The New Player experience per the Cryaotic Stream: "It's fun when you're not getting **** on."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fortress, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. GTGD

    Agreed 100%. The underground tunnels were a good start, and honestly should have been in the game from the beginning. Less transparent spawn shields was also a great idea. But we are still seeing these issues, which has us where we started in the situation where you are in a protected room where you have nothing to do but hey at least you are at the base.
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  2. Degenatron

    This guy gets it.

    1. - Absolutely.
    2. - Absolutely. The one caveat I'd throw on this is that new players need to be educated on what "side-grades" are before they blow all of their certs on new guns, not realizing they often specialize.
    3. - Absolutely.
    4. - Absolutely.
    5. Eh. I'm a little iffy on this one. To me, these things are a big part of specialization in a class. On the other hand, I can see the "needless grind" argument on these.
    6. This could be done with a "New Player Boost". The tool tip could say something along the lines of "Gives the benefits of full membership for 14 days".
    7. - Abso-freakin'-lutely. This could be built into the VR training area.

    DasAnfall, are you guys taking notes? THIS is how you make CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions.

    Had your boys tone been better in the op, he'd have gotten a better tone in response.
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  3. Degenatron

    You said you never had a problem with getting bombed when sitting on a CC in PS1. Well, no sh*t, they were INDOORS. Duh. Hey, how about that, just like the Control Points in the major bases in PS2.

    You know what the new bases don't have? Miles of 4 foot wide grind-fest corridors. You remember that too, don't you? The 45 minute long grind sessions slogging it out in those hallways? I bet you miss that too. How about spawning in your PJs and getting hit from 6 different directions before you stepped out of the tube - surprise the tubes are up but the spawn room was totally camped. You miss that too?

    I don't assume you are clueless. I think you know EXACTLY what you are doing. Trolling.
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  4. Fortress

    First, let me congratulate you. You get it! Indoor bases prevent players from getting farmed by vehicles.

    Man, it's almost like we can learn from what PS1 did right without carrying over each and every thing.

    You know, it's almost like PS2 is a sequel to it in some way.

    Think about that and get back to me. Oh, and if you don't have anything to offer in terms of making this game better for players starting out, kindly stop posting. You're being awfully non-constructive.
  5. NoctD

    It doesn't take vehicles to farm. Seriously, the OP is from DA, and should understand that organization and teamwork will crush your little noob infantry BR1s with BR100 infantry with supreme K/Ds farming them with impunity.

    The problem is not force multipliers, its the lack of experience. New players have to learn to play, no 2 ways about it. And you can't play this game without working with others. Even as a lone ranger non-outfit player myself, I totally get that you need to work together to have any shot of success.

    And no, the game doesn't need to turn into yet more infantry side.
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  6. Fortress

    I absolutely agree with you about the lack experience - and that's why we don't need force multiplier abuse on top of that.

    I've yet to read a single argument as to why new players need to get farmed by force multipliers in order for Planetside to be Planetside.
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  7. Scr1nRusher


    also I don't want this game to turn into infantryside aswell.
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  8. NoctD

    Force multipliers are a joke these days anyways - they're merely cert pinatas for BR100 types to farm. C4 is beyond belief... just give it to everyone as a free unlock, and then no one can make any more excuses about under-equiped BR1s.

    Players that get farmed will always get farmed, period. They die to all things from their lack of experience.

    But letting force multipliers remain in the game is fun, cause at least those of us that aren't so myopic and focused on just infantry - we have fun fighting vehicles, flying, etc. They have a place in a combined arms game - something which DA till this day seems to fail to embrace. Its not meant to be just an infantry combat game, its meant to be all things and massive warfare, not one on one.

    It wouldn't be Planetside anymore, if we went with your terrible vision of how this game should be.
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  9. Degenatron

    You mean like this?:

    And then there's this:

    But wait, previously you said:

    Look, they didn't reskin PS1 like they said they were going to. I get that you are disappointed. That's too bad.

    As for CONSTRUCTIVE ideas, well there's this post:

    I also linked to this post:

    That's how you actually make a REAL idea post - you know, in the correct forum and everything.
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  10. Fortress

    This just isn't true. Force multipliers are used by BR100's to farm BR1's. I do this on a daily basis, and it's poisonous to the game. There are a lot of players who were on the wrong end of one of my 60+ kill viper streaks and never logged in again.

    Again, if new players will get farmed through inexperience alone, why do need to crush them with force multipliers?
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  11. NoctD

    Cause someday you'll get one angry enough to unlock C4 and blow up your Lightning. And maybe they'll someday end up being an awesome tanker pulling mean AV duty in an AP Vanguard! Yeah, you know, some people do get mad, and they get better, and they become valuable players and additions to the game.

    My first day in this game, I spent getting shelled by TE Prowlers. It was a day or two after the game was launched. I'm still here today, and all the wiser. Being shell shocked - you learn eventually or you die. If someone is incapable of learning, then they'll simply never learn.

    But yet you say you're the poison, and you still do this daily? Why? Cause you can?

    Anything in this game that can kill can be used to farm by BR100s. You can use a force multiplier, a plain ole CARV, or even a knife. Farming happens cause no one teaches the noobs - its not force multipliers that's the problem.

    If you want to really help new players, then teach them, lead, instead of farming them.
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  12. david06

    Yeah one good thing about the debacle is that the devs might take a serious look at the fundamentals of the game. New players get trampled and it's not just a lack of aim, reflexes and knowledge(like with any game) there's plenty of hard barriers like the vehicle respawn times that put newbs at the bottom.

    Bad thing is of course that SOE showed some continued support for the game, did something to try and grow the playerbase and the existing PS2 communities more or less sabotaged it.
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  13. FillyFluttershy

    I don't get your angle here.

    First off, why does a BR100 care about farming? Surely you've unlocked just about anything you actually want? Just inane completionist ideals keep you farming? Or perhaps not even that poor excuse?

    Secondly, you admit yourself that it's poisonous to the game and new players quit because of your already pointless farming, yet you continue. Are you just trying to kill the game by bleeding the scarce drops of new blood the game actually recruits as sacrifices to your cert god?

    Even someone who has been playing a while finds explosive spam annoying and it slashes FPS to boot. As a self-admitted nuisance, perhaps you could find less toxic playstyles to pursue.
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  14. Fortress

    I play the game as it is, not as it should be. If you're honestly expecting me to **** myself and avoid tanks in what pretends to be a combined arms FPS just because the game is poorly designed, you're in the wrong genre.

    This isn't a player problem. This is a game design problem. The sooner you accept that, the better.

    You can't farm with a knife. What are you even talking about. Yes, your first few days sucked. I'm glad you pulled out of it. Most players don't, and that's the problem.

    Grow up people. Just because it sucked for you, doesn't mean we have to make it suck for everyone else.
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  15. FillyFluttershy

    What could SOE really do, other than perhaps make vehicles much more rare on the battlefield by only allowing you to spawn 2 or 3 a day. Perhaps even less. That, or make them laughably ineffective at killing infantry, even if they don't run high level Flak. But that defeats the point of a combined arms game if each arm only fights its respective enemy equivalent arm and can't influence the rest of the battlefield.

    I'm not expecting you to do anything but have fun. If not being in a tank means ******* yourself then it's probably a personal play style issue. I just hope it's not something as cheesy as a cert or KDR god (yours is already in the 99th percentile and DA medics probably revive you half the time when you do go down) that keep you determined to induce rage quits on newbies.

    I'm still confused. It's like you want this to be better, but you're purposely part of the problem. Whether it's poor game design or not, you aren't doing the issue any favors. What could you hope the farming to accomplish? Incite SOE to nerf you out of the Lightning?
  16. Thrasis

    Logging into PS2 as a new player is like logging into any PvP MMO where you are a naked soloer and the opponents are maximum level fully geared raiders working together.

    It's a miracle anybody sticks around for more than a day or two.

    The people who do will eventually begin to overcome the competitive imbalance, but we're probably talking 10% of the total new players that try the game, maybe less.
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  17. Fortress

    Just so we get this out of the way -

    There, you'll find my true KDR and a lot of other information that should tell you how exactly I play.

    That said, I don't play competitive shooters to pull my punches - I play to compete and to compete well. I also happen to love tanking and wish I could do it to the best of my ability without absolutely devastating hordes of helpless fodder.

    I made this thread because I want to have fun without worrying about other people not having fun. I shouldn't have to play fun-police in a casual shooter - that's the game's job. That's why I made this thread.
  18. Posse

    Your first day in the game was right after launch, the first day for the new players that will come to the game is against people who have almost two years of experience, it's definitely not the same. If I was a new player, I'd expect to be killed by another infantry guy that is more skilled than me, and that would be okay, but to be killed by a fully certed MAX, Tank, Galaxy, or something like that, where I don't have (as a new player) even a 1% chance of defending myself? nope.jpg

    Certs don't mean a thing for pure infantry combat, the advantages are not that big, I didn't do worse when I started another BR1 VS alt in comparison to my fully certed BR90 of Waterson, but fully certed tanks/MAXes are almost like facing a lvl 90 character of a MMORPG when you just started, and in a FPS that's just bad, you have no chance of beating a fully certed tank with a stock one, same for ESFs, MAXes, etc.
  19. DeusExForever

    Died over 50x with less than 40 kills couple hours ago, as folks just wouldn't cap or defend. Hacked every terminal; turned so many AA and AT guns going all the way to and around the TR warpgate even.

    Almost 4000 points before dying at +25 a turn. THAT many turns.

    Turn and waiting for someone -- someone on foot; vehicle or air -- to get to a point to hold the points.

    They would simply let them take the facilities (even though I was solo capping them FOR them and dying against level 100s). -_-

    It was like a WoW regular battleground with the bots fighting at the crossroads at least. At worst, it looked like win-training as folks simply wouldn't move to cap objectives for hours. The map wouldn't turn this afternoon/evening.

    Nothing really was holding them back, heck, I told them all the terminals and guns were even taken for them!.

    Whenever a game that makes K/D important we have people who just play to make themselves look good. I wish the FPS games would throw such stats out (or better, penalize fence sitters and people who only show up when caps are at <20 seconds left), as people won't do jack when if it lowers their K/D.
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  20. WTSherman

    Make them require a separate gunner for the main turret, with a delay for switching so that someone who's hot-seating will usually lose to someone with a gunner. For the VS this may require giving their fixed gun a horizontal traverse range, which the separate gunner can actually control because he doesn't have to use his mouse to steer the tank.

    This means people will be less likely to pull a tank to pad their own K/D, as they will be getting very few kills as the driver (though with almost no change to their EXP gain, thanks to the new driver EXP system). This means that pulling a tank in the first place will take more infantry off the field, effectively reducing the maximum number of tanks that can be pulled. This means people will be less likely to pull a tank as a taxi, since they'll have a hard time shooting back.

    This also means more certed-up gunner seats that a new player might get a chance to play in, giving them a way to learn tank play without having a heavily certed-up tank themselves. This would also create opportunities for veteran players to show new players the ropes (as long as he's stuck in your tank with you, you've got a captive audience) if we could actually get our community to adopt a good attitude about taking on rookie gunners.