[Guide] The Guide to the Combat Medic and the Engineer Classes in Planetside 2

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Furrydaus, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Posse

    CQC Assault rifles are much better than SMGs, especially the TAR having a 40 rounds magazine.
  2. MrK

    Same, I take Carnage over SMG any day

    which brings the point for OP : Carnage all the way for NC. It's the best NC CM gun. It's versatile due to its attachment options which can make it either an easy to use versatile weapon competing with Gauss (with advanced forward grip) or a more CQC oriented option with laser sight, competing with GR22. All this for 250 certs initial investment + attachments. You have Gauss + GR22 after like 650 certs.
  3. Furrydaus

    Dear users who are looking at this thread/guide. Currently The Combat Engineer Guide is in the works and should be completed by today. The link to that Guide will be posted on this thread. Once I have completed the combat medic class guide, I will also post the link up here. After that, ill request the mods to lock this thread after I placed the links. Thank you for thw support and I promise the new guide will be a 90% improvement from this one. Other than that, Cheers! ;)
  4. Furrydaus

    I agreee this guide is fuzzy and that you need to read this whole guide to understand what I'm trying to convey. I will be conpleting the engineer guide today and start on the combat medic guide too. I aasure you that thw guide will be totally overhauled with diagrams to convey the messag better to readers and also have the same source of information that the original one had. So sit tight! Cheers! ;)
  5. Furrydaus