The new "balance" patch makes the bolt-action rifles utterly pointless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by efil4mocx, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Sakai

    If it's such an easy mode, why then your sniper stats suck compared to mine? :)
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  2. Astealoth

    You really don't have the intelligence to read what I'm saying it appears. You focus in on single words and don't take the post as a whole. Done with you, you will never be reached. Only attempted insults and whining for buffs you don't need, no discussion. If I wanted to sit back and do nothing and lie to myself and tell myself I'm being useful I would play bolt action, and anyone can learn to be an accurate bolt action user, you aren't the special snowflake you think you are. You just have the lack of patience to play an actual role, which is not a skill, it's a defect.
  3. AngryPlayer

    Funny you should say someone who snipes with a bolt action... lacks patience.

    I don't even.
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  4. Sakai

    The actual "shoting" part is pretty easy for the most part. But there are other parts to sniper which are much more harder. If you knew anything about sniping you would know that.
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  5. kris1245

    But before we still had a one shot kill to the head from under 150 meters, all they have done is remove the one shot kill with a headshot past 150 meters... how is that a buff, all they have done is take away from what you could do.

    Maybe you misunderstood it as being a one shot kill anywhere to the body under 150 meters, which it is not.
  6. Teegeeack

    You only had a one shot kill to the head if the target wasn't wearing nanoweave. If he was, you had to be within 70 metres of him before. We're getting an 80 metre range extension.
  7. Zazulio

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  8. Spoprockel

    Well, you could oneshot people who had another suit slot equipped from render distance. Not everybody wears NW all the time.

    Now everyone gets OHK immunity past the magical range of 150m (+-adjustments).

    I'm not sure yet how it will play out for me, gotta test it at different battlefields first.

    On a completely different note:

    Does anybody know yet how the change affects infiltrators, since they have 100 less health?

    Will they be the only viable targets for BASR headshot kills beyond 150m?

    And if so, how will that change sniping, as infiltrators will target other infils instead of priority targets past the magical 150m mark?
  9. Spoprockel

  10. Maljas23

    Kill cams, seriously? In a combined arms game, having a sniper actually be effective at range doesn't unbalance it. They have counters just like everything else in this game. So now I'm going to ask you the same question(s) I've been asking several other people on this forum. Maybe you will give me an answer:

    1. Are snipers, on your server, completely destroying squads/platoons attempt to assault or defend a location?
    2. Are snipers completely halting all possible advancement on that base your outfit is attacking?
    3. Are these snipers capping medic after medic preventing anyone from being revived?
    4. Are snipers stopping your outfit/squad/platoons from capturing control points?

    Finally, are they doing these things from 300m, or rather ANY distance away?

    Don't let Forumside 2 slander of the Infil class cloud your thinking. In a coordinated squad/platoon/outfit, snipers have their role just like anything else.
  11. Sakai

    Something tells me you won't get any answers to your questions. :) Otherwise people would be forced to acknowledge there this nerf to sniper rifles is completly ridiculous. And we wouldn't want that, wouldn't we? :)
  12. Flapatax

    Infils have a role. Snipers are COD kiddies who have a running dialogue in their head. "I am the lone wolf. I am the hunter. I am death incarnate, with one squeeze of the trigger, a life is taken, I am a--WHAT THE F--THEY'RE SHOOTING BACK AT ME! UNBALANCED! UN-BAL-ANNNNCCEEDDD!"

    Your own points prove that anyone playing a "sniper" is doing so at no benefit to their team. Oh look, you got a kill from 300M away from anywhere you might actually be useful or needed. Now watch as that medic makes your contribution to anything other than your own bloated KD pointless.

    The 150M limiter might force bads to actually do something. Also saying "they have counters" is like me saying "the 150M range is perfectly justified and any further discussion is unnecessary. Flapjax for President 2016."
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  13. Maljas23

    It would be great to get an answer just to see where their thinking is. I can't understand why anyone would support thing kind of change to the sniper playstyle. All I've read against it is that they are useless when I know from experience in being a coordinated outfit, that that is not true. Ignorance is truly bliss in Forumside 2.
  14. Maljas23

    Ok please stop comparing this to COD. That is completely irrelevant to this argument.

    Second, stop making these stupid assumptions that all snipers are out for their K/D. As I said earlier, not all snipers are lone wolfs. Some actually play with their coordinated squad.

    Third, my point to asking those questions was to get a opinionated response out of you. All you did was tell me my own points prove me wrong which isn't the case. Why? Because a sniper who works with a coordinate squad/platoon, will be the one taking out the AV eng on the hill 300m+ away from the engagement zone. Not to mention the one killing that engy repairing a nearby tank, the one counter sniping enemy snipers, the one stopping that LA from C4ing your Sunderer, and finally the one scouting ahead and spotting for the squad.

    I can add more to that list if you like. Snipers are part of the Infil class, so stop treating like its not. A good sniper will know when its time to move up to best support the platoon/squad/outfit.

    Now please answer my questions instead of trying to use them against me.
  15. Andy79

    now if I somehow could measure the distance while looking thru my sniperscope... (I am not "pro" enough to feel the difference of 140 vs 160 in a sufficient timeframe)

    "spotting" my target should give me 50 extra headshot meters


    probably too late for PS2 (but not for PS3 !):

    add more body locations for diverse effects if wounded, giving snipers the ability to cripple a MAX arm or leg for a while (until healed / x time passed)

    add sniper targets to vehicles (sensors, etc), obviously at least as hard as a headshot and mildly crippling (ie minimap disfunction, targetting reticule flickers / off, speed reduction)
  16. holycaveman

    This guy needs sniped.
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  17. tproter

    No, that just means that you will fail to assist your faction in actively and directly capturing a base and its resources.
  18. Flapatax

    Oh, I thought you realized my point. .5% of snipers (totally not a made up statistic) can do the things you're describing. The vast majority are terrible lone wolves. I know this for the same reason you know that so many regularly support their squad. Most of your points are examples of what snipers say they do the same way alternative healers say some herbs will totally fix your cancer.

    I have been sniped approximately zero times dropping C4 on a tank. I move constantly if I'm ever repairing (oh, a sniper's only weakness, movement!). And scouting and spotting? Are you kidding me? Is that a thing that you just said? I suppose I have to give you turrets. Kudos for being able to kill a guy standing completely immobile staring in one direction, not sure why you can't land two shots on them though.

    I get sniped when I'm looking at the map to find a decent fight by some cloaky idiot who doesn't realize the fight for a base ended 3 minutes ago and needs a solid 30 seconds to set up a shot on a non-moving target. Now at least they have to get closer to do so in one hit.

    Again, this is a OHK nerf. The lamest way to die in any game. The only fun being had when OHKs occur is the person getting them. Invariably the dead person feels cheated, as you can't react to dying instantly. Actual counters (kill cams, lens flare, radar blip) are essentially negligible in PS2--so snipers should be as well.

    Snipers are infiltrators the same way a tricycle is a method of transportation.
  19. Maljas23

    My point was that snipers are a support class. Just because you've never seen it done doesn't mean it is any less true. And if snipers are so ineffective to you, why the hell would you want to nerf them further. After all, you just said yourself that this was a nerf.

    God forbid we use any of the many many counters to snipers in this game. Lets just nerf it instead. <--------- Your logic.

    Finally, answer my questions please. Do you ever see snipers lay down entire squads on your server? Yes or no?
  20. Flapatax

    I'm not sure what your point is. No, snipers don't lay down entire squads, because outside of like 2 people skilled players don't like to play that brand of cheese. And again, this is a nerf to OHKs, via snipers. From a game development perspective, OHKs are atrocious.

    Please, continue recording for posterity all the reasons why people hate snipers and the people who advocate for them. Also stop saying "many counters" like you've explained even one.