Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZeroErrorz, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. ZeroErrorz

    we need a picture for him the MOST WANTED CREATURE OF AURAXIS, also dev MAKE IT SO THAT ITS ONLY DESTROYABLE BY BR45+ dont like it when noob find it and dont know what it is.
  2. shd

    Am i the only one who skimmed through the title and thought it said "golden shower" ?
  3. MaxDamage

    There is no platinum snowman. You're an evil person to make people look for one.
    The game files were searched, there is no platinum snowman in references or assets.
  4. ZeroErrorz

    :eek: ,it wasnt my idea to ask people to find it, i guess i just got trolled then
  5. Ac3s

    The best thing you can do is search on Esamir when nobody is online, around 5-7AM in the morning and just fly around in an ESF.
    The trick is to fly slowly relatively close to the ground and look carefully, especially around roads and under trees, but occasionally I even found snowmen on mountains as well.
    Set all graphic options on low so you can see even better.

    After my 7th normal snowman I found the golden one and he was sitting next to the road close to the VS warpgate, my friend found hes on the top of a mountain.

    I know its frustrating to look for a long time just to find one snowman, but if you have patience and eliminate competition by playing on hours when nobody is online it gets a lot easier.
  6. ZeroErrorz

    5-7 am is 5-7 pm on my place and already 10 snowman not even one gold one
  7. eldarfalcongravtank

    soe should keep the snowmen on esamir even beyond christmas and also add similar xp bounties on indar/amerish/hossin as well, like little treasure chests or piles of auraxium money scattered across the continents
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  8. Vinakis

    I found the golden snowman while driving around on a stealthy Flash... I got spotted by a nearby Scythe that decided they wanted me dead, and while trying to flee them, I drove into a little patch of trees hoping it would obscure their vision of my near-invisible ATV. Lo and behold, the golden snowman was right beside me where I could hop off and kill it, then drive off while proclaiming my victory to the scythe!
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  9. CL4p2p

    The fact some-one somewhere in the game will continue to search snowman on Esamir and hope to find a platinium one , mostly if this persone ALREADY have the golden one, give me some hard thing between my legs.
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  10. Kristan

    1. Find an ordinary snowman
    2. Pee on it
    3. ???
    4. PROFIT!
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  11. Zude

    I host drill competitions. The winner of each competition gets a $20 SOE or Steam gift card. Surefire way to profit.
  12. JudgeNu

    I searched for 3 days off and on, killed 30+ snowmen (hoping for another title) and tbh I visualized this encounter moments before it happened, I could feel it coming and viola!


    It was a nice break in game to search for them.
    I have played several MMORPG's and its really about the achievement. the title.

    I would like to see more titles for actual gameplay.

    For killing 5 players before you die X amount of times etc.


    *I could ask you one question to confirm whether you found a gold snowman or not*
  13. KnightCole

    I got the Gold.

    All it is, is a Golden snowman ornament. Its nothing to special, but its nice to have something to fill that spot on my vehicle for, meh. Got lucky and found it near Andvari.
  14. KnightCole

    But what happens if ur not dehydrated and ur pee isnt yellow? Guess thats the ??? eh?
  15. Pony Plot Lover

    I found golden snowman on my first attempt near esamir northeast TR indar WG rock formation. gave me heart attack lol
  16. DashRendar

    I found my gold snowman on Esamir too! Maybe we're brothers :E I beaned mine in the face with a Titan 150 AP round to bring it freedom.
  17. Shadowhunter1

    Screen Shot or the Platinum Snowman is a farce...
  18. Kumaro

    Ah yes snow men....Next i want to chase the easter bunny on Amerish. :3
  19. Shadowhunter1

    what is wrong with you man... don't give SOE stupid ideas. cause they will run with it like a pair of scissors in their hands. they know it is a bad idea and still do it.
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  20. Kumaro


    hehehe sorry but it's worth a try to see what happens ^^

    It's like when you charge with people trough a push and we all reach a cliff i jump guess what the rest did then XD
    (this has seriously happened twice)