I expected SOE to make all the 100 cert weapons free to use. In most cases they represent a completely different playstyle from the default unlock(for example, GD-22S as a 100 cert alternative to the SAW; TR/VS 100 cert sniper rifles are bolt-action as opposed to the default semi; and so on) and it isn't exactly a loss on SOE part. Wasn't this the point of the whole thing? To create different playstyles for each class without having to farm certs? Instead, we got... a shotgun. The cheapest, 100 cert shotgun that is shared by all the classes. And universally worthless armor unlocks. No one ever picked the extra rockets for their HA. A shotgun is only really a "viable playstyle" for LA and HA, and only on tower. And EVEN THEN you want the one-shot-kill semi auto version, or the Jackhammer. I can't tell if SOE is just so ******* greedy that they hope to sell 100 cert weapons with SC(lol) or simply so incompetent that they think giving a Combat Medic a shotty somehow creates an "alternate playstyle". Either way, they again confirm to be some bizzaro reverse version of Midas and I am scared to even think how the mission system and the resource rebalance are going to turn out now.
That CHEAP shotgun costed 750 certs before the patch.... Also alot of weapons were handed out to everyone and they are different to the starter weapons.. No one wants the burst weapons (medic, engiee and LA), also it is NC trait to keep the bolt action as a starter sniper. I am happy about this patch as new people to the game have a choice and not get sick of the default. I would though have liked to receive the GD-22S as it compliments the SAW (well I have the GD-22S (on my main) anyway).
Meanwhile my friend who just started playing was absolutely thrilled to login to see he had been given a free shotgun and Corvus (as he chose medic during the quiz). They are giving you something for free which normally costed money. Quit yer yippin and enjoy the free stuff.
You don't know squat I'm one of the guys who runs extra rockets, adrenaline pump and even shield capacitor sometimes. You guys are just insanely square and think that your only choices lie between flak armor and nanoweave.
The goal of this update was not "free stuff". This was the goal. And the update completely failed at it. I couldn't care less if it gave everyone a fully certed ESF. Then again I'm not a gullible **** who gets happy when he gets ****, because "**** was free".