The most powerful mines are...

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Ximinet, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Ximinet

    ...the Bouncing Bettyes???? Because googling this words i have reached one guy at this forum that said that those mines are the most powerful mines. Is that true???
  2. ZDarkShadowsZ

    That depends on which way you mean 'most powerful'. In terms of damage, claymores do the most damage (1300 max 350 min) due to them being a directional explosive (the direction facing away from the player when placed) whereas BB's and Prox Mines have a 360 degree direction but do less damage (1000 max 200 min).
  3. Rikkit

    In my opinion
    Claymores(TR) are best for setting up traps,
    Proxys(VS) are best for bomb rushing(You can throw them verry far)
    and Bettys(NC) are somewhere in between
    • Up x 1
  4. Ximinet

    So,if i put a TR mine on a particular place,they explode only on a particular direction not if the enemy goes back as the position of the mine (claymore)????
  5. OldMaster80

    You basically have to pass in front of the mine. You pass next to it or behind it does not explode.
    This makes it good to drop behind corners or doors becuase they do full damage but are difficult to see. They are instead poor to drop in the middle of a room.
  6. Ximinet

    Ok thanks for explain.
  7. Rikkit

    Trigger Radius of Claymore:
    ..---  <--Claymore
    Trigger ranger for other Mines:
    ..(.....X....)  <--X marks the Mine
    While the Claymores triggers with no delay(to compensate for the lower trigger area), the other two have a slight delay to it, which often leads to the prey surving the mine, esp in a laggy enviorment. A simple Jump or an Havy pressing F can help to survive the Mine for example.
  8. Liewec123

    claymores are pretty much the best in every way, damage, concealability, instantly triggering etc. :D
  9. CuteBeaver

    It really depends on how you use mines to determine what is best. Iv done some pretty strange things with claymores... They are great for standard traps you place on ground. I'v also slid them down slopes towards LA who were flying upwards... but they are not as good for killing groups of infantry from above like the other mines.... Claymore are mostly used for setting traps near corners. I also use them to trap vehicles. Usually where the hood ornament goes works. Place them so they trigger on the left side (your right side if facing the front). The Left side facing the rear is usually where the driver exits.

    Proxy Mines are wonderful for tossing. I'm not sure if they actually go farther but it certainly looks like it does. For the record Bouncing betties actually do bounce when they hit the ground for a good height and I am experimenting with double mine drops from above. It might be possible to drop both mines before the first one triggers since they bounce it provides extra time? Which could possibly mean a different style of ambushing from above. EMPs are wonderful dont get me wrong but the ability to toss both mines down from higher locations w/o fear of the first one detonating too soon is nice. Its nice because hardly anyone will react to mines being dropped on them but they will tend to freak out when EMP'd. Its a minor perk but nice and worth exploring.

    I need to work more with this on my NC to determine if I have enough time to drop both mines + EMP or just do double drops or typical mine + emp. In contrast a proxies mine needs a follow up EMP as soon as possible when you are dropping them on people, because the Proxy will detonate w/o any chance to place a second mine properly. (Sometimes the second mine will blow up before officially hitting ground). The Proxy + EMP combo is great for snappy kills... but risky if you get yourself too close to the action and attempt to toss the second mine. You could blow yourself up if you are too close to the first mines blast. A typical Pizza delivery for Vanu using Proxy mines might be just slightly more risky because of this. Although lets be honest a typically pizza delivery ends with a death normally speaking so it wouldn't matter if you blew yourself up after tossing the second mine anyway.

    Betties can also be placed on the floor in more locations then Proxies can because they tend to blend with the ground in most buildings better. Meanwhile proxies need to be placed on darker floor areas (usually the dark grey purple lines) to better conceal them. Thankfully these lines are often near stairs and doors. Minor differences but they do affect where I place the mines. For me I like the Proxies the best. However I toss them a lot and EMP so its a play style thing.
  10. Ximinet

    Ok i can see on the second video that times between first shoot and second shoot of crossbow,doesnt give time to react to enemy. I still prefer the Blackhand though. Also,from all mines,my favorites are Bouncing Bettyes.