The greatest feature they could ever implement.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gary the sewer hobo, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. Crowne

    If they made the right changes to the body to match, I think it'd actually be nice to have greater visual differentiation from one faction to the next.
  2. Dieter Perras

    So I see the vanu finally found those aliens then
  3. SeanFree

    I thought it was going to be a different company running the game...

    I said it. Come at me.
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  4. gary the sewer hobo

    Not anymore, when the servers go back up the giraffeaphobes at SOE will remove our kind from the game.
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  5. SenEvason

    I still think this is the best bug ever:
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  6. Xasapis

    I find it ironic that the helmet that was given to people helping on PTS with bug squashing, is the only one bugged on the live servers.
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  7. z1967

    I think there is another bug similar to the analyst helmet one except you head goes about a meter back and up. Reddit is freaking out and posting pictures of the giraffapocalypse. Sniper rifle KPH is even down 20%*!

    *Not actually down 20%
  8. Nitrobudyn

    I think all those bugs: ostrich/ giraffe neck, ***** gun, crazy legs should come back on 1st of april next year.
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    ^and stay forever :rolleyes:
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  10. t31os

    You know i'm going to be rocking giraffe camo tonight if this bug is still around, just to amuse other players! :)
  11. DocteurVK

    "The tales of the Light-Giraffassault soldier"

    That is really spooky (halloween joke from the devs ?)
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  12. FateJH

    I hope someone thought to make a new Animals of Auraxis entry while the model glitch was up.
  13. Diilicious

    I laughed out loud a few times reading this thread.. Just what the hell all these bugs

    Haven't seen long necks in a while. What happened?
  15. DatVanuMan
