The loyal soldier freebie bundle?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Skippysqueaz, May 3, 2013.

  1. Skippysqueaz

    How did everyone get this, seems like I am the only one who did not get one of these.
  2. TSR-NiallS Customer Service

    Information on the Loyal Soldier promotion can be found here:

    Requirements to get the various rewards are listed at the bottom of the page.
  3. asteldian

    So, I see you have a great members deal for 3 months which even adds to existing time. Any chance that is replicated for us who have been screwed by being FORCED to be with PooSeiben where I have to cancel my account if I were wanting to upgrade to a 3 monthly one and pay the full price
  4. SilverAura

    I sure hope that priority queue in line is influenced by your consecutive membership tier. I'm going to be really upset if I find out that I'm being given the same "priority" as people who just got handed a free trial membership, after I've paid into a Gold tier membership.
  5. Lazaruz

    So, my membership ends on May 22nd, will I still remain a member to the end of the Loyal Soldier promotion on June 1st or do I have to re-sub immediately?