The new NS pistol doesn't do much damage

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Niller, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Niller

    I hope it's because its state are wrong, but it looks cool. The animation is buggy though, but it's test.

    Is it something they just added?
  2. Frosty The Pyro

    the stats shown on the video were they talked bout it a while ago was 334 damage a shot, thats 3 hits to kill, or two headshots.

    if the stated stats are correct it's already better than the rebel which does 250/shot.
  4. m44v

    the rate of fire gives more or less the same TTK than the rebel. However the NS pistol seems do better at range.
  5. LibertyRevolution

    So that means you can shoot them once with the NS pistol, then knife = kill ?
    It would be the perfect infiltrator pistol.
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  6. Ash87

    Most importantly, you get to look like Dirty Harry... Space Dirty Harry.
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  7. ScorpDK

    In space, no one can hear you asking if they're feeling lucky :(
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  8. giltwist

    is this available on the test server or did I need to watch FNO or something?
  9. Kon

    feels meh.. landed 2 hits on someone he still had full hp
  10. Ash87

    Folks, every weapon doesn't have to be insanely powerful. It's a pistol. I got 4 body shots to kill. Better than the vanilla pistol, and it looks epic.

    Yeah man, it's in the VR room, which I was actually able to get into today, without crashing.
  11. Rhyl

    I counted five shots to kill on the test realm. If the damage isn't upped before release. I'm going to pass. The fire rate and clip size is too low for the damage it currently deals.
  12. Oreo202

    Didn't higby state that the stats were not final? Please do not complain or give 'feedback' on something like this that is not even released and does not have finalized stats.
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  13. Pengalor

    Lolwut. That's kinda the whole point of the test server when it comes to weapons. They put it on there, we try them out and let them know what needs to be changed. In the current form it's in it simply doesn't do enough to damage to really make it a decent choice (as for the animations, they are currently buggy and can't really be judged, same with the recoil, it's currently not working how it's been shown to work in the dev build so we can't really judge what it is now). What they should do is make it apparent if an item they just put in is finished or not (and I mean let us know if some details are correct or if nothing is correct). Granted there is an incorrect model in the loadout screen, bugged animations and attachments and whatnot but when they put an item in, especially a weapon, they need to make it very clear whether the stats on it are the intended stats or not.
  14. LordZombie14

    We don't need anymore damage, we need more defense. Stop with the weapons, and start offering better shields, armor, and health.
  15. Gadamlu

    the one on the test server as of right now, 5 body shots, 3 headshots

    so not very impressed by the current version thats out...i hope they dont sell this as it is...its just too...weak
  16. Nimvalz

    Stats as of higby's preview :

    • 334 dmg per shot up to 6 meters
    • 6 bullets on magazine
    • Reload speed of 2.5 seconds
    Comes also with cool animations and awesome sounds.
    Remember the default character health is 1000 HP.
    Make your own assumptions
  17. Ripshaft

    So the incomplete weapon on the test server may not be representative of a final product? =p

    On a serious note, Higby (or was it jwhis?) said they're going to add 2 ns pistols, one is the hard hitting dirty harry type one, and the other is a faster firing one with some other tradeoffs. The gun currently in game very clearly is NOT a slow firing dirty harry gun.... the gun shown in a preview fired *extremely* slowly.... mayyybe it's the other one.... maybe?
  18. Rhyl

    This is a problem I find with the test server completely and exactly why I complained. The new round of pump actions had completely different stats on release than they did in the test realm. Many things that get released are far different than what we had in the test realm. They claimed the damage is 330. Why are they not doing 330? If the damage is stated to be at 330 shouldn't we be testing the gun with the damage it's supposed to have?

    What's the point in "Testing" this new pistol if it's damage doesn't reflect the damage they feel it should have? What's the point in testing the pistol if it currently does the same output as my manticore? It's a test realm and we're supposed to provide feedback. The feedback is the damage is sorely lacking.

    The test realm is supposed to allow us, the players, to test features and provide feedback on them before they release. If the devs release weapons that aren't even close to the ballpark of what they're expected to be on release then we can't do our job.
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  19. JayScribble

    From what I looked into, the one we have is just a reskinned Rebel with only 6 shots. Even the reload animation is the same as the NC pistols reload animation, and the weapon side preview is the same as well, but it's the test server, so nothing's final.
  20. Pengalor

    Exactly. In my opinion, if they are going to keep it a 'test server' in the strictest sense then they should keep from releasing things on there until they are in a state they feel they could be released in. That way we can properly do our jobs: that being to find any last little bugs they missed and making sure it's properly balanced. Releasing a weapon like this and not really telling us what kind of state it's in really puts us in a tough position.