The new ESF weapons

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Niller, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Niller

    I would just like to note that haven't tried them myself.

    But to me it seems weird why they aren't faction specific, I mean there is a railgun (fits the NC) there is a minigun (fits the TR) and there are those coyote lockons (doesn't exactly fit VS, but could have some cool visuals that made them fit).

    Not that I would buy any of them anyway, it's just something I have been wondering about, when i first saw the stats. And i think it would add a more different faction feeling. Discuss.
  2. KanoHe

    No thanks, I don't like lockons for a2am...
    p.s. maybe if coyotes locked on tanks with their distance now... I wouldn't mind actually...
  3. Pikachu

    Why did they not... make these weapons ES? :confused: Like the 3 new MAX weapons. NC gets the railgun mass drivers, TR vulcan locust and vanu the missiles.