The Heavy needs a rework.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. Imp C Bravo

    Your false is false. Heavies are designed to be the frontline unit.
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  2. Eternaloptimist

    Make overshield a tool so you have to choose between medkit or overshield? same way LA have to choose between medkit or C4.

    Agree with slowing HA down a bit (have been advocating this for a while). They carry RL and big LMGs and lots of ammo after all. So they can have an extra shield (maybe - see above) but spend more time exposed to fire when movinog from place to place.

    NB I am not anti HA, it is my most-played class to date although I main Engie now and that class is catching up fast.
  3. AxiomInsanity87

    Ripped straight from the home page part that talks about classes.

    The development of the Heavy Assault soldier was a relatively recent innovation on Auraxis. Designed to combat the surge of instant nanite-assembled vehicles, their presence on the battlefield poses a serious threat to tanks and infantry alike. Their custom Reinforced Exosuit armor configuration is responsible for their ability to take hits that would kill other soldiers, while their heavy weaponry allows them to punch holes in enemy tanks or lay down sustained fire. Equipped with some of the strongest armor and weapons available to infantry, a seasoned Heavy Assault will leave a path of corpses and burning wreckage in their wake.
    Their armor and shields can take more punishment than most other soldiers can, allowing them to dominate in direct close-quarters conflict where their heavy weapons are most effective. In addition to the chances of survival provided by the Reinforced Exosuit's defenses, Heavy Assault soldiers also have access to prototype Nanite Mesh Generators that temporarily reduce the velocity of incoming projectiles, decreasing their kinetic impact on the user. Though the experimental technology currently requires the user to remain momentarily stationary while the mesh is being formed, NMGs have shown themselves to be an integral component to the Heavy Assault's continued presence on the field.
    Though their ability to endure heavy fire is no doubt legendary, they're more widely known for the devastating weaponry that they wield. The high capacity LMGs the Heavy Assault carries are capable of both short, accurate bursts and suppressing fire, allowing them to adapt to a variety of situations while only adjusting their trigger discipline. For close-quarters combat that requires sustained fire, their versatile LMGs can be swapped for the raw destructive power of their empire's hip-slung Heavy Assault weapon. Finally, their rocket launcher can destroy enemy vehicles with a variety of targeting types, continuing to be the preferred method of directly dealing with enemy armor while on foot.
    Only with the introduction of Rebirthing and recent improvements in shield technology has their mantra of "endure and eradicate" become viable. While the Heavy Assault's brute-force strategy may not be the most elegant solution, it's proven itself as an effective one.

    Cool story guys. You must really, REALLY hate maxes and maybe we should nerf medic revive as it does that to full health?.
    Also the HA carrying a rocket and lmg should make it run slow? Ok lets nerf everyones run speed relative to the amount they carry.
    *waves goodbye to engineer*
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  4. AxiomInsanity87

    Here's a video that many of you seem to have forgotten that shows how clearly op the HA is.

    As you can see, it is well op and that's why the player in the video gets repeatedly owned by every HA he comes across.

    They just insta win i swear on me mam....
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  5. Goretzu

    Medikits just need to be reworked so autohotkey users cannot script them into invicibility potions.

    I wouldn't increase the footspeed of LA and Infs either (and certainly not by that much - too much problems with clientside at those speeds), I think reducing HAs base speed and removing or reducing the shield speed penalty is an idea though (more like PS1 HA).
  6. Jubikus

    My problem with heavy assault is its the only class in the game that with a single loadout can be anti everything a jack of all trades without a drawback.
  7. Taemien

    I'm just going to start reporting these threads as nerf calls and let the mods clean them up. That's right, like the GK threads these will probably start getting locked and I'll gladly take credit for it.
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  8. Zombo

    heavy assaults are inately gimped by not having access to carbines and assault rifles, stop hating on them

    if you can't take down a heavy because of a shield, a medic would have killed you two times over in the same scenario
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  9. Jubikus

    Actually it wasnt. In beta when the classes were made the games mechanics were alot different. Shield gens wernt overloaded they were destroyed with either C4 or you weapon and bases were much quicker to cap. The way things worked then had the gameplay much faster the frontline soldier was the Light assault (this is why you start as one) he was the soldier ment to go over terrain get into the objective blow it up and get to the point and the heavy assault was meant to back them up once he got there and defend the objective. When gens got overload mechanics and bases got longer cap timers and the lattice was introduced gameplay slowed way down this made things that were designed to have a big disadvantage by losing speed like the heavy assault and its shield almost a non issue as far as a disadvantage (prowler also benefited from this).
  10. JustBoo

    All these HA threads.

    SO much this...

    And that...

    And the other thing...

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  11. Demigan

    The problem isn't with Heavies, it's with the game.

    The game's mechanics heavily favor units that have firepower, health and defensive abilities. Things like stealth, agility and maneuverability are less favored. You can see this in all objectives, everything requires a short time to capture, meaning you need to have either a defensive or offensive class... The Heavy has both, which makes him the most ideal.

    So rather than changing the Heavy class, the game's mechanics for assaulting and eventually capturing a base needs to be expanded. Heavies the one's that defend or break defences around timed objectives (points, generators) and LA+Infiltrator the one's that attack untimed objectives, such as destroyable consoles that give advantages to the defenders or changing how ammo is generated for players so an LA or infiltrator can take out supply equipment that the attackers have to bring with them.
  12. AxiomInsanity87

    LMG's in ps2 are pretty much carbines with larger mags and longer reloads.

    Imagine if they actually had lmg's ;)
  13. DeadlyPeanutt

    Git Gud? double facepalm :(

    I play engie and I think the HA needs a major nerf.

    I dropped into HA in a small battle that wasn't worth playing engie... I killed three engies in a row, no worries. Just hit the instant win button.
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  14. DeadlyPeanutt

    HA... cut movement speed by half and lose the double health win button glow shield thingie.
    that will do it
  15. AxiomInsanity87

    Let's just do all out and make the HA a deployable turret for the engie and it can only use a rocket launchers.

    A medic can heal it and the engie can chuck it ammo packs.
  16. Daigons

    And yet my Engineer has no problem one-shot sniping HA, LA, MAX, ENG, MED and INFs from a distance with my Mana AV turret. It's all about the time, the place and the weapon that you're currently using. You'll never have the upper hand in every encounter at every location with your favorite weapon. As an Engineer, I'm always swapping up my main weapon, switching between AV/AI/C4 for my mine choice, and my turrets. If you know that there are bold enemy HAs in the area, read the battle to locate them and toss some C4 at the right moment. I sometimes put up a AI turret as a decoy because enemy players can't resist to shoot it up. It gives us time to get to a better location to ambush the enemy.
  17. TheDarSin

    Uggghh. There's already 2 other Nerf the HA class on the main page. Did you really need to start a new thread?
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  18. Scr1nRusher

    That's all it takes.
  19. Exitus Acta Probat

    1. So can every class, but as you know but are just playing dumb, I'm talking about the healing only a medic can do.
    2. Every class has the same foot speed, but as you seem to be playing dumb again, no one can respond faster or with the same efficiency as the LA.
    3. What, not playing dumb on this one?
    4. Actually no, the engineer is better at anti-armor than the HA even down to the guy driving the tank, but no one is better at frontline fighting like the class designed for it... HA.
    5. It my least pulled class, only because I prefer other play styles, but since I play the other classes more than the HA, it makes me uniquely qualified to comment on how not OP they actually are, they fit their role quite well... or were you just playing dumb again.
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  20. Imp C Bravo

    Which has nothing to do with now. I don't get why people make the argument "Well back at THIS time it was like this so even though the game has changed, grown, and evolved THAT obviously didn't change because I prefer it this way." :rolleyes:

    Not that your argument makes any sense even were that the case today. "The class with bonus shield and can take a beating better is a SUPPORT class. The class designed to cover territory, flank, and attack from angles is OBVIOUSLY the class designed to stand at the front line." :(

    People letting their preferences blind them to reality hurts my eyebrow hairs.

    3, 4, and 5 are really good. Add a small baseline movement speed nerf to really separate the class from the others in terms of responder time and Heavies will perform just as well now as before at their job but take enough time to respond that it encourages people to play more tactically as well as make it easier to take advantage of the Light Assault's strengths.