The new "balance" patch makes the bolt-action rifles utterly pointless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by efil4mocx, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. efil4mocx

    Well, I have Auraxiumed both of these, and I know for a fact that at least 70% of my kills while using BASR come from OHKs at beyond 150m. You enjoy CQC with a bolt-action, I enjoy mid-to-long range combat with a bolt-action. Why should my play-style be eliminated?
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  2. Flapatax

    I would personally prefer to have a button at the warpgate that randomly kills one enemy every 20 seconds. SOE keeps ignoring my requests.

    Your play-style doesn't promote the game they want. That's why.
  3. Maljas23

    Smoke, counter sniping, ESFs, Harassers, being in-doors, being in a vehicle(they can't attack people in a vehicle btw, except Flash). Stop making these stupid assumptions about players. You do not know that. In fact, I would be willing to bet you are basing most of your opinion on the common Forumside stigma.

    I'm well aware of whats happening to Snipers right now, no need to keep rehashing it.

    So ill say it again: God forbid you use the many many counters that exist already in this game, lets just nerf it instead.
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  4. efil4mocx

    Don't say "we", you're not a ******* sniper.
    We're getting a 150 meters range nerf.
  5. libbmaster

    I don't get why they are nerfing BASR.

    I've only sniped once, with the default vanu kit, and yet I don't have any problems with the way BASRs are now.

    At least they seem open to critique though:

  6. Teegeeack

    Actually I do a lot of sniping.
  7. Flapatax


    Hah, no, I like to contribute to the success of my team.

    You consider pulling a plane a balanced response to one dude taking potshots?

    I find the cheese-mobile boring. Don't try to define my playstyle!

    Really? Like, are you joking?

    This is really just the harasser/ESF rehashed. So one point instead of three. But again, pulling a force multiplier to counter an annoyance isn't really a counter so much as it is a chore.

    None of these are counters to OHKs. Except the new range limitation. They are all great balances to guys who can sit beyond normal infantry weapon range and kill you in two hits though, so you have that going for your point.
  8. efil4mocx

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  9. PapaMojo

    So, do BASR's now come with range finders?

    "Come on, just take a couple of steps closer.....153......152.....come on, come on.....step out a little more....."
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  10. Maljas23

    1. Smoke IS a counter, don't even both trying to argue that

    2. Your just being biased now. Explain how counter-sniping would not be a counter to a sniper

    3. Your opinion. I asked for counters, I gave you one.

    4. Explain how being in-doors doesn't stop a sniper 300m away.

    5. You asked for counters, I gave you one. Obviously this isn't the only one.

    6. Being a Sunderer, MBT, Lightining, Lib, or Galaxy, prevents you from being shot by Sniper

    What I got from this response is that the things most effective at counter a sniper, you don't like because... you don't like it. So instead of using the things you hate, you would prefer sniping nerfed instead. That way you don't need to use the "cheesed" methods of countering them.

    Btw, just because you think its "cheesy" doesn't mean anyone else does. Separate facts from opinions please.
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  11. Shadowyc

    There is no such thing as overkill.
    There is only kill and annihilate. And annihilate is where you should always be. Killing is old news. Utterly destroying someone is how real pros do it. And I don't mean just shooting that lonely guy with your entire arsenal, I mean forcing him into giving up the class he's playing entirely.
  12. Tenebrae Aeterna

    They are encouraging quickscoping and killing ranged sniping.
    Their ideals behind what balances one hit kill mechanics in other games is flawed and based upon games where sniping equates to quickscoping.

    My thoughts are presented here.
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  13. Flapatax

    I'm sorry, at what point were facts introduced to a discussion about changes none of us have played with yet?

    And I speak from the general standpoint of DasAnfall. I generally consider fewer things cheese than the top-end players in this game.

    It sounds like you just don't like the idea of having to deal with someone shooting back at you before you finish them off. As an elite slayer, though, I'm willing to bet you can make that follow-up shot.
  14. UnholyForager

    Don't know if this ha been brought up before but there are 4-6 fairly easy counters to sniping that already exist. This may be a new concept and difficult to use but keep practicing and you'll get it!

    1. [W]
    2. [A]
    3. (S)
    4. [D]
    5. [Ctrl] Situational
    6. [Space] Can be used in a pinch

    This takes care of the vast majority of snipers, especially at 150+ m. If people are so worried about OHK should we nerf other OHK weapons that take far less skill to use (grenade launchers, rocket launchers, etc.)?
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  15. Ryekir

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but this change only affects the MAX damage at a particular range, so it's still possible to snipe people from long distances, it will just require 2 shots instead of one. A 2 shot kill seems far from "pointless" to me...

    Did you not read the entire post? I think you're only focusing on one line item, rather than looking at the whole

    It's also important to note that:
    1. Nanoweave will no longer give any protection to headshots. At any range. From any weapon. (so you can indiscriminately headshot everyone)
    2. There is an entire explanation describing how OHK from snipers at long range without any way of being able to determine their location is a terrible game mechanic
    Bottom line is: skilled snipers will still be able to kill people at >150m, they will just need to land two shots.
  16. Maljas23

    The fact that you considered the Harasser to be a "cheese-mobile" spell out your intent man. <--- This is your opinion. The facts I was talking about has nothing to due with this upcoming nerf. I was talking about the counters to a sniper, which are indeed facts. Unless you are telling me sitting inside a sunderer making you immune to snipers is not a fact? If you are saying that, I've got no reason to continue responding to you.

    You see, I play every class in this game when its needed. My max suit is the most uncerted, but it at least has the necessary unlocks for be part of a needed max crash. Sniper isn't the only class I play, by a long shot. I play whats needed by the outfit, thats it.

    So you attempting to insult me by claiming that I don't like the idea of having someone shoot back at me as my sole purpose for being against this sniper change, is utter ********.
  17. Sock

    You're adorable.

    Snipers are worthless. They contribute nothing to good squads and they do nothing against good squads. Competent infils are ESSENTIAL for darts and hacking terms, but unless they're in the top 5% of players they're gonna be running SMG. They're a liability otherwise. Hopefully this patch will downsize the number of players that sit 300m away from fights and do nothing but be kind of annoying.
  18. efil4mocx

    The only people who will let me hit them again after being hit by a BASR are low BR noobs. Those aren't worth killing anyway.
  19. Maljas23

    You're welcome to your own opinion. Notice how I'm not putting you down about it at all(unlike you are attemping to do to me its not working lol.)

    That's called an opinion btw. Just letting you know in case you didn't know yourself.
  20. Sock

    I don't need to try, I'm objectively better than you.
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