Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DatVanuMan, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. DatVanuMan

    The devs JUST said that revived enemies will no longer give xp. Medics, prepare for the nerfs. WHAT THE HELL, SOE? Snap, you have to keep nerfing?
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  2. abaddun

    Isn't it obvious? SOE's lord and master, the Beamer, has decreed that no fun shalt be had upon his land, and lo SOE smote fun unto the ground.
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  3. DatVanuMan

    The storm cometh! THE STORM!!!!!!
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  4. squarebug

    This is a bad idea
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  5. Dracorean

    Is your spandex rustled?
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  6. DocteurVK

    Wait, What ???

    Where did you find this info ?
  7. Rovertoo

    Why would this nerf medics? They still get revive XP, but people won't get XP for killing that newly regenerated soldier.
  8. Atis

    Revives will no longer count as spawn kills unless it has been less than 12 seconds since they have respawned normally - from patch notes.

    That just means that revived guys wont get newborn flag, but will keep it if 12s timer is expired.
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  9. Bonom Denej

    Wow chill dude, you got this patch note all wrong...
  10. bl33ping

    the flag is also removed if the revived player deals any damage to enemies.
  11. MarkAntony

    learn to read.

    It means that if I shoot a revived enemy it counts as a normal kill. It hasn't been nerfed it's been buffed. idiot
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  12. Chris Bingley

    Nope, it's if they earn 100XP before the 12 seconds are up. Close enough though with assist XP and the short TTKs in this game.
  13. MotionBlured

    So many things wrong with the OP.
    1: Implying the nerfs stopped or haven't happened yet
    2: Completely misunderstanding the thing you're complaining about
    3: You provide zero evidence of this
    4: Misguided and uninformed opinion of nerfs in general.
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  14. DocteurVK

    Read again...
  15. patrykK1028

    No xp for reviving? Prepare for no medics at all!!
  16. Bonom Denej

    Your reading skills are apparently the same as the OP.
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  17. happfyunbags

    Might I recommend mixing some Tobasco sauce into your hummus.
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  18. patrykK1028

    Oh I see this now xd
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  19. ILoveLucy

    R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me.
  20. breeje

    wait wait a moment leave something for me to break this guy down
    and afterwords when he is down on the floor u my kick him a little bit more