The Only Way To Bring NC/TR to Vanu Level Dominance.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue_Shift, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. Klondor

    Let's take Connery for example to help prove this wrong.

    In the late hours of the night, Vanu's population skyrockets largely due to it's japanese playerbase. These population spikes rise from anywhere in the region of 40% to 55%, so those who play TR and NC who play in the time frames that these spikes occur are forced to scrape what little population they have to even attempt to fight 48~96, as well as 96+ VS pop warfronts on all fronts, (having a screwed up sleep schedule and playing during those hours is an absolute nightmare.) Teamwork and organization without the numbers to combat the horde does nothing to gain ground. When you start an attack on an empty base, or if it's lightly defended, usually results in the magic platoon appearing in the spawn room and absolutely crushing the attackers, then pressing the advantage into the attacker's territory.

    Teamwork and Organization truly can only achieve success if proper numbers are involved, which on some servers JUST ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN ANYTIME SOON.
  2. Legion494

  3. Ztiller

    Also, the fact that the VS had like 20% pop for 6-10 months forced us to develop organization or just become straight up better. Meanwhile, ,the NC and TR got so comfortable in overpop that they are incapable of fighting fair.
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  4. Whatupwidat

    The problem isn't that the VS are OP - it's that their players are. Couple that with the fact that then other bad players join that side as winning is more important than getting better. So it's a combo of a core of really REALLY good players, and all the glory-hounds that surround them - who are also usually the one's yelling **** in chat.
  5. TriumphantJelly

    Hello Caitliff :)
    Yes, the grass is always greener in PS2 (and purpler on the forums).

    Play the game and have fun. You're absolutely correct in that regard!
  6. Saool

    Whilst the OP is clearly being satirical, the post also shows amazing small mindedness. He proposes a sweeping change that might work for Emerald, but would destroy other servers where these problems simply don't exist.

    This is an Emerald problem (and I suspect a cultural/national one) not a global one.

    You are aware there are other places outside of your own little one aren’t you? (Probably not, like I said, it's a cultural/national thing).
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  7. Whatupwidat

    Totally agree - the VS on Miller for example are good, but they're not dominating in the way TR are when they bring all their guns to play.
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  8. Moonheart

    No, just no.

    - only Emerald score more than 40 VS characters in the top 100
    - Cobalt, Connery and Miller score all something close to a third of VS character in the top 100
    - on Briggs, there is only 25 VS characters in the top 100

    Alas, the site PS2 Alerts is down since the 1 october. However, I can tell you that when I looked in it during september, there was nothing showing that the TR/NC factions were each winning noticeably less alert on any server than the VS.
    We'll need to wait for the version 3.0 to come live so I can put your nose right on it

    The maps are most often switching between the three factions in dominance, depending of the day, and play hour.
    You can look at them at the Planetside 2 maps, which allow to see, when looking at it regulary during a whole week, that there is nothing like a VS dominence on conquest territory on most servers

    => While there are ponctual, visible problems with the balance, they are mostly localized on Emerald.
    Even on your own server (Connery), the numbers and ingame statistics prove you wrong about your assessment of a VS dominance.
    Most servers are balancerd between the three factions, and any generalized action against the VS will break this balance, only to satisfy a minority.

    You should really try to analyze all the number with a cool, unbiaised mind.
    Your feelings are no proof, not even if you pretend to. Numbers don't lie, if you take enough time to read and understand them.

    I play on Miller. We enjoy fair fights even if the PPA annoy a lot of people like everywhere.
    And I'm fed up to read thread of people that want to break OUR fun for THEIR own profit, because they are unable to look at facts as they are and not as they think they are, or solve their own problems without requesting game-breaking changes from SOE.
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  9. Shatteredstar

    I saw some of it on emerald last night playing NC.

    We were at the traverse trying to push out, AOD seemed the main defenders. We took the next base or were capping it when suddenly Sunderer and prowler rush!

    We got pushed out by a massive rush of pop (went from having like 70% to being about 40ish)

    What does NC do? Spawns their own armor rush and shells the base for 20 min. When we push the base now about 50% pop and then we start getting pushed away as TR spawn armor and we go to about a 45% pop roughly.

    What's the solution? Move to the weaker VS front? Move to the south and let the rest of the human wave stay there?

    No "pull back to traverse and pull anti armor!"

    Basically NC was getting beat back by the same redeploy/overpop type tactics they supposedly whine about VS for and then rather than shift forces or change fights, stay at the SAME fight they have been beaten at twice!

    Want to have "vanu" level dominance? Use more tactics than banging one's head against a wall repeatedly for no gain.

    Credit I will give NC, seemed like more people using AA lock on launchers cause the skies were fairly clear.
    Downsides many 1/2 vanguards. Come on guys the armor rages probably could've been broken with nice enforcer gunners on those vanguards. Something, so many ungunned sunderers too.
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  10. Morpholine

    It seems to me the only determining factor in who dominates these days is which side can get the most people to redeploy to the same location, on command, with maxed grenade bandoleers.
  11. Shatteredstar

    I think they should change redeployment myself.

    Can only redeploy from a spawn room or small areas around a Sunderer, also a small increasing cool down based on redeploys within X timeframe. Like normal timer or something for first, add 10 sec for second within that time, add 10 more for the next. Etc etc. keeps the mechanic but would mean you need to be more tactical and intelligent otherwise you start having to wait longer. Make it like a 5 or 10 minute sliding window (as in 5 min after first redeploy the timer would go down by the first, but the second still applies).

    Might also encourage transport use and instant action use more instead of how easy redeploy is rather than use either one.
  12. Alkezo

    Exactly. Its absurd to claim only the VS are using the redeploy mechanic to move entire platoons. Yes, it needs to be changed but any change is going to hurt solo players and small squads. This will significantly impact my gameplay since I'm either solo or in small squads and I still vote for redeploy changes because its not fun suddenly fighting all of Recursion in what was once a nice 24 vs 24 battle.

    I see too many Vanguards and Prowlers run 1/2. Prowlers have a small excuse in that their empire specific weapon doesn't perform with the tactics Prowlers are being used for but Halberd is still very effective. Vanguards, however, have the Enforcer which was outperforming the Saron last time I checked so they have no excuse not to be running 2/2 everywhere. Then you see plenty of posts of 1/2 Vanguards/Prowlers losing to 2/2 Magriders and calling for nerfs. :rolleyes:
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  13. Shatteredstar

    The enforcer is sexy, I nabbed four kills with it before a c4 fairy got us in the midst of the chaos last night.

    As for redeploy that's why I think a sliding window with a scaling cool down would work well since he newer players aren't redeploying like mad it is organized groups who use it heavily.
  14. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Glad to hear it since it means TR isn't forgetting the lessons we keep trying to teach them when we do FRZA weeks. Sucks to be NC but get your command chat in order and we might just help you guys out as well.
  15. ILoveLucy

    This thread should be renamed -- 'I want to go back to Waterson'.
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  16. Shatteredstar

    It was mainly AOD which they've been playing the redeploy game for a while =p
  17. placeholder22

    I observed this before, in another game, a good 15 years ago. An Elite*/X-Wing-like space MMO called Jumpgate TRI.

    *The 80ies Computer Game "Elite"

    There were three factions. Red had the most powerful weapon systems on their ships. They had like 5 supersized laz0rs on their biggest fighting ship. They were the space klingons. Blue had the thickest shields. Canonically, they were traders. Then there was Green, the "Weirdos". Nobody really knew what the Weirdos were about. Their ships sucked. Canonically, they were space muslims and miners.

    In server events, the weirdos roflstomped the other factions on a regular basis. Despite underpop. Despite their ships being **** compared to the other factions.

    It was glorious. I was a weirdo in Jumpgate, and I've ever since played only the weirdo factions if there had been one.

    It seems that "Weirdo factions" attract different kinds of players. Think Horde vs Alliance in WoW. Weirdos are thinkers. Strategists. Not people who want the bestest Ship / Tank / Guns. People who want to work together for a greater goal.
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  18. Dramaticus

    No man **** NC forever
  19. CriticalThinker

    You're right, the game should not be balanced around the opinions and experiences of the people playing it.

  20. a-koo-chee-moya

    Hmm, I play on my NC and TR and I seem to score more headshots. OMG NC TR OP NERF NERF NERF. Just no....
    Your K/D might be better because you started from a higher skill level....

    Your speaking from a Mattherson perspective... I was on Waterson, and we fought the NC overpop all day. I never heard much complaining. We dealt with it and managed to do much better than the NC in a similar situation. Look at some of the other servers and you'll find VS is not so overpopped on them.
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