The LATTICE system, it's NOT BROKEN, it's HALF FIXED

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fabien, May 24, 2013.

  1. Fabien

    Vet's & Noobs, Old school Tribes / UT and the CoD lovers.. Appreciate at least one thing. They are continuously listening to us and (seem to) try to better the game. Worlds better than EA.

    ** Main issue is there aren't enough breakdowns of bases so fights are just factions piling up on the same pin-point of a hill. Bigger number wins since skill & tactics have less room to apply.

    If we had MORE breakdowns (A,B,C,D,E,F) where if a faction holds one point of 6 (Say like holding B - Bravo) they have access to the next adjacent point(s) further down. That way Outfit leaders can load up, fly over / around and drop behind enemy lines and start capping behind (albeit slower) and change the flow of the battles while keeping them within a reasonable distance. Not 20 hexes further into enemy territory.

    Also, having more capping points on the bigger, more important areas would allow for tactics from smaller groups, especially if these point are slightly spread out so zergs actually have to split to keep up.

    While were talking about more capture points for main areas, one of these could be *breath in* underground :eek:

    How about another being a tower structure FOUR STORIES tall? Imagine 12 guys dropping on the roof from a Gal.

    THAT would bring in strategy from Outfit commanders, allow for some diversity while keeping the fights closer.

    Just a though.
    • Up x 2
  2. Jac70


    * the lattice solves nothing and is a waste of effort
    • Up x 1
  3. Fabien

    Jac70 you bring NOTHING to the table, go away and be nuisance in game where you can be shot at and "V - 6'ed"
  4. Lance007

    Would you like to bring any points to the table? Anything that let's you stand out of the crowd that just hates anything new?
  5. Zombo

    i think lattice IS a step in the right direction, i hope they further improve the defense attributes of bases, then the zerg will have to split up or give up on some bases and try at another path to counter the enemy

    looking at the big picture, lattice is an extreme enhancement over the old back-hacking and ghost-capping mechanics
  6. maxkeiser

    I think lattice is a step in the wrong direction. Hopefully it will be removed in favour of a somewhat modified hex system (there are plenty of things they can do to improve the hex experience).
  7. redmamba

    The thing is that now you get higher concetration of people at predifined points and the game lags more than it has where players could be scattered all over the continent

    true story!
  8. SgtScum

    The other thing is that there were plenty of lightly defended or even undefended bases on indar last night during prime time so why did you go to the places the zergs were bashing heads at?

    Granted they usually wouldn't stay undefended long but the response was typically small enough to get either a good fight or a good cert farm going and you could always bail to another lightly defended base if the zerg shows up.

    true story!
  9. Nyscha

    Hell no not that ******** again.
    Hexes need to go and never come back.
  10. oherror

    Lattice is a good step but there needs to be more ways to cap a base. In PS1 you could make a base go neutral by draining its energy. To counter that the defending play had to drive NTU to the base to refill it. Though i dont know how that would implement this as in PS1 the warp gates where neutral.
  11. Wafletofles

  12. joe smo

    i think if their was some more cover around the outside of bases, it could at lest allow players to spread out.
    was just on PS yesterday and that is one of the big things that stick out trees/rock cover for the attackers, rather then one rock for miles around.
  13. MrK

    Lattice is far from enough to do something enjoyable in the long term
    * independant hard spawn points are needed, out of lattice. That doesn't mean 80% of the outposts should get out of lattice, but some hard spawn point should be capturable independantly of lattice. They should not grant you any territory or ressource. Just a hard spawn point. Exactly like the Sattelite of Facilities were before
    * A meaningfull Ressource System. This is what can reinstate all types of fights in their glory. Something any squad can fight over to help its empire, by gaining resources / denying the ennemy theirs, and with true effects. Currently the ressource systems means nothing and has zero impact.