The new weapons?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Sharmanti, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Sharmanti

    Hey, just looking for some confirmation on my current worries.

    So the NC LA has now got a long-range rifle while the TR got a extremely close range one?... It's not like we already had 3-4 shotguns and 3-4 short range carbines. Is the NC rifle the equivalent of say the TRAC? or are we looking at a rifle in par with medics?

    So, time to reroll if you play La or what?
  2. Prudentia

    Well i can say for sure that the VS serpent is worthless, you have a even faster TTK as with the VX6-7 and the reload of an LMG. But the vx6-7 already kills in 1 tap, so why take a weapon with even higher ammowaste and longer reload time without noticeable faster ttk?
  3. Incarnadine

    The Razor is pretty damned good. I wouldn't call it even with the Trac... but it's semi compareable. By far better than the other NC LA guns really.