The new Infiltrator armour is a joke

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Tommyp2006

    It's not really THAT bright, and as much as I hate to admit it, I actually kinda like how it looks. At least the NC and VS ones, not a big fan of the TR one.
  2. NinjaTurtle

    Yeah I agree they look awesome, I'm certainly getting me some of that.

    Would love lumbifibre on my MAX as well..... wink wink nudge nudge SOE ;) I have moneys
  3. simplicious

    This is depressing. That's all I have to say. The direction this game is going towards has been depressing ever Higby took absolute control over the direction.
    This game is nothing more than futuristic Battlefield on a larger scale now, and every single time they add items like these just makes it worse. This game is nothing like what it was when I started playing it, when I thought that I finally found myself a long-term SciFi FPS to play.
    I really wish I could put across how sad this makes me, a game like this reduced to another dress-up golden crossbow twitch shooter FPS with no distinguishing features.
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  4. EmmettLBrown

    The funny thing is that I can just slap shatter camo on the basic one and it looks pretty much like the gold one.
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  5. DamageKing

    You've got Commissar Hat, so deal with it.
  6. Astraka

    What a lame reason for an utter lack of creativity and effort.
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  7. shd

    People like you are the salesmen dream.

    Btw i've got a very slightly used space station for sale if you are interested, i'll throw in a bridge of your choice with it.
  8. DeadliestMoon

    As long as you jump off it, then deal.

    Anywho, im not saying not to question the quality, im saying if you dont intend to buy it in the first place, then you shouldnt complain about it.
    People like you are why the internet is such a hostile place.
  9. shd

    I fail to see any expression of hostility on my part.

    If only the people that intend to buy it complain there would really be any complain would it. And if there is no one complaining they will continue to offer sub par crap to the few that have to much money to burn and we are all deprived of a better offer.

    We shouldn't complain about anything bad that happens to others if it doesn't affect us, amiright ?
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  10. Hatesphere

    there is a form of hostility called passive aggressiveness, and the internet is rife with it.
  11. shd

    This is true but passive aggressive behavior has became such a norm in modern society calling someone out on it is redundant.
  12. longmachao

    Why don't they just let the players make the armor like with the helm/camos from player studio? The player studio helms look a lot better than what SOE has come up with.
  13. Hiding in VR

    Oh .. kay ..
  14. JesNC

    No, it's not. And I would never call it the norm either - at least not in a world I would like to live in.

    OT: I liked the NC lumifibre and I bought it. It's not really brighter than the default limifibre strips the NC Infil has to deal with, but at least it looks fabulous. And it fits with the Wasp helmet ;) The TR armor on the other hand is rather disappointing.
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  15. veselie

    Have you tested it out ? Can enemies see the lumbfire while cloaked ? Because the Flash lumbfire is visible while cloaked, someone said that after he killed me, but that was a few months ago, but maybe it was changed ?
  16. AdmiralArcher

    the best part is that people called Tray out on this and he said

    "the TR have gotten alot of cool stuff recently like the commisionar hat which is why we put more effort to give the VS and NC something cool" (mostly accurate, wording different but same exact message)

    everyone on twitter that saw this instantly laughed one person replied

    "so making something thats a POS, and then using that to justify your laziness is a good thing"?

    this gold trim is literally BS, at least terydactl is making camos that might look cool, so far the rest of the art department doesnt seem to be doing much.........who knows they could be working on hossin.................ahahhaha just kidding thats for next year :D
  17. NinjaTurtle

    At least we have Player Studio
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  18. Astraka

    Why are people getting so salty over TR being upset? You don't have to want to buy the new armor to feel like you're getting shafted by it. The problem isn't that people spent money on the armor and feel like they got a bad deal, it is that SOE spent time working on a brand new armor set for the NC & VS, while simply using MSPaint for the TR.

    Them having access to a helmet that the NC & VS don't have does not make it better. We've got at least a dozen helmets (with player studio making more every day), many of which look far better than the goofy Commissar, yet you only have access to one armor option as an Infiltrator and have no way to get more aside from SOE. If Player Studio allowed you to make Armor Sets, or if the Infiltrator had a lot of Armor Sets already, it wouldn't be as big a deal as it is.
  19. JesNC

    I haven't tested it out per-se, but after sitting in a corner cloaked while an entire platoon of TR passed me by within a metre or so I can say with some certainity that no, it doesn't show up while cloaked.
  20. DeadliestMoon

    I dont see how someone purchasing these affects you in anyway, but if you choose to let it bother you then there's nothing i can do about that.