The NC on Emerald looses too much imo.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RaiMarie, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. RaiMarie

    I noticed lately that NC usually looses alerts and ends up with the least amount of land 50%+ of the day. I watched 10+ vanguards all die to 1 prowler, I seen a small squad take over a NC base without much resistance, and I have seen how inaccurate some of their infantry are outside of CQC range. I don't know what's going on with them but I am quite depressed over it. Anyways, anyone else noticed this or is it just my time zone for them?
  2. Jawarisin

    Well... NC are kind of... Pretty much what the VS are becoming, but at an advanced state. Every new/bad player thought they would do better going with the faction that won, so everybody went NC to zerg. So you get a lower skilled average faction. Now process is reversing, "vanu wins" so those same players and new ones, switch to vanu and make the average drop.

    That's usually how I see it. As for anything else wise, I've played NC a lot, and their weapon are just as good (if not overpowered in some situation - see heavy resistance shield mechanics), minus not having the lancer :/
    It's really just a skill issue, there's a few good players, but they are diluted, and the massive amount of zerging from NC never let players who could of become really good become really good as fast as they could of. It'll turn around soon enough, not to worry.
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  3. KnightCole

    Oh, its not your opinion, the Emerald NC(Mattherson) NC have been losing for as far back as I can remember. When I first joined mattherson server they were doing really well and winning alot, then over time they have just degraded into the smoldering refuse pit of suck and TKing they are now. There are a few decent clans and stuff, TIW seems to win, but idk what other clans there are...117?
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  4. _itg

    NC loses most of the time on Connery, too. The only thing that saves us is a tendency to become overpopped around primetime. But VS always has 45%+ at night, so they win the vast majority of alerts at the moment.
  5. ScrapyardBob

    Well last summer/fall, a lot of the NC platoon leaders seem to have decided "we don't do alerts". So perhaps by now it's a cultural thing where there are too many NC grunts who don't care about the alert.

    Then there's the problem that alerts, in their current iteration are bunk:
    • Nobody should win unless one faction has at least 40% or 45%. That would force a bit more risk-taking rather then "get to 36% and camp".
    • If you win during prime-time, you get bupkis for your efforts because the continent immediately unlocks after rotating. If your side manages to win the alert, you should be granted a 2-3 hour boost for whatever the continent rewards.
    • Continents are too unlikely to lock towards the end of prime-time. And too likely to unlock before prime-time starts.
    • You still don't get the bonus certs/XP if you happen to disconnect before the alert ends. Even if you spent the last hour+ fighting for your faction.
  6. Lamat

    For a game that crashes so often for so many people I don't know why they haven't done something about this.
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  7. NC_agent00kevin

    There are two specific guys in NC Leader chat that constantly complain in unacceptable ways about the NC losing. I think that makes everyone want to care even less. I have no idea what Outfits they lead if any, but its certainly not the way to get help.

    Thats only a part of the problem though. Ive noticed so very many NC are completely unaware of whats going on. Not just in the immediate area but in general. Just the other night Nott got zerged by a huge VS force while they fought over an Outpost with enough guys to actually defend the Amp Station. When the Amp Station flipped, they were cut off and lost the base shortly after anyway. Then the VS didnt even care to push south; they just the NC hordes throw their meatsacks at them for a farm over and over again. It was kinda funny. They'd push us out of the Amp Station, then retreat back into it and wait for the NC to get set up again, then come out, destroy everything, farm them all, and repeat. The only bright side was, I also got my farm on and didnt care if we took the base or not.
  8. ColonelChingles

    Yea... definitely not your imagination. As of today since the start of this year, the NC have 205 out of 1,289 recorded alerts (15.9%). The highest-scoring faction, the VS, have 535 victories (41.5%). Even the TR, which have been the whipping boys of Auraxis post-TE, outplay the NC at alerts with 230 victories (17.8%).

    As for why...

    1) Leadership. The Emerald NC are fairly disorganized and don't communicate between outfits very well. According to the VS, they can request reinforcements in command chat and without question different outfits start sending over a squad or two. In the NC command chat, if you ask for reinforcements you're likely to just get someone arguing with you about how that position is foolhardy to take even though if they just shut up and sent you the ****ing reinforcements you could take the base and give it a new paint job before they're done arguing. Or you just get crickets, due to the aforementioned uselessness of NC command chat.

    2) Motivation. Some outfits simply don't play alerts. They see it as an unfun system, and I've been told by platoon leads that their #1 concern is to find fun fights for the platoon, not to win some random alert. This leads to some of the best NC outfits ignoring alerts altogether, and the rest don't feel particularly compelled to try and win. Keep in mind that the NC overpop was a fairly new thing (since Feb-Mar of 2014), so in the past they were constantly losing alerts simply due to a lack of population.
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  9. Peg

    It happens on Miller too. NC very rarely win an alert or even bother with it.

    A very large proportion of NC don't seem have any idea of map awareness either. Blatently obvious strategic bases such as Tech plants are lost to half a squad, unopposed to 48+ fights with minor importance. Biolabs are defended for hours and hours to the cost of the entire map. Alerts are just ignored completly

    I've even seen NC loose when they have a 15% pop advantage.

    As for bucking the trend I've given up with that a bit. My outfit and its organisation left the game within the first year, due to the simplicity and inflexability of the game, despite being top NC Werner outfit for as long as I can remember and staying active for almost 10 years in PS1.

    There isn't much a single person can do so I tend to just look for a good fight now.
  10. NinjaTurtle

    When there is no purpose to win why would people bother trying to win an alert or land in general? Territory doesn't grant nanites, it doesn't grant xp bonus, the only place that is of some importance is the Tech Plant

    May as well spend the time finding the best farm. You'll get more xp this way than you would if you had played for the objective and won

    The imbalance is lack of meta and reward for playing said meta

    I can't speak for TR and VS but I know a ton of people on Emerald NC that just don't care if they lose the alert or just land in general. As long as there is a good fight to farm at we are happy

    TLDR If the game is designed like a TDM why would people play it as if it weren't..... QQ sort out the meta SOE
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  11. RaiMarie

    I see. Thanks for the replies. I don't get involved in squads since I only play casually anyways. I get on, go defend a base or 2, pull a tank or sundie, kill a bit, die a ton, log off, sleep for the night to prepare for a hard day of work tomorrow. I just didn't know why I see NC with almost no land every time but I can understand now.
  12. stalkish

    Which PS1 outfit were you with?
    I have the same problem, all my outfit(s) have left the game, its pretty much just me and my bro in a 2 man squad most of the time. We havent had a full squad since release :(.
  13. SeverTheWicked

    Its because TR do not like fighting VS. Its not hard to see why, the VS on Emerald are absolute gutter trash. If they're not sitting on mountains spamming PPA's, they are sending in 20 Heavies with Orions/Betelgues's/SVA-88's and moon walking through all your bullets whilst dropping you in 3. GOKU, SSG and Dasanfall are forever ruining fights simply by showing up with 3x the number of guys needed and grossly overpopulating the fight. They sit in corners, do sweaty crap that most casuals can't be bothered with because, you know, we just want to have fun and shoot people? There's always a VS max around every corner. They constantly spam crap at you to make fighting them the most asinine experience. My hatred for VS is unparalleled to the point where I get blinded and end up doing badly at every VS fight.

    So in the end, TR focus on fighting NC simply because its always a good fight with you guys. VS have superior numbers and so fight both TR and NC. NC therefore get double teamed.
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  14. OminousZ

    In your opinion? No my's a fact. I take screen shots throughout the day showing how much the NC loses on Emerald. This is a big problem that needs to be addressed, because people are jumping ship and going over to VS or TR. I've even considered it's no fun constantly being dominated, mostly by the VS.
  15. OminousZ

    Not trying to start a flame war here, but there is truth to this post. Unless you switch to NC on Emerlad, you won't know what he's talking about. 85% of the time, i run into a VS heavy or Max...Now, i'm sure they are going to flame...before anyone comes and post, i challenge you to switch to NC on Emerald. Geez...just look at streamers...90% of them are Vanu, the rest TR, and maybe 1 or 2 NC
  16. Diilicious

    On cobalt the VS are normally too scared to fight the TR, literally Ever, so they always end up taking the entire NC section of the map and never fight tr apart from very minor border skirmishes, of course every now and then there are some big fights between the two but not nearly as much as vs the NC.

    and a lot of time people cant be bothered to fight the VS and their disco easy street laser spandex side show zerg caravan, so they end up ghost capping most of the map while TR desperately fight the NC on that 1 hex that remains where they can do so in peace.
  17. DQCraze

    NC Emerald Leadership is the worst in the game. Im glad they are so disorganized because if the NC had the same leadership as VS they would win every alert hands down no question.
  18. OminousZ

    Sure...not all NC, TR, VS leader is perfect. But you are inaccurate with this statment...and again..i challenge you to join NC on Emerald and play for a couple of days and you'll see exactly what i'm talking about.
  19. SeverTheWicked

    Honestly, its absolutely infuriating constantly playing against what seems like an MLG-pr0 nerd troupe trying to be as sweaty as they can for teh montage clips. All streamers are VS because playing a VS Heavy gives you no downsides. Abuse the bad hit reg because you have a weapon that moves you at 0.75x ADS versus everything else. And even if you get outmanoeuvred/outplayed, you can just switch on the shield anyway and win.

    Fighting VS at range is also awful. If its not PPA/Lasher being spammed at you, its impossibly accurate LMGs/Carbines/Assault Rifles that make you scream aim-bot. I'm not even dicking around here, this is true sh*t.

    VS as a faction BREAK balance simply for existing.
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  20. OminousZ

    I've started a VS soldier and played about an hour because that's all it took for me to i know why people play VS. Not much challenge at all to control the weapon/lead shots, etc...felt slightly like COD weapons.
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