The Heavy needs a rework.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. Armcross

    Ok fine
  2. Beerbeerbeer

    This reminds of the HE spam time.

    I quit before they fixed it, but hindsight is 20/20 and when you roll back the clock and look at all the people defending that crap, it's kind of funny now.

    Of course, granted, it's not at the same level of stupidness, but considering how long they let it perpetuate, and the people defending it at that time, says a lot about everyone's mindset.
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  3. Scr1nRusher

    There was actually never any "HE Spam".

    The problem was base design.
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  4. theVelvetAlley

    What's interesting is Personal Shield in Planetside 1 was heavily frowned upon, few people used it.

    Here in Planetside 2, Pshield is defended.
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  5. SQPD

    Change the shields around so that moment with shields is like movement while concussed, but a bit less severe. This means NO CQC ability with shields. Also, there should be a 2 second delay for the NMG to turn on to allow a player to sneak in a kill on the yellowbelly shield-using bastard.
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  6. Mxiter

    Just makes medikits only usable every 30 sec and you'll see that unkillable HA will go.
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  7. SQPD

    25% of my most recent deaths were caused by CQC heavy assaults alone. Just give them a 50% sensitivity reduction and 50% movement reduction while in shield and see how long they survive in CQC. They should also get bigger head hitboxes.
  8. Beerbeerbeer

    I've been playing heavy a lot more and it is easy mode.

    First, I never platoon, I run solo, and it is, by far, the easiest of all classes to play like that. I'm sure the benefits go up even more organized with revives and ammo.

    I vaguely remember, after release, that there were way more gun/class restrictions and LMGs weren't nearly as accurate as they seem to be now. Eh, I forget.

    In any case, the only way to play on equal footing is to just sadly play heavy. This is the only way to ensure that no matter what you run into, infantry-wise, you will not be out-classed.
  9. Pikachu

    Make them not able to sprint.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Most of my recent deaths are from not being observant enough.

    I should get free esp and aimbot.
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  11. Ryo313

    and while we are at it.. lets do something about those infiltrators who can kill you from far away before you know that they are even there... let them glow on the map everytime they use their cloak and add something on the hud to spot them x'D

    and those LA with their C4 >.> it needs at least 30s delay to explode and a huge warning on your screen so you can react to it.
    edit: and mines... freaking mines are what kills me the most so just add a marker on the hud for them and on the map so i don't run into them anymore x'D

    srsly tho... just grab a shotgun and you'll win in cqc against HA also mapawareness is your friend. use the environment to your advantage
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  12. DeadlyPeanutt

    this would be helpful.

    Dev were going to put in a two second delay but lacked guts to implement it after the HAs cried a river :)
    a two second delay would solve many problems of the 'instant win' button, and retain the 'tank' abilities of the HA
  13. Benton582

    First, Your False is False, it's "Your post is false". And what are LMGs usually for? "Supressive" fire, meaning towards pushing back enemies, and as much as you can say they are frontliners, it's quite a bit OP for about every other class to counter. Seriously? 75% as HAs? Do you know how hard it is to go against?
  14. Obscura

    No I dont need a rework lol, but it sounds like you might need to see a "gitgud" doctor to discuss some things about those symptoms of "madcuzbad" disease your showing.

    Heavy Assault is actually in a well balanced spot in the current class system, the heavy has been MUCH MUCH more OP in the past lol. According to OP's player site he plays engineer the most, so basically we can interpret this thread as a vessel for his rage at not being able to kill heavy assaults as easily as he would like to. Guess what? The problem isn't HA being overpowered and needing a rework, the problem is your own unrealistic expectations of your own preferred class, engineer, and your own biased views about the purpose of the class system in planetside 2.

    I've said this many times before on this forum and I'll say it again:

    Offensive/Defensive Classes:

    Heavy Assault- The main front line infantry unit in the game, it leads the frontlines during any battle and serves it's purpose as the main "slayer" role of all classes. It lacks the mobility of light assault, and the heavy weapons and armor of the MAX unit, but has a shield ability, LMG, and can carry a variety of shoulder fired launchers.

    Light Assault- The mobile front line infantry unit in the game, it uses the mobility from it's jetpacks to assault enemy lines from any and every angle possible, below, above, the tree, the windows, etc. It's carbine lacks the stopping power of the HA's LMG and the HA's tankyness from it's shield, but due to it's mobility the light assault can wreak havoc upon enemy infantry and armor from above with C4 and at angles otherwise inaccessible to other classes.

    MAX Unit- The heavily armored front line infantry unit in the game, with it's heavy armor/weaponry it leads the frontlines along with the heavy assault, serving as a mobile(limited) firing platform, able to equip a variety of weapons to engage infantry, armor, and air. It costs 450 resource points, lacks the mobility of the LA, and the practicality of the HA, but makes up for that with the it's versatility in firepower and heavy armor/large health pool.

    Support Classes- Medic, Engineer, Infiltrator. these classes are designated support, because of their class abilities and equipment and how they contribute to the class system. Each one has offensive/defensive capabilities, but their main purpose is to support allies with their class abilities and equipment.

    The class system is a team system. Every professional team sport has a role/position that scores the most points in a game, but without the rest of the team coordinating with them and using their synergy TOGETHER, that position effectively becomes useless.

    Wrong actually. You're thinking of HMG's or general purpose machine guns, which are designed to provide heavy suppressive fire from a prone position with the use of a bipod, neither of which exist in planetside 2.

    Planetside 2 LMG's are actually used similarly to their RL counterparts, LMGs/Squad Automatic Weapons(SAW) are usually shoulder fired machine guns designed to be employed by an individual soldier, with or without an assistant, as an infantry support weapon.
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  15. ColonelChingles

    Errr... but what are "infantry support weapons" for, and how do they differ from your typical carbines or assault rifles? I would think that one major role of an infantry support weapon would be to lay down suppressive fire (though in a more mobile fashion).
  16. Jubikus

    My statement was simply to point out that the Heavy assault class wasnt designed to be the front line soldier its just the case of the way the game changed. Do to the fact that shield gens are now overloaded instead of destroyed by your weapons means that instead of a light assault or infiltrator which can get their easier and get the job done you now have to have someone that can sit there and defend it which is the heavy assault which is why people consider it the front line soldier. Basically when you make all objectives sit and defends instead of smash and get out of the way you make one class a more usefull jack of all trades which is probably why the playerbase spends nearly 1/3 of its time on it.
  17. Ryo313

    i don't get why ppl don't understand how those classes work and what their roles are.
    you are one of those ppl who DO understand it and thats awesome.

    yes HA is played more but not because HA is "OP" (which he isn't) but because HA is the main soldier on the battlefield.
    but the thing is a HA alone can only do so much before he runs out of ammo/health (yes medkits are still an issue but could be easily fixed with a cooldown after useing it).
    its like chess sort of... you can't expect to win a chess match with only one type of chess figure because each figure can be outplayed by a different one.
    i've seen many medics and engis takeing out HAs with strategy and don't get me started about LAs ambushing tactics or infiltrators sniping advantage especially on open fields.

    each class can be "OP" when used in the right hands and if you feel that you don't perform well with your class then maybe you should switch to another one who suits your playstyle more or you talk to someone who uses the class for a longer time so you can learn from them.
    this isn't a "getgud" post don't get me wrong ... the majority of those "this is op pls nerf" threads are just made because ppl don't know how to react in certain situations or can't deal with something because of their lack of knowledge they have about this game.
  18. Beerbeerbeer

    What about just lowering the accuracy of LMGs across the board, at range and cq?

    Keep everything else, lower LMG accuracy and get rid of SMG usage.

    Still think a flat 10% mobility nerf would be best, walk, run and sprint speed. Shield usage speed also burdened an additional 10%.
  19. Ryo313

    nope as TR trades acc with more bullets

    there is no need for less speed and it doesn't even make sence ( and besides this isn't tf2 where your heavy is the slowest class xD)

    btw read obscuras and my post above
  20. Beerbeerbeer

    Here's another thought: increase the model size of HA, give it bulkier armor and make the hit box larger, keeping everything else the same.