Are a bit too big I think. Almost to the point to where I feel its taking my attention away from the fight. I have yet to see what its going to be like when I am aiming down a row of 10-20 enemies... I also feel that the reticule chosen to be the waypoint marker for your current mission is too bright. Make it a small hollowed circle or something so its not just a massive white dot that is blocking your view. That is all.
I like them, although I would like a scaling option. Minimum font would be previous scale, maximum being current scale.
Wishing there was a slider to adjust scale was the first thing I said when I saw the new text and icons. The new icons are nice but a tad bit too much and the increased size of text I could do without, I don't care what everyone's name is.
another console change at the detriment of the actual player base, but don't worry, "PC is still the priority!"
I don't mind the style, but good GOD let me decrease the size of the icons and font. Some of us don't sit 10 feet away from our screens.
Maybe it wasn't "broken" for you, but I liked the larger "easier to read" text. At close range I had a really hard time reading the names of fast moving players, the new text fixed that.
Dont want to post negative things, but will share that I dont like it personally, to the point where it does hurt gameplay with the names everywhere, would be great if it was an option you could choose size of - small, medium, large etc. I dont need to see the name of my ally, i dont need to see name of enemy, just the red triangle which functioned fine before. For times I did need to see who they were - very rare, not all the time - the previous system was fine. If they wanted to add icon, it would have been useful to have indicator on minimap of medic/engineer while alive. I understand this change may help players who play in groups find their friends more easily, but, if they are in voice communication, they should be able to coordinate that without massive floating names everywhere, IE, lets spawn at warpgate and get a lib, im going to pull a MBT now jump in at the vehicle pad.. etc..
I also agree that the new text is large and it heart my eyes. I'd like to have an option to resize them. Also about the icons i think that everyone that is BR10+ recognizes the meaning of icons. We don't need so large icons to know where is the vehicle spawns, ammo etc...
I find them quite distracting too. If you are fighting in a larger fight in a base with lots of terminals and stuff it can get really annoying. We should be able to choose the text/icon size from the options menu, shouldn't be too hard to carry out. If not a slider then just two choices small/large.
Some of the icons are better. I'm thinking mainly about icons that denote terminals and the like. Many of the old ones were kind of cryptic for non-veterans I would imagine, and not very easily readable either. That said - I find many of them to be overlay large, and the nametages and "dorito" markers are also too large and get distratcting very quickly when there are many of them - often obscuring other important things. If they made available some sort of scaling option I would be much more in favor of it. As it stands now I think it is debatable if it is upgrade at all, because while they did increase readability they also made a lot of stuff obnoxiously large. -Stigma
I think the icons are an improvement. The readability adjustment is a step in the right direction, but requires tweaking: the setting should subject to toggle (on/off, possibly setting to select what symbols to freeze on screen and which names to highlight etc.) the display should be customization within limits (size, colors; possibly different for squad/ally/enemy) lines on map (direction indicators) for jump pads and teleporters The readability display should apply to genetators/scu etc, making the remaining time readable more easily