hit at Mao Tech plant, this may have been related to me being in a Scythe, it's hard for me to determine. Also ammo towers still seem to load in dangerously late.

    CPU Q9300 Quad Core
    Geforce GTX 460
  7. Bape

    They already put the hotfix in why does it say at 4 pm PDT on the 14th :eek:?
  8. Xikuner

    SLI 680's - Overclocked i5 2500k - 16gb ram - 500gb solid state - less than 25fps in a medium battle.

    Not to be that guy thats ragging on an already aware situation, but wouldn't they have seen that problem while testing the update?
  9. Pat Cleburne

    I had to go from Ultra graphics 60 fps to medium graphics. On medium I am getting about 35 fps. WTF?
  10. ThundaHawkPS

    Better but the problem's not resolved.
  11. Jezs

    Did anyone honestly expect something else at this point? :p
  12. AceMF

    disgusted at this repeating issue every patch. fix the framerate!
  13. TintaBux

    it made it worse.
  14. NoctD

    This is just BAD. The game has never been as broken as it currently is.
  15. Lord Robert

    Performance issues are really the biggest problem with this game. Its the main reason people are leaving and the main reason we don't have more people coming in to play.

    Its not OP Prowlers, or any other "balance" issue.

  16. Vorthian

    Read the forums throughout the day, and didn't think it would be too bad when I logged in. Massive drop to 30ish FPS in Amerish WG and 15-20 in a small to medium battle. I love the game so I may login again before this is fixed, but SOE needs to better test and take baby steps if FPS is on the line.
  17. n0pax

    Four months since release and beta back in October was a much more enjoyable experience. Probably getting near time to call it quits, this game is going nowhere fast.
  18. Raishuu

    Patch did nothing for me too.
    8 Gigs of RAM
    Intel Core i7-2600k 3.4 Ghz
    AMD Radeon HD 7870 running the latest drivers
    20-25 frames just about anywhere.
  19. HyperMatrix

    I honestly haven't bothered logging on. I've been tempted to...but facing such poor performance I'm discouraged from playing PS2 and encouraged to spend my time playing other games. This performance hit on top of the removal of the option of entering a renderdistance lower than 1000m in useroptions makes for a hell of a bad patch experience...why the hell does SOE care if I want to get killed by vehicles and aircraft I don't see because I set my renderdistance to 300m.
  20. jjruh

    Odd, I haven't noticed any change. I have the same specs as you except for the graphics, I have a GTX 680. I play on a mix of High and ultra and get a reliable 45-55 in large combat, I have always gotten that nothing has changed for me.