the game need Frago objective thats give extra XP bonus whithin a certain range !

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 28, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    We need better options for squad leader on the field and better bonus to achive objective anf following orders , it is really needed
  2. LahLahSr

    Several games have shown this can be done well. One that hasn't been mentioned yet, if memory serves, is Quake Wars (for the most part a terrible game, but that piece worked well).

    What I'd like to see is that the Squad Leader and Platoon leader be able to draw on the minimap for the team. The whole falnking and hooking around to attack from a different angle or otherwise occupy a stretch of land, could be very helpful. We normally think of objectives as "points" on a map, but in reality many tactical objectives are stretches/zones for defensive positions or attack vectors...but right now a long, droll verbal explanation is the only way.
    • Up x 2
  3. patricio_z

    see here:

    something like this would be awesome
  4. Stew360

    Mag as it perfectly 2d space 3 d space frago objective everything was fragoable the equivalent of PS2 generator , turrets , deployed sunderer and so on so your squad are rewarded to follow your lead and get extra point while doing so

    i think copy and paste the MAG systhem is a must , currently we have first person frago for capture point like A and B and C but we do not have the voice comand like mag does brillantly , ( destroy that generator ) , ( Destroy that ennemy sunderer ) , ( destroy this base turrets ) , Capture this point , defend this point etc..

    we desperatly need it
  5. MasonSTL

    I still think a chain of command that is earned through a different system than certifications is necessary. Like I had posted before something like command points should be awarded to allow a player to earn their way up the chain.

    *Squad mates get command points for completing objectives

    -When they have enough points they can become squad leads
    *Squad leads get command points for their squad to complete objectives and extra for completing platoon orders
    +Maybe add very very little points for every kill a squaddie gets in the area of an objective

    -When squad leads get enough points they can become platoon leads
    *Platoon leads get command points for squads completing objectives and extra for capturing territories and completing company orders
    +Platoon leads should be able to see the command points of other players to help them decide who is the best candidate for squad leader

    -When platoon leads get enough command points they are promoted to company leaders and get access to command chat


    That's as far as I got! :p

    All in all this could REALY compliment the frago ideas.
  6. Stew360

    This is actually how MAG was working , but it as its flaws as well .. because incompetant leaders who get into a OIC and Platoon leader position was pretty anoying i mean the OIC and Platoon leader was able to broadcast to the whole team etc..

    but for the squad lead systhem the options and frago objective was amasing and so well done i cant think of anything to improove it it was nearly perfect

    I would like to have the squad leader options and frago objective and extra xp atached to it to improove better squad play while incorporating new players and randoms in your squads

    Frago objective are easy to understand pretty suitable for team work and work well the current cert tree for leadeship is ok the way it is

    but Squad leaders options lack a tons
  7. MikeyGeeMan

    Squad leaders should definitely be able to tag enemy vehicles for focused fire
  8. Stew360

    maybe not tank and mooving vehicules but at the very least Deployed sunderer and if anyones from your squad destroy it and acomplish their mission they are rewarded with extra XP bonus
  9. Stew360

  10. Stew360

    Squad lead is something that requires what military call ( frago orders ) , in game it could really improove your efficiency as squad leader , the Q keys is a little start on this but you can only use it atm to ( frago ) capture points on the fly ,

    We need to have this for everything and we need to be able to set those in 3d space as well as on 2d Ui Maps ,

    Deployed sunderer ( ennemy spawn point ) ( destroy / repair ) frago orders
    Bases Turrets ( destroy / repair ) frago orders
    Capture points ( atack /defend ) frago orders
    Generator ( destroy / defend / repair ) frago orders
    Terminal ( hack / destroy / repair )

    Basically anything that can be repair , destroy , hack

    For a exemple if you Q key over a terminal , you should ahve a wheel where you can choose ( almost like when you Q on a players ) where you can choose HACK or Destroy that terminal , when you made a choice youll have a Voices Qs that come with the frago orders ( look at MAG on ps3 video ) for reference .

    Each wheel ( orders ) for each objectives as to be design around what can be done to those like

    Terminal in offense ( hack ,destroy ) in defense ( repair ) order

    Bases turrets In offense : ( hack , destroy ) In defense ( Repair ) order

    Generator in offense ( destroy ) order

    Generator in defense ( repair ) order
  11. Charod

    i would die to get a commo rose like the one from battlefield 2142... target a tank, hit q once and spot it ... or hold q and move the mouse up to call for help ... or hold q, hold the mouse in the middle and use the mousewheel to select (!) the class of enemy seen there. the game then places a marker of a tank/walker/gunship/infantry guy right where you aimed !

    the current implemention of hitting "v" and then a number is ... not fast enough !

    my example game has two of these "comm-systems", one for personal use like requesting transport/help/ammo/medic or spot enemies, the other was the "tactical-rose" only available to squad-leaders, they could target a flag ingame and hit "t" and give a attack/defend order to their squad in the blink of an eye...they didnt needed to open their map and right-click somewhere to give an order...

    i just dont know why people hate that system so much, it was fast and context sensitive ... i loved that

    edit: im a slow reader, just like the guy above me explained, but i added some personal experience to my post...
  12. Stew360

    yeah BF2142 as a pretty good squad leadership ( unlike BF3 )

    but MAG squad leadership was almost near perfect , you could only ad really few thing to make it better

    We definitly need something to help squad cohesion ,

    Also it will help in multi languages cross play , i mean byt that if you Frago a Generator and your caracter as a Voice commadn that said Destroy this generator , in french is will be translate with their game setting languages ( detruisez le generateur ) , and so on so all the languages bariere will be gone ( especially usefull for EURO players ) that have german , french , polish , etc..etc.. playing on the same servers
  13. SerialNumber1221

    necro thread revive

    i want my frago
  14. MrMurdok

    Dear God I missed Stew360 threads.
  15. SerialNumber1221

    bro you probably only seen the stew threds here? check this one on the old MAG forumd where people like Stew and myself originate...

    before ps2 even came out, there were epic stew threads on the MAG forum where he argued in favour of PS2 especially with a guy called Regis Mark V who was a big time Dust 514 supporter...but in the end i think Regis conceded that PS2 was better than dust..

    Stew has promoted this game more than Sony!
  16. bobek388

    Squad leaders should be able to place many numbered waypoints, so they'd be able to control the flow of the battle, this would encourage players to flank and surround enemy. .