The greatest feature they could ever implement.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gary the sewer hobo, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. gary the sewer hobo

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  2. uhlan

    You have to wonder how things get so screwed up.

    I mean, what's the correlation between Analyst helmet "Giraffe neck" and the patch?

    What did they do?


    At least your neck goes well with your camo type.
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  3. LodeTria

    I wonder does it have an effect on the hit box?
  4. gartho33

    hmm... I wonder where the hit box is....

    EDIT: sniped....
  5. TriumphantJelly

    So... The Vanu are Greys?
  6. Hammerlock

    is there ANYTHING that SOE dont break ?? :eek:
  7. Pikachu

    Turn on ambient occlusion. :confused:
  8. xDesideratus

    +1 for wearing Giraffe camo, friend!
  9. Metalsheep

    I'd still have to say that Crazy Legs was the best bug ever. and should be implimented.
  10. Anomalous Entity

    That's what you Xenu Vanu worshipping freaks get for mucking about with that alien tech.

    Phenomenal! No fix needed! I love it!
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  12. Pikachu

    Skybug is best bug, since at least november 2013.
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  13. FBVanu

    LOVE this ... maybe extra XP for Headshots on LongNeck Players.. ??

    Can't wait get to get home and log in.. this looks seriously funny..
  14. Alan Kalane

    Giraffe Camo plus giraffe neck... The NC is going to have bad time distinguishing VS from actual giraffes
  15. BanthaFodder


    I thought this was pretty hilarious, really caught me by surprise. I couldn't tell if I was supposed to shoot his giraffe neck or his head, reminds me of the Bf3 bug that had this issue as well.
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  16. gary the sewer hobo

    It's the designated camo of my outfit, what else am I going to wear? Plain spandex? pfffft.
  17. KiakoLalene

    Well, they do need to make the VS more inhuman looking, so this is a good first step.
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  18. P1GG

    The thrusters on the Reaver are broken too. How did they do that? They didn't even do anything to the Reaver model, according to the patch notes.
  19. -Synapse-

    This is terrifying. Like, I'm gonna have nightmares. About giraffes shooting me with laser guns.
  20. DatVanuMan

    Can this happen to me without camo? I WANT THIS, DADDY!