The Heavy needs a rework.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. AxiomInsanity87

    700hp is a few shots which translates into a few milliseconds more tkk or maybe a second.

    This can increase dramatically against new players but so can nanoweaves efficacy. I agree that some things are bad for new players but you cannot account for a random factor such as skill or you end up with cod, which is 2-3 shot ttk no matter what.

    We're already close to that as it is lol.
  2. customer548

    Yeah sure, internet multiplayer games have nothing to deal with your supposed "few milliseconds"...All good. I mean...
  3. Azawarau

    My kd is .9 and i have 49 days in play time

    A large portion of my deaths are via suicide and indirect suicide though so its not really an accurate representation of the kinds of things i do

    Ill give you a hint. Im the leader of an outfit called Kamikaze and theres a reason it has that name

    My complaints arent coming from a skilless player or sour vet

    Just a player that sees an issue and is unfortunate enough to find strange opposition on this forum

    Its easier to attack people or strawman than anything else

    Mr super poster has done alot of that in this thread

    Most kills aside from power hitters dont come from 2-3 shots that way

    There are factors like distance,cover,evasive movement that affect that way too much to simply say paper statistics means its ok

    You know this
  4. AxiomInsanity87

    Indeed there are plenty of factors. So to claim the HA shield needs to be toned down due to being too good isn't exactly valid at all and can't be based on situations or player skill.

    So we can look at the raw stats. The raw stats state that it is a few shots and most fights are close range (as you should know right?), which means it is mostly going to be a few shots. That's not even taking into account pump actions, mines, c4, knives, etc.

    You keep chucking around strawman and yet you provide nothing but fallacy upon fallacy while failing to comprehend anything. You literally provide nothing, not even stats to AT LEAST show you're not a bad player. You've given me your raw k/d. With no context a .9 k.d tells me that you do a whole lot of dying and not enough killing. So it appears that you have 0 impact beyond being the usual fodder that can be seen getting mown down in droves while making no difference.

    That is what a raw k/d tells me. Would you like to provide your actual stats or continue to shoot yourself in the foot?.

    There's also quite a few outfits with the name kamikaze.

    "Mr superposter" Just giving you more than your fair share of common courtesy by replying to you.

    Are you
  5. AxiomInsanity87

    This is you?. This is the leader of the outfit you have stated.

    Your top weapon is the shotgun. This furthers my thought that this probably is a player skill issue as you should be having no issues with heavies at close range where the shield is dealt with easier due to lack of damage drop-off. You also have 4115k base defence VS 918 base attacks. So you do literally play cqc with a shotgun where you should be wrecking HA's no problem. They should be playing into your advantage most of the time as well as they are coming to you, into cqc where you are waiting with a shotgun.

    If they really are spinning around and killing you like that, considering how you play, i can only imagine it is either that you need to do better or that you have bad net.

    That or maybe a lot of heavies you face are using an aimbot?.

    So now that's out in the open, can you please explain how the HA is doing too well against the fact you can't tackle them with a shotgun when they are facing you at a disadvantage. You're lucky that you're nc or you'd have to deal with the jackhammer.

    Do you not think that your skill level is skewing your opinion of how well a HA shield performs? considering you're dying a lot while waiting for people to attack bases and play into your advantage?. Your spm is very low as well which tells that you do pretty much hang around a lot but afk does reduce this.
  6. Azawarau

    Thats me

    The shotgun thing is a bit off though. I only use it with light assault during more offensive times. Otherwise im sneaking to the enemy spawn point and destroying it so they cant take the base

    My most used weapon is the warden and i run around with the archer and blackhand so you can probably guess that CQC isnt the thing i sue most

    I do semi afk alot but thats to defend key points because the Nc has a habit of letting themselves get cut off at a choke point and losing a ton of territory. So i sit and defend

    Interesting that i only have 3% healer play time when i pull that class every time its needed and only pull a heavy when i feel like goofing around or phoenix spamming

    Btw my most used is the archer since its release

    Expect that to rise
  7. Azawarau

  8. JustBoo

    Indeed those threads mean NOTHING because they were started and heavily propagated by a few cry-babies. Trying to use their very existence as a Call To Authority is an old trick that is easily revealed.

    Also, it is just total bullcrap logic. Period. Total Bullcrap Logic. Indeed, your 'logic' has been defeated and shown to be lacking of any understanding by DBG's very own information and descriptions.

    YOU just refuse to acknowledge it or understand it and just keep making he same super weak 'points' over and over. That is exactly what "special snowflakes" do.
    • Up x 1
  9. customer548

    You're talking about that HAs defenders argument "No,we don't have any advantage...Yeah, this hudge advantage exists...But it is not even a thing, you know...Stop thinking and talking about it...I mean l2p / stupid thoughts /newbie lol", right ?
  10. Azawarau

    The irony is you havent made a point either

    You kinda just came here to mudsling and then nothing else to follow up

    Like... You can say whatever you want about logic but if thats all youve got to say then its not really important
  11. Gundem

    Reduce HA's base mobility.(Base speed, sprint speed, acceleration speed)

    Improve LA's base mobility.(Base speed, run speed, some sort of temporary dash*?*, strafe speed and jump height*

    Buff medics support abilities.(Overheals, encourage medics more via improved revive reward mechanics)

    Add actual metagame for infiltrators and engineers.

    Boom, done.
  12. Azawarau

    In another thread maybe we can go over this more but i dont think any of the other classes need anything

    Is there a reason why you want to improve them?
  13. Gundem

    Because fundamentally, class diversity is what is lacking in this game.

    For example, TF2, a highly successful FPS, being over 7 years old, still manages to survive, while having 9 completely unique classes. Hardly a single class has a single factor identical to another class.

    The way I see it, there are 3 main characteristics of a class: Mobility, Survivability, and Damage. Almost every class in PS2 has identical base mobility and survivability. The only exception is the infil, with 100 less shields. Big whoop.

    Because the current HA and LA have identical speed and damage, the only current determining factor is effective health. Which the HA wins in a landslide.

    If we take for example the Heavy and Scout from TF2, we can draw some conclusions in PS2. The Heavy in TF2 manages to have the highest health and damage by a massive margin, but it still remains balanced because it has the lowest mobility and it's weapon even further reduces it.

    The Scout, on the opposite end of the spectrum, has the lowest HP, and one of the lowest DPS weapons in the game. But it remains one of the most competitive because it has a massive mobility advantage, with over 50% speed and a double jump for terrain traversing.

    If instead of simply nerfhammering the HA, which is a negative change that would discourage players as well as make obsolete quite a bit of cert investments, we diversify the other classes, which is a positive. This would add metagame, encourage players to branch out, create unique playstyles for each class and make each individual class more interesting, thus more fun.

    Sadly, as for the engi and infil, they kinda just need the game to change in favor of them. They need metagame such as deployables and hackables. But that's long-*** other topic.

    In the end though, as long as each class is balanced of so few factors, it will remain nearly impossible to achieve actual balance without simply nerfing every class and every weapon into a completely identical grey soup of blah.

    Imagine if we completely removed the heavies shield. What next? Do people complain about the medics AoE heal? Because all the classes are so similar, small bonuses make big differences. If each of the classes were more unique, we could let each class be uniquely powerful. If the ideological power levels still add to the same number, it's more or less no different then having all the classes be exactly the same, except it's way more fun and unique.
  14. Azawarau

    I find the light assualts jet packs and flashbangs more than enough to diversify them from heavies. They play an entirely different way

    Cloaker sneak attacks and spotters and engis defensive line ability and machine busting power makes them qway too important to not have

    As for heavy shields, And im capping this for the people who seem to think this is thec ase (Not you)


    Also, engi tank support and busting is the best
  15. Terranaxiom

    You are a complete and total R3tard and represent everything wrong with the internet. You should be banned from even being allowed out of your own home if this kind of logic you use in everyday life.

    Reported for nerf calls with no substance or basis to it. Feel free to report me but anyone can see that i have made a very sound observation. I doubt you ever left primary school and your stats are pure crap.

    You are one of the worst players in the game. Even your ***** weak attempt at making sense in this comment i am replying to is completely stupid. The resist shield already does what you propose you mr invalid.

    There. This thread will get locked now and we can be rid of this circus.

    Stay frosty.
  16. Azawarau

    You missed my point and ignored my arguments

    Youve just been trash talking the entire thread

    I tried to give you a number to work with but you ignored that earlier as well

    As long as this thread goes on ill do my best to pretend you arent here and hopefully youll do the same for me

  17. AxiomInsanity87

    That would be me ridiculing your random nerf call throughout the thread.

    Please do your best, because so far you've replied to everything by dodging and making no point.
  18. Gundem

    Heavies get Concs though, arguably a superior support grenade to the Flashbang.

    And while the heavies shield is nearly universally applicable, the jetpack isn't. It doesn't help directly in combat, as it shouldn't, but frankly it's pretty hard to get to a place as a LA that a HA can't get to either for tactical shooting. Sure, you can navigate rough terrain a lot more easily with the jetpack, but considering the dynamic of most bases in PS2, how often are there actually places that ONLY the LA can reach, that are tactically superior shooting positions, that also have no places that a HA could climb to as well? Maybe 5 total in the game? And that 700 HP isn't looking any less useful either...

    So, with the grenades pretty much matched, and the LA's ability still being pretty inferior to the HA, we can see that some changes are still in order. 1

    Dude. Regardless of whether you disagree with the OP or someone else's post, don't insult someone personally like that.
  19. Azawarau

    I dont know about your experience with light assaults but there are certainly more than 5 places you can reach to take tactical advantage of other players

    Keep in mind this is with drifter jets from here and under

    For hossin there are endless trees to climb and gain high ground on.

    In amerish you can sail across the map through trees as well though not as efficiently as in hossin. It gives you an edge in taking out annoying vehicles

    Indar is a dream for this in more bases than i can count...

    On any stairway or doorway that isnt open you can hover just above them for lenghty amounts of time to get the jump on anyone that enters

    In biolabs and watchtowers you can hover below and around launchpads shooting people when you come up and getting back into safety as needed

    Various long bridges let you sneak up on attacking infantry and convoys safe from most everything but another light assault or a watchful infiltrator with a spotter

    C 4 fairying<

    Using launchpads to gain height for strategic bombing <Very useful for battles between biolabs

    I could go on forever on how useful the drifter jet specifically is for getting the jump<Pun?< on anything

    Maybe its just me or maybe you havnt tried the maxed drifters but i cant see the light assaults mobility advantage as not being incredibly useful
  20. Gundem

    I actually have maxed drifter jets.

    Remember, this is only regarding infantry fighting, so all those points about vehicles are irrelevant.

    As for traversing terrain, yes it is nice, but this isn't about traversing long distances. This is about actually fighting other infantry 1v1.

    There are few areas that you can't climb to. HA's can hop up the rocks in Bio-labs to get on the roof of B point, and from there you can get on the roof of C point as well. Then you already have the height advantage, and you can start using your shield as your in-combat advantage.

    And for the areas that you you simply can't climb using crouch jumping or fancy routes, there's always bailing from aircraft and squad aircraft spawns.

    And furthermore, as I said before, often there are equally advantageous positions near places a LA can only get to. Heavies can flank, it just takes more time. Once you are actually fighting, the jetpack becomes useless. And since there are so many places you can flank without a jetpack, all the LA really does is sacrifice the ability to 1v1 or fight head on for convenience.

    I have araxiumed 5 different shottys, mostly using the LA. I think it's safe to say I know how to use terrain. And as I said before, it's just to easy to nullify the advantages of the jetpack. And then, as a HA, you keep the advantages of the shield and rocket launcher.

    Which is why, as stated in my previous post, improving the base mobility of the LA and decreasing that of the HA's would go a long way to making sure that each class is competitive.