The New Sniper Rifles, when they come? [19.02.] Today ???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by finali, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. finali

  2. HadesR

    If I had to guess I would say they will patch as normal Thursday morning ( PST ) ..So the 20th ... They might spring a surprise patch today but not holding my breath.
  3. Santondouah

    There is a patch anyway tomorrow, I doubt they'd plan two patches two days in a row (but OC I expect a hotfix friday :p)
  4. finali

    In the Planetside 2/Roadmap is written, "after getting feedback and play testing we've made changes".
    ( - February - Infiltrator Update)

    I hope but still this week
  5. VSDerp

    I think so since on PTS the new rifles have new sounds and finally have scopes! I know the TR still need a little touch up but im sure today they will patch that up and be ready to bring the rifles to live.
  6. XDDante

    well the NC and vs sniper rifles seem finished but the tr and the NS need a little bit of polish,if not today i think they will be released Thursday or Friday :) i just hope is this week XD my body and my certs are ready :A
  7. Ash87

    The patches have been coming on Thursdays, so expect notes today and patch tomorrow at 8am CST.
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  8. Pikachu

    Thursday is the new wednesday.
  9. treeHamster

    And tomorrow, Friday will be the new Thursday.

    - SOE Developer's motto
  10. sindz

    Hopefully never. The NC variant is beyond OP and a straight upgrade over all the BASR.
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  11. finali

    I'm so angry about this statement !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    do not cry,

    • When the rocket launcher came, have the nc's get garbage and the other super weapons and the damage was still reduced.
    • The TR and Vanu have better sky fighter
    • The TR and Vanu became better basic weapons for the Max unit.
    • The TR and Vanu have better Heavy Tanks.
    • The new weapons for the Hraser and the Tank, how has better weapons ??? TR and Vanu!!!

    Stop crying ...
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  12. sindz

    I dont care if you are angry or not, the gun is hitscan and even has lower reload speeds. ITs beyond OP and every NC who wont admit that is playing with their pants on their heads.


    to counter your arguments

    Phoenix can hit vehicles while in cover, no other launcher ingame can do this.
    Vanguard is the best tank ingame current, fact.
    REaver is the best for dogfights since it has superior thrust
    Who the hell cares about music.
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  13. z1967

    That doesn't justify having an OP weapon.
    -Lol, Phoenix was game breaking. It was a sniper bullet that did damage to tank and could be guided to it's targets. Not fun at all.
    -I agree that the Reaver's profile makes it inconvenient for hover fights
    -I agree that the NC MAX is crap at ranges past 30m, but the missiles are crazy powerful
    -I agree that the Vanguard is UP, but the shield is OP and needs a nerf as soon as the vanguard gets a buff
    -Maybe only for the VS, But harasser weapons are pretty bad (harasser is just bad in general)

    Past wrongs do not need to be justified through OP weapons. Otherwise this game would have never made it past 3 months.
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  14. finali

    The Launcher from Nc´s: Damage 750, Range 300m [two hits to kill infantry] (What is it)
    The launcher from TR can Firing full magazine, with one aim

    Together with the Sky fighters and the launchers they have the air sovereignty.

    REaver is the best for dogfights^^ (in your dreams maybe)

    The Vanu Heavy Tank can almost everywhere go up and the speed we want to not even talk.
    The TR Tank can so accurate shooting and fire two shots in succession and in connection with the new machine gun(is also good against air units) he is practically unbeatable
  15. finali

    as I understand it, we are in the wrong teams, i should be the TR and u go to NC, so everyone is happy ;)
  16. Goden

    The Railjack is going to make any sort of medium/long range engagement with the NC impossible.
  17. Masterofm

    Yeah.... the NC suck so hard it's why they are now the majority population on any given server now.

    1. The NC's phoenix launchers damage was reduced because it used to 1 shot infantry. Which made it so that 40 NC would pull heavies and just sit back in a spawn room and wrack up kills while one guy would flip the point back over. The damaged was reduced because it was a balance issue.
    2. That is completely debatable. Everyone currently says their ESF is the worst. The mosquito used to be the best ESF in my opinion, but back in the lol podding OP days a single NC fighter with it's superior hover mechanics could hold down an entire base. I would say while the scythe now hold the title for best ESF the mosquito and reaver are not too far behind. Coyote missiles have also made reavers much much more viable.
    3. Somewhat yes and somewhat no. Guided AV missiles are the best AT killers at any range. Accurate and deadly. TR and VS anti vehicle weapons are nowhere near as awesome. While I would say their anti-infantry weapons might have been over nerfed the max has other things going for it. It also has the most useful empire specific skill over the other two factions.
    4. You are nuts if you think the Vanguard isn't the best Main Battle Tank out there.
    5. Not sure what you are getting at. You mean the enforcer vs. the saron and the vulcan? If so the enforcer is a beast of a gun. No recoil, no reduction in accuracy, and the rounds it fires are still actually pretty fast. Vulcans have been nerfed and no longer really serve a great function, and while the saron is a great weapon for what it can do I'd still take the enforcer over it.

    Are the NC stupid OP forever? No, but saying they are worse then both the TR and VS right now is a bold faced lie.
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  18. Revanmug

    Please stop. You are embarrassing the rest of us.
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  19. finali

    do you speak always in the third person of you

    and your reasoning at its finest

    I guess not older than 12
  20. z1967

    I got nothing. I mean, seriously. You are insulting someone based upon your assumption of their age based on a post on a forum over the internet. And you even have to use different colors for text when clearly white is all the rage.
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