The Game is not Believable

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SparrowTail, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. SparrowTail

    This is not a suggestion, nor a complaint. Just an interest observation I made.

    Set in the 29th century, this game has so many technological contradictions. For example:
    • The ceiling height is 1000 meters. While this is good for gameplay, it seems a little unreal. Even by WW2 we had bombers that could go almost as high as 3 miles! (granted they couldn't stand still, but choppers can!)
    • Next is the slow speed of flight (I don't think I have to make my point here).
    • So, how about lock ons? The lock on rockets are a little slow and a bit pathetic compared to today's technology!
    • Similarly, it takes a 45 - 25 second cool-down to deploy another flare.. Seriously?
    • Tanks: The tanks we have (with the possible exception of the MAG) are also quite to today's real life tanks and I don't think will last more than a few seconds in a firefight.
    • The NV/Thermal scopes: Vehicle and infantry alike, the thermal and NV optics are way too limited in their range to feel real.
    • Bolt-Action rifles: Even today we are exploring auto-bolts (using electric components) instead of using your hand.
    I would list a lot more inconsistencies, but I hope you get the point!
    I'm not saying this game is trash, nor that the designers and developers did a sorry job. Just saying that I don't feel that engaged while playing this game!
    COD and BF3 did an okay job of defining the weapon and vehicle systems and should be praised for that (although they are no where near realistic). But, I guess they have to model systems that already exist and don't have to predict future weaponry, making their job much easier.
    In all, I don't think that the game is bad, just that it could have been a much more realistic future experience!
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  2. Gisgo

    Its unbelievable on planet Earth.
    Auraxis is an ODD place.
    Its not even a planet, its a solar system where every continent is a small planet (thats why the flight ceiling is so low).
    Lets not speak about auraxian technology... :rolleyes:
  3. subz3r01337

    balance purposes.

    Dude, alien planet, light years from earth with nanites in the air that make people/things immune to death. I would say that someone could come up with a multitude of variables to explain every one of your observations.

    also its a damn video game. i have yet to see a video game plat that makes sense, or gameplay mechanics that make sense (aside from obviously talented indie, or community mods)

    Also the fact that you cite COD and BF3 as examples of "getting it right" discounts everything you said. Almost everything you said could be placed into either games hands (aside from any future complaint)
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  5. Kon

    suggesiton : join the millitary see how it is in real life
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  6. Duff_Chimp

    Don't feed the troll....
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  7. Dingus148

    Oh god. It hurts
  8. Fernbhoy

    clearly needs more laser pew pew pew
  9. Darwind

    Dude calm down, just blame nanites.
  10. Fox234

    Honestly, Section 8: Prejudice felt more like a Planetside game than Planetside 2. Hell, Tribes: Ascend is a better Planetside game.
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  11. Oreo202

    1. Flight ceiling could do with an increase.
    2. People already ram into friendlies and enemies alike. We don't need faster speeds.
    3. No. Just no.
    4. Balance.
    5. ????
    6. Balance, again.
    7. BALANCE
    Realism does not always equal balance.
  12. Takara

    I don't know what is more depressing. The OP's need to mention all this...or the fact I read it all.

    Sci-fi game is totally unbelievable! I don't think I've seen a good game that was all that believable. Lord...I mean...I'm not even gunna try I don't think. I will just hope you go away.
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  13. Chipskream

    Cool but who stole the parachutes?
  14. Darwind

    Parachutes are for wimps.
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  15. Rider004

    SOE would make SO MUCH DO$H if they included "Energy Skis" as an SC purchased Suit Slot Certification.
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  16. WorldOfForms

    Another thing that would be realistic (and sooo much fun) is if say you fire one bullet and then reload your gun, the other 29 bullets in the magazine you just pulled out are lost.

    Because realism makes games fun.
  17. Zapon

    except, realism can enhance balance even more if you put in the resources.

    I can name games that used realism for balance. SOCOM series games, ARMA....etc. It took very strenuous effort, but it ended up in A+ games...

    Everything you mentioned can be enhanced, AND solved.

    I'll take one- I've made very massive arguments and comparisons for why the night optics in this game can have a seriosu buff, and still work.

    We need to raise the scale of PS2 to a point the immersion blows every single other game out of the water- and not just rely on the numbers thing- which also needs a serious enhancement. it's time to push the limits, it's 2013.
  18. Zapon

    no, do it realistically- SOCOM did it right- you get a whole new magazine, but the old one isn't discarded, and you can reload it again, to use the bullets up in it

    Again, lol, there's nothing that we can't come up with really intelligent solutions for. Problems are there to be solved :D
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  19. Zapon

    There's a ton of reasons for doing this, from sales to retention curves of population, to plain feasability for the direction of continued development, sequels- there's a bigger picture to little stuff like this a lot of people seem to be ignoring.
  20. Chipskream

    Cool story bro. Would you also like to tell me what 'realism' is supposed to be in the 29th century? Because I think (I hope) that in the 29th century, I can call in 10 deathstars to drive-by nuke the crown from orbit.