[BUG] the hell?!the LMG changes went life!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scorpion97, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. CMDante

    So what got changed?
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  2. CorporationUSA

    It's the second time today, from what I've seen.
  3. Scorpion97

    I don't care they help or not

    they said they wont put them on august update and they EVEN didn't address them in the patch notes

    so whats the explanation of this?!!
  4. CorporationUSA

    I'm with you on that. I hate ninja nerfs.
  5. lothbrook

    I doubt they fix anything, i'd imagine its just a fix for the server instability kicking people off, they're not going to put out a patch on a friday night, lol.
  6. SwornJupiter

    Perhaps the overwhelming amount of support for this change to go through?
  7. Scorpion97

    A very sensitive content like the LMG tuning should NEVER be displayed that easy!
  8. Scorpion97

    this is very biased and probably not true

    wonder why you turned your avatar into VS? :O
  9. SwornJupiter

    I'm going VS more heavily from now on because the Aphelion is a freaking beast
  10. Scorpion97

    so they will nerf it 3 months later

    bet you guys are the SAME ones who abused the PPA and ZOE
  11. Peebuddy

    Longstanding joke

    Vs only use weapons which are OP

  12. Scorpion97

    no its the TR and NC bandwagon who abuse VS stuff
  13. SwornJupiter

    Zero logic was used to craft that intricate sentence.
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  14. Scorpion97

    English isn't my first language but you got what I mean,right?
  15. CorporationUSA

    I will remind you about the Banshee.
  16. Scorpion97

    you have 1 item in ps2

    we have 5 items in ps2 and 1 in ps1
  17. Scorpion97

    wait,there was striker

    so its 2 items from TR and 6 from VS
  18. CorporationUSA

    What do you mean "you?" I'm not here to represent any one faction.
  19. SwornJupiter

    That's not how balance works..
    It's not a case of '"VS have had 6 things nerfed while TR have had 2 things nerfed, so we need to slam 4 TR weapons with the unjustified nerfhammer".

    It's a case of:
    - A is overperforming compared to B
    - X is the reason why this is
    - Can X be solved on the part of the devs? If so...
    - We should tweak A so that it is more in line with B (and B's counterparts)
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  20. Scorpion97

    I understand but you are the one who opened it so I simply concerened it :p

    again,such changes shouldn't hit life in such improper way especially if it was about "balance"