Well,after test the T7 Mini Chain Gun and my recent adquisition in my Vanu char,the Lasher,i can say that im better with the Lasher than the T7 MCG. I have my TR HA char sleeping while im lvling up my Vanu HA,of course,with the Lasher. Its the only weapon that i can kill 4 guys in a room and dont die,because AoE. Anyway,two days ago i try again the TR char and fighting versus noob Vanu MAX i killed him 3 times with pure force of the T7 MCG,i killed another one but is another guy,in other words i killed 4 MAXes in the same night with brute force of the T7 MCG,but its just lucky. But for kill infantry at more than 20 metters its useless,because have high CoF. While Lasher have aim and when u hit,it have AoE,the trick is to aim at feet. I only have problems in frontal combat versus other HAs,but this time i only need to hit plenty on body,but still i have probabilityes of die. So,that weapon with players with bad aim or have little nervous in hand like me,its perfect. And u can react fine versus surprise attacks,the only problem was weapons made for close quarters,shotguns,AR with 800 rpm,MAXes in less than 5 metters from u... But with that weapon u dont need a rcoket launcher to kill a MAX,can perfectly do u solo with the Lasher. U need little moments to kill it of course,and in safe distance. And if the MAX was hurt,bingo!!!,u have the kill. The problem was when take cover and have an engie around him,so ur priority is the engie. Well,finishing this post,i only need to say that my favorite HA from all was the TR,because the T7 Mini Chain Gun,but i only can do magic with the Lasher and its shy. But the 4 kills to the MAXes last night thinks me that this is not totally correct
So well,Lasher users post here ur thoughts about that incredible weapon,and demostrate to Vanu HAs that said that is a bad weapon,that is a incredible weapon,capable of do magic,ALL HAIL THE LASHER!!!
Lasher is a good way to learn gun handling. After using it for some time i found i was able to get far more kills with my Orion than my Lasher.
I auraxium'd the Lasher last week for the HA directive and found it is much more effective in CQC than I thought it would be. I started using it the standard way, spamming chokepoints from range and supressing, resulting in racking up assists but not kills and that got very old, very fast. Slap a laser on it and go hipfire crazy in close quarters, aim for centre mass body shots and it really is a good gun, it seemed a bit counter-intuitive at first, but it really works well, aurax in no time. Good players who reliably land head shots will spank you, but since that only applies to about 5% of the player base, the Lasher is very effective as well as being fun to use and a nice change from LMGs. I was dreading having to get all those kills with it, but I really enjoyed it and it didn't feel like a grind at all. The Lasher is awesome.
Yeah, I like the Lasher too. The funny thing is, when I trialed the thing, I managed to kill myself with it more than the enemy in the first 10 mins or so... Still, it's currently one of my favourite weapons and probably the only reason I will really ever play as a heavy assault.
wow a thread about my two favourite weapons! good to see that people is learning how to use the lasher properly. it surely needs some effort because you have to hipfire the hell out of it and aim to the feet in order to make it effective, but once you get used to it and start using the terrain to your advantage you have a really unique and complete weapon. you can easily get rid of CQC targets (usually you kill an LA or engi in less than 10 bullets to the feet at 6-10 meters, while hipfiring) while still being extremely good at tremendous long range combat due to AoE damage not scaling with bullet travel distance and CoF bloom resetting way faster than normal. you have increased damage versus maxes (being AoE damage more effective on em, and calculated differently than on infantry targets), you can do absurd amount of damage if you fire at concentrated clusters of enemies, basically multiplying the damage for every target that eats AoE. and those unique features don't even consider the main purpose of the gun: SUPPRESSION. the best advice for a lasher player is DON'T ADS unless they are past ~18 meters or they are not firing you back. and AIM FOR THE FEET when hipfiring. seriously, there are reviews on the internet that say to ADS all the time, that's madness! why the hell would you ever want to ADS and go for bodyshots with a weapon that has FOUR to SIX TIMES LONGER BULLET TRAVEL TIME, DOUBLE TTK even if connecting all those slow ballz (much unlikely) and 1.5 HEADSHOT DAMAGE MULTIPLIER? its like going to battle a CARV with a special edition of the same gun with half the dps, 1/5 bullet travel speed and no 2X hs dmg. you still can win but you have to be TREMENDOUSLY more skilled than you opponent. lasher has AoE and if you go for bodyshots and miss (and you will, a lot) all those ballz will just slowly fly past your opponent and do 0 damage. if you aim for the feet you will damage your opponent in a continuously and effective way, killing him in less that you'd expect while ADADAD spam and be way less damaged. and god, look at that tiny tiny hipfire CoF, the weapon just screams to be hipfired! concerning the chaingun, I feel very similar to OP. joined TR for the MCG, but even after almost 15k kills I feel the weapon is missing a purpose. you have REALLY bad dps because of spin-up time and that ADS CoF, which is so big that you actually can't fully cover an infantry target even at 10 meters. The weapon has a totally wrong ammunition profile, you can't give this weapon the same profile of standard high capacity TR and NC LMGs, because the MCG is designed to waste bullets! - big, stagnant CoF means A LOT more bullets (and time) to kill anything past 9 meters. - high RPM means you will waste more bullets on already dead players, and also when you are dead but the server hasn't told you yet. - no 2x headshot dmg multiplier means you will do even less damage with random headshots (you have to aim for the body anyway, but hs can happen at medium/long distance), so you will have to fire more to compensate. - having a spin-up time forces you to pre-spin the weapon away from your main target, and that is wasting bullets, lol The weapon should have more bullets (only the ex-mags version) to be able to actually suppress, otherwise its low-dps profile doesn't make any sense. the fixed cof starts to be useful if you keep firing for like 4 seconds, how often does that happen? and is it an advantage or you just keep the trigger pressed to avoid the spin-up time? I honestly think that when using the MCG you have to overcome its weaknesses instead of abuse its strenghts. I too think the lasher is better than the MCG in pretty much every aspect. the mcg is supposed to be a close quarter gun? the spin-up time is there to kill your TTK, and a pump action shotgun is clearly superior to clean small rooms. you won't kill more than 6 enemies with a gun you have to pre-fire before entering the room lol. In my opinion the dakka faction should be the best in suppression and sustained fire, cause spraying is what ppl want when they join TR. But VS has infinite ammo on auraxiums and the best (and only, actually) gun for suppression, and that IMO messes up faction traits.
Lasher will take a max, chew it up and spit it out with ease. I think it has to do with damage resistances, but you get a bunch of lashers running around, you will rekt anything.
i all all of the ES heavy weps, but i think lasher has to be my favourite of the 3, no other gun lets you hipfire down a squad of enemies while jumping around drunk XD its a really fun gun! i'm actually shocked VS don't experiment with lasher valkyries making strafing runs over infantry, several lashers deals some pretty awesome splash!