the game need Frago objective thats give extra XP bonus whithin a certain range !

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 28, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    Squad leader can already Frago obbjective the main capture point while holding Q , but this is not enough i think generator SCU etc.. should be (( fragoables )) so you can set missions for your squad mates and if they follow it theyll get extra XP whithin a certain range arround the frago objective

    With vocal feed back like (( destroy this generator , Destroy the SCU , defendthis capture point , capture this capture point , destroy the vertical generator , etc..

    We already have ennemy heavy spot , etc.. i could be cool to ad vocal qs with the frago as well so the squad will also have vocal orders as well as Ui overlay blinking objective

    The game MAG on ps3 as this systhem and it was pretty efficient to get thing done

    Squad leader was able to set frago objective in 2d map and on 3d space like ( PS2 hold q ) over anything thats player can interact with , Anti air battery , bunkers , capture point , burn off tower etc..

    The problem in planetside is that its seams to only work for capture point and do not grant extra xp bonus

    And i think ps2 really need to reproduce this kind of systhem with the 2X xp atached to it so peoples will work better since theyll get more meaty xp by playing as team and squad leader will get better response and efficiency from their (( randoms squad mates ))

    if you interested to see how it work in mag chek this out

    MAG ps3 256 players 128 vs 128

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  2. Luperza Community Manager

    Great ideas! What other objectives would you want leaders to be able to tag?

    With missions coming down the line, I think this would be a great topic to discuss.
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  3. Bolticus

    A Dev, was the first to respond.

    But yeah, players should get extra XP for actions within the vicinity of a objective.
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  4. Ganelon

    No, not the vicinity. Imagine the *********** that would occur.
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  5. Bolticus

    NC shield MAXes guarding stat-padding engies around a control point! :eek:
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  6. Stew360

    i think anything that can be destroy capture or defend is a must ...

    MAG ad this perfect options for the leaders they were able to frago via the 2d tactical maps but also in 3d space kinda like the (( q )) key over the capture point at the moments in planetside 2 .

    the bonus XP will help to make randoms players follow and focus on the objectives

    If you want to prevent (( stats padding )) i think you could simply make the XP bonus grow while you run largers squad like if you run a 4 man squad you have 30 % xp bonus around the frago objective if your 8 players you get 60 % and if your more than 8 you get 100 % bonus

    Or maybe defending a objective will grant like 50 % bonus

    wille capturing and blowing up generator etc.. will grant 100 % xp bonus

    we really need those tool

    it was working well on mag and i never saw that much abuse of the extra xp bonus systhem , it was just fair since the objective mostly was , high risk high reward

    atm pretty much no ones are up to defend a letter for a while since they make more xp just by running around randomly and killing stuff
  7. Stew360

    They can make thats the repair and healing whithin the bonus area will ignore the bonus ;)

    Simple fix

    so only revive /kill / acomplish a objective such as sucessfull capture or sucessfull destruction grant extra xp and so on

    Iam all agains exploits but still wee need a team work oriented tools and mag as it perfectly , it was great

    Squad leader options are to limited and base on voice comand only wich is not totally awesome for new player but also sometime you do have the (( languages barriere )) with a in game options like mag all these problem are obseleate
  8. Purg

    What the frig is a frago?!
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  9. Phrygen

    yea... i don't know what to say....

    Also... wth is a Frago? I assume he means spotting?
  10. Stew360

    Frago objective is a military abreviation for framentary orders = frago :)

    Here you have it : An abbreviated form of an operation order (verbal, written or digital) usually issued on a day-to-day basis that eliminates the need for restating information contained in a basic operation order. It may be issued in sections. It is issued after an operation order to change or modify that order or to execute a branch or sequel to that order. Also called FRAG order.

    Once an OPORD is given the situation may change before the mission is actually begun or during the operation the situation may change so that the Operations Order must be modified. In these cases the commander will issue a Fragmentary Order, or FRAGO. The FRAGO will state exactly how the situation and/or mission has been changed and what must be done to make up for the change.

    hope this can help
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  11. Stew360

    Look at the video youll understand Frago is a military abreviation for framentary orders

    thats basically mean (( objective point )) or a sub orders to acomplish X and Y missions

    Here : An Operations Order will describe the situation facing the unit, the mission of the unit, and what activities the unit will conduct to achieve the mission goals. Normally an Operations Order will be generated at a regiment, brigade, division, or corps headquarters and then given to lower echelons to implement. Each lower echelon as they receive an operations order will in turn develop their own Operations Order which removes extraneous detail and adds details focused on what and how that subunit will implement the higher level OPORD. So an Operations Order at a particular level of the military organization will trigger units involved in the operation to develop their own Operations Order which will borrow from the Operations Order given them so far as the situation and mission but will then add additional details for the activities a specific unit is to conduct.

    Once an OPORD is given the situation may change before the mission is actually begun or during the operation the situation may change so that the Operations Order must be modified. In these cases the commander will issue a Fragmentary Order, or FRAGO. The FRAGO will state exactly how the situation and/or mission has been changed and what must be done to make up for the change.

    Hope this can help as well

    Look at mag video and youll understand better
  12. Adaptus

    LOL Stew360. But he's right, very right. Ms.Maggie, please put this in the designer's ears. USE BF 2142's SYSTEM or some variant of it like Mag does.

    In 2142

    SL frago's an area to atk/def/cap, extra Xp, Commander Frago's the area for the SL to move his guys too. Thats an exp bonus on top of a bonus in 2142. People followed orders and went after objectives since they got paid properly for it. Planetside 2 has crappy pub squad play atm; lets fix it. SL's set fragos, PL's set fragos and THEY CAN STACK; or even just the X2 exp for whatever by SL would helpful.
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  13. Carnivombre

    MAG was amazing game, if they implement anything from its squad/platoon leading system it would be awesome.
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  14. RHINO_Mk.II

    Although this time slightly less sarcasm with the quote.
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  15. Stew360

    You should also dicuss what kind of frago you would like to see ,

    I personally think that anything such as generator , scu , capture point etc.. should be on the list so in 3 d space if you aim and hit Q at genrator etc.. you can frago those as primary target for your squad

    As well as capture point and bases outpost if they still exist in the futur

    I think we should have also a 2d frago options on the map itself i like to have both ( like in mag ) 3d and 2d frago options

    So if your team mates look at the maps theyll see the frago over X or Y objective

    Do you agree ?
  16. MasonSTL

    The destruction/defense of deployed AMS sunderers would also be a good addition for frago options. Another option for platoon leaders could be to give whole squads somewhat generalized orders. For example: PL would select an order for, lets say alpha, to provide AA. Anyone in alpha the takes down an enemy aircraft would get a small Exp bonus. Another example: Bravo would be ordered to provide Air cover, and those squad mates would get exp. for getting kills in aircraft.
    Granted all of this within the area of the platoon/squad waypoint.

    Platoon leaders and squad leaders should also get small Exp. for their squad(s) completing objectives (and possibly a very small bonus xp for the kills achieved from squad/platoon members doing so) along with command points which could be used to climb up a command ladder. And if platoon leaders could see the command points of players they can make a more informed decision on who to make squad leaders. Heck they could go as far as making everything in the Squad Leader category unlockable through command points along with unlocking more orders to give out.

    Devs could do a lot with this! Good call Stew360

    I forgot about MAG. To tell you the truth I didn't like it too much but I do remember the command set up was pretty good.
  17. Fire Works

    If anything it has to be done on the run.

    The current system with clicking on a map is a pain.
    The current enhanced system with clicking on a mini map is a pain.

    I stopped leading things cause its just annoying to update all the information for the squad/platoon. Its already enough work to observe and react to the map information.

    At least in combat i want to be able to fight and not chatkilled all over again.
  18. Stew360

    The systhem like mag you have both the 2d map Frago set , but you also have « on the fly » command we currently have 1 on the flyfrago type of objective and we can only frago one thing is the main capture point but we should be able to frago Sunderer ( deploy ) , generator , scu , any type of objective exactly like in mag the APC was basically a sunderer a mobile spawn point for the infantry , yep MAG as those lol and the squad leader was able to FRAGO them so your squad could be in charge to take out this sunderer and if they do theyll get a awesome XP bonus and it also help for squad cohesion
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  19. Bankrotas

    Been running with this for quite, good thing as a leader to have, not very fleshed out.
    To start with, we need to be able to target generators and SCU, infantry terminals (now with them, I do think we need somehow to be able to order to hack a terminal and give hacker bonus XP, this would work only on squadmates, not squad leader hacking himself).
    Now, offensive tags usually are good enough aside from lacking ability to mark other base parts that are not capture points. Only thing to add would be orders to take out specific target, like incoming galaxy, lib, certain tank, that does shell you too much, sunderer. Though it was implemented by increasing base reward for vehicle destruction, partly it should've went to Frago objective.

    Defensive orders need a bit touching up, since mostly don't work well. This could work well with orders to defend sunderer, only working when there are enemies in same region as orders to defend and defense giving small xp reward that would acumulate higher than elimination of a sunderer order reward, but if you fail to defend the said sunderer, you don't get the xp for defending it (just a thought, that I allready have counterarguements, but let's start with this in).

    Possibly most needed order would be point defense and offense: Squad leader should be able to mark an area on the minimap, that should be defended, all kills, assists in that area would give bonuses. Point offense would complete, when the area is cleared (that's one of rewards for leader too, to know, that area is clear of hostiles), point defense would complete on time, while fail of point defense would be possible, if too many enemies are not killed or walk through that area completely.

    That's some of my thoughts scrambled a bit.

    Also as a side note, would be great to have minimap with different floor levels.
  20. Stew360

    You get a good point here , but i have a idea to complement this one

    Why not having a (( leadership xp bonus )) while your squad mates compleate a objective that you orders ? i think this will make squad leader been more efficient as well as operative been more efficient this way both will benefit from eachothers actions :)

    I think we get something here :)