The new NC NC-9 ar need much more DPS to worth anything

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 23, 2014.

  1. Stew360

    currently in its current form the new NC Ar NC-9 dont worth a damned compare to the other empire AR but also compare to almost any NC ar so far , the DPS is atrociously low and the 200 damage dont make it worth it 469 rpm for 200 damage make this weapons be a 1563 dps weapons with most weapons having a 0.4 or 0.5 sec ttk this is a huge deal especially that this weapons isnt this good on the accuracy stand point even while using a 6 x scope

    The main problem of this weapons is that it dosent drop target fast enough to kill them till they reach a cover or something , its suposed to be a longer range weapons but it need at least 500 + rpm to be any good to compeate agains others AR out there and especially agains LMG and HA

    I dont see any reason what so ever to use this new AR over a gauss riffle or a gauss riffle S , ill drop target faster and more efficiently with the gauss riffles , this weapons is once a gains a slap in the face of the NC

    No ones care about making NC weapons any good , the VS as the '' burst '' weapons they whine and now get a awesome AR , and whats we have agains ? A compleate waste of certs for anyones who buy this weapon
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  2. z1967

    Ah, a Stew thread.

    Stew, its an accuracy weapon. Of course the DPS/TTK is going to be lower/higher (like how the GD-23 has less dps/longer ttk than the mercenary). Also, use some proper punctuation stew.
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  3. Ronin Oni

    Don't buy/use it then FFS

    I'd LOVE to have a 200 dmg AR option.

    OR I'd love to have the SABR.

    Try being VS and having piss poor long range AR's.

    It's a long range AR... DPS doesn't calculate the same way. It's not Max RoF * damage. It's how fast and often can you hit a target at that range * dmg... and generally speaking, the higher the dmg per bullet, the better it is because it's tap fire no matter the weapon.
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  4. Stew360

    LOL you have much experience with this weapon right ?

    Stop your VS BS in here , VS as always been the Easymode empire , of course you would like to have a SVa88 that have 200 damage per shot youll enjoy it so much wrecking peoples with no effort VS style

    But this isnt the point this isnt a VS biased BS , its a reality here , this weapons DPS is To damned low to worth anything , higher damage dosent matter if you get kill first , bullets economy dont worth a damned when you are dead ...

    This new 200 damage AR simply dont pull off enough damage and dont have an accuracy that justified this , the gauss riffle and gauss S both outmatch this new NC-9 Ar with 167 damage

    Damage per shot worth nothing compare to Damage per sec , whats kills you faster well simply kill you faster and make u win and encounter , this weapons need at least 500 to 520 rpm to worth anything considering its cone of fire goes really big if you dont burst fire or reset your COF so this is another nerf to the ROF wich is already atrociously low
  5. Clay

    I think vanu has very good long range AR´s. I enjoy them alot.
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  6. Tommyp2006

    Oh boy Stews back!

    The problem with giving it any more DPS, is that if you were to up it's ROF to 500 or above, it would become a straight upgrade to the Reaper, except for slower reload speed.
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  7. Bassett

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  8. Teoke

    The A-Tross is for the NC players who cannot handle the recoil and low magazine size of the Reaper DMR.

    If the A-Tross Had 500RoF and 30 bullets in the magazine, with a 200dmg Damage model, it would be a straight upgrade from the Reaper DMR.

    As it stands now, both weapons have a purpose

    A-Tross is for people who struggle with the Reaper DMRs recoil and magazine size, so they make the trade-off of losing DPS to be able to land shots more consistently on target.
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  9. Sauce Sausage.

    Is a long range weapon, his low rate of fire equals accuracy. Take the Blitz GD-10 and try to kill someone at 30m with his crazy dps, you probably notice the differences.
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  10. Nakar

    6000 Damage Per Magazine.

    Just sayin'.
  11. OddChelsea

    Do not get me wrong I love the Tross and feel it has it's place with the Reaper. That being said it's recoil isn't truly more manageable than the Reaper. Both guns are easy to handle. However it's good velocity and burst mode on top of the 30 rounds make up for it.
  12. KnightCole

    VS have nothing for long range. Their CoF bloom is OMG fast as hell. I watch my bro full auto his serpent and solstice. By his 8th round he cant hit a max from 30m, by the 15th round the thing cant hit a MAX from 10m...beyond
  13. OddChelsea

    Neither of those are long range guns. The Serpent is CQC only and the Solstice is more general purpose than long range. They do have long range guns, Ursa, Corvus, Flare, CME, Pulsar C, so on.
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  14. Ronin Oni

    It's meant to be used (or best used) in burst fire mode from what I understand.

    Stew: I'd bother to educate you, but you wouldn't listen anyways. You already ignored how I explained that weapon RoF doesn't matter when talking long range. 500RPM is useless when 1 in 10 hit... you're better off tap firing and in that situation RoF of all gus is going to be similar and 200 dmg rounds are by FAR an advantage. I don't know how more clearly that can be stated.

    I'd say more, but it'd be against ToS
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  15. dstock

    Serpent has fantastic recoil if you let up on the trigger once in awhile. Just my two cents, your mileage may vary...
  16. Ronin Oni

    Corvus is our best AR...

    I'd still rather have Tross or SABR than Corvus, but it IS a valid ranged AR

    CME is more mid range.

    Most of our long range weapons are like the TR equivalents but ever so slightly worse. Not enough to be a real issue, but it is there.

    Range has always been an issue for VS... well, except for our large lancer teams lawl

    Oh, wait, sorry...

    "VS is easy mode and VS don't use anything unless obviously OP"
  17. OddChelsea

    Oh yes, the burst fire is fantastic. Only 200 damage burst fire gun in the game, that alone makes it worthwhile. Though of course if you get caught up close using burst it's harder to kill an enemy unless you nail headshots.
  18. Ronin Oni

    well yeah... hell it's RoF alone makes it poor for CQC...

    but given how capable it as at long range it kinda needs to be.

    It's like someone complaining about the SABR's CQB capability

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  19. OddChelsea

    I hope that hurp wasn't directed at me, as I wasn't complaining, I was stating something in regards to the mode I was talking about.
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  20. Ronin Oni

    oh no, I wasn't stating that at you.

    It wasn't stated at anyone in particular because that would be against ToS :rolleyes:

    I was agreeing with you that it had lackluster CQC because of it's ranged capacity... and was saying that it's silly to complain about it.

    It's also like saying "waah, my SMG can't kill LMG users past 20m! I'm at such a disadavantage! BUFF SMGs!!!"
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