The oddities of recoil management

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Saool, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Saool

    This may well be very old news to many, but I have never seen it come up on the forums so I am going to talk about it. It, being the bizarre relationship between recoil and sights/scopes.

    Take any gun. Pop on a x1 site. Shoot at any point on a wall or a target in the VR area. Note how much recoil management you have to do to keep the shots on the same point. Now pop on a x4 sights. Do the same exercise again. You have to do much more recoil management to keep the shots on the same point.

    What is it you are countering here? The recoil of a gun, which would be the same, regardless of what sights you have on, or the apparent movement of everything as seen though various sights, which would get bigger as the magnification increased. Apparently in PS2 it is the later.

    This makes no sense.

    In the world of PS2, the act of looking through a x4 sight makes your gun recoil four times more, requiring four times more mouse movement to counter it. Where as in reality a gun would not recoil any more at all. Yes, visually you are going to see that recoil looking four times more obvious, but it would not take any more physical effort from your hands, arms and core to counter a guns recoil. The optical effects of your recoil management efforts would also be magnified by four times through a x4 scope.

    Put another way. Look down a x4 scope and the visual movement from the gun kicking is magnified x 4. But the visual effect of your counter movement from your efforts to stop it are also magnified x 4. You are not suddenly requiring to work four times harder just because you are looking down a sight.

    So why are you required to work four times harder to counter recoil in PS2? You are not countering the recoil of a gun, you are countering what your eyes see.


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  2. FateJH

    Removed: when I answered in Math, I went to find an image to better explain. When I came back, I had convinced myself I was mistaken.
  3. _itg

    You're not doing more "work" to counter the recoil in the 4x scope. It's just that the mouse sensitivity is automatically tuned to the 4x field of view, so you can aim precisely rather than flail about erratically. If this bothers you, you can tweak the ADS sensitivity in the settings, so that the same movement of the mouse will counter the same amount of recoil, but you'd have to readjust each time you swtich scopes.
  4. Yuukikun

    pfft! Stop saying things that make sense, we're on the forums here.. :rolleyes:
  5. repairtool6

    As said, this is working as intended. How could it even be any different? That makes no sense.

    Recoil is a constant (just numbers accumulating) but when you change zoom (alter FOV) you must obviously change input (more mousework).

    Seems you already know this in your hearth. You simply cant accept it in you mind. ACCEPT this and take advantage. Most ppl DONT ACCEPT this and become utterly clueless and bad at ranged combat. Dont be like that. Most ppl just stick with 1x zoom even on long range loadouts because of this. They dont accept and dont put in the work to master the altered FOV.

    So just accept this 'mechanic' and master it, you will find yourself at a profound advantage against 95% of the playerbase at medium and longranged combat.

    Note: some pro's also stick with 1x at all times but that is not because its 'easier/better' at long range, but simply because is more versatile overall. IMO its better to keep specific loadouts for long-range guns where you use 4x zoom. Unless you are like those players that use longrange-guns as default for every type of situation.

    Also: About your 'real life' argument - Sorry but yes, shooting a rapid fire gun with magnified zoom alters you perception of recoil profoundly (trust me) and alters how you 'compensate' (clipping shorter).
  6. Cz4rMike

    There is a very simple solution for your problem of dragging the mouse 4 times more with 4x than with 1x. HIGHER the aim sensitivity. No other way. It's the same in all FPS shooters.
  7. Saool

    This just seems a backwards way of doing things to me. The amount of recoil management to my mind should be identical regardless sights of scopes used. This means to use the same muscle memory at all times with a given weapon. If you then want to start throttling your sensitivity up or down that is the users choice.

    I guess I am in a minority here on this. Perhaps having the option to set it how you prefer would be nice.
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  8. Cz4rMike

    But dude, there is no way to implement it. It would mean higher sens on y-axis, which in turn would make aiming on y-axis faster too... Come on, it doesn't take much thinking that this can't work. Did you even read any comments?
  9. repairtool6

    Hmm i dunno, i dont think your in the minority actually. Think your more in the big 'i dont accept this' majority-group.

    Look: It simply cannot be changed in the way you would like. This cannot happend. End of story. Sorry :/
    So accept that and work around it.

    Only then can you truly start improving longrange play.

    Make mental note: Higher zoom ---> More mousework. It must be accepted.
    The trick is when you have accepted this in your mind, it actually dosent take too long to master

    Also, small encouragement:

    Most longrange-guns have access to compensator (-15% recoil)
    And also lower recoil by default (lets say aprox -10%)

    So basically at 2.5 zoom you should 'feel' like you are used to with your standard 1x gun. No difference.

    And at 4x you dont actually have to compensate 4-times as much as your standard 1x gun, its more like 2 or even 1.5 times as much. This can be done without altering any sensitivites and such. It just takes acceptance and practice (and right gun/setup).

    Hope it helps.
  10. Saool

    Actually I'm pretty good at long range fighting. I have had a lot of fun doing single shot sniping with the Gauss SAW. It's not so much about struggling with it, more just puzzled by the game mechanic.

    I do understand the mouse theory behind why it is the way it is, I just think you should be able to programme something that more accuracy simulated reality.

    That said I am not a programmer. And I have never used a gun. In the UK you can't just buy assault rifles in the supermarket.
  11. Isokon

    You sound like the layman from hell. :D

    How is the software supposed to know whether you are trying to counter recoil or just adjusting your aim? Do you know any game that achieved what you desire?
  12. vincent-

    I don't even use anything above 2x if I'm doing that it's on a 1 shot rifle and that only goes 3.4x it's just plain stupid to rely on accuracy with any of these guns.
  13. Thesweet

    What recoil?
  14. Saool

    Well as you clearly see, I am not a programmer. But I would guess at all ads mouse movement interpreted as if you are using iron sites. So if you are looking down a x4 sights the engine still reacts as if you where using iron sites and responds accordingly. The sights just visually magnify that movement in the same way it does the recoil.

    I'm guessing the engine does not give a crap what is displayed on your screen (clearly not, take poor hit detection for example) it is concerned with trigonometry and co-ordinates. It knows where you are aiming. If I move the mouse it moves my crosshairs in the same way regardless.

    Is that easy to do? Is it practical? I have no idea. From your comments I guess not.
  15. Joonnnyy

    what you want seems the most ignorant idea for a sniper (long range in general)
    im very sorry to say that but it is that way

    according to your wish if i use 1x scope and move 1 pixel over to the left it moves 1 pixel to the left on screen right?
    now imagin a 12x scope to fire 300m far away inf (max render distance in ps2 for inf)
    if you move the same 1pixel with your mose the in game image would hvae to move 12! pixel
    now imagin if the enemy is fiiling the area between pixel 2 and 10 left of of your croshair, not anything else
    tell me how you would hit him with this new mechanic, without moveing your body only the screen

    answer you cant as you can only hit at 0,12,24 and so on in these intervall, creating a small unattackable area (~92%^2>99% of the sceen for 12x, 1 out of 144 is attackable, and 75% for 2xscope)

    what we have atm is, you move 1 pixel with the mouse and the screen moves 1 pixel therefor you can hit people at any pixel on screen, but you have to accept the magnified recoil

    this is easy but very very unpractical
  16. ElastaPlast

    In theory, if you set your mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights to be the same as your normal mouse sensitivity then this should solve your recoil issue. This would be at the expense of normal mouse movement, when aiming down sights, being affected by the scope multiplier. I haven't tested this though.

    It sounds like a catch 22 situation.
  17. Isokon

    Not sure I got what you wanted to say here, but can't you get your desired effect, albeit limited to a single pair (reflex/scope) of sights by adjusting aimed and scoped mouse sensitivity? This is at the cost of having to fight the high sensitivity when you want to make fine adjustments while scoped.
  18. Saool

    That's actually the first response I have seen that gives a clear valid reason for why it can't be done.