[Suggestion] The forum's full of... these days, this is why we should remove KDR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vulpecula07, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. Gutseen

    he was the usual zerg, nothing more.
  2. VhynSeven

    I don't think removing KDR is a good thing overall, as it is a good indicator for some classes, namely LA, HA and Infil, for themselves and other to see how good (or bad) they are. I mean, those classes are made for killing, right ?

    However, adding more stats is something I would like to see. I mainly play Engineer, and I usually take more time roaming around throwing ammo boxes and repairing than shooting at the enemy. A a result, my KDR is absolute trash, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad player, just a bad shooter who help his team as much as he can. Same can be said for the Combat Medic, with his heal/revive.
  3. Callyste

    I don't think the KDR is a good indicator even for those classes.

    As a LA, I don't get a lot of kills, but I do get a ****ton of assists (either from critically wounding infantry quickly finished by squad mates, or lightly/heavily damaging enemy armor which is eventually blown up by a friendly tank), and I do help capture/defend a lot.

    Consequently, my KDR is deep below the ground many times, yet I don't believe I'm *that* bad a LA.
    KDR doesn't mean much in this game... just that you got the finishing blow a lot of the time.
  4. Prudentia

    I'm still mindboggled that this conversation still continues
    Skill => Stats
    and ^ that is an operator known as "Implication" if you do not what it means, look it up, it'll easily explain to you why this discussion is silly.
  5. Callyste

    Skill is stats? Skill means stats? Skill is superior to stats? Skill over stats? I'm not sure what you're saying there.
    Ah yes, implication. Except it's been explained and re-explained why this is untrue - and why the conversation is not necessarily silly.
  6. Prudentia

    ehm no.
    if you have a 0.1 K/D, 50SPM, 10% accuracy: you are not a good player
    If you have a 7.4K/D 400SPM. 40% accuracy: you are either a good player... or you drive HE tanks all day.
    it's that simple. if you had the slightest understanding what an implication is you would understand this too, but you do not.
    Good stats do NOT mean you are a good player. only people like you believe that. thats why there are idiots out there who buy LoL and CSGO accounts with a high MMR, because they want to show off good stats.
    and then there are people who compete in the World championships for those games who also have Top tier MMR.
    K/D and other stats simply are a measurement you can use to compare yourself against yourself. removing Stats is removing information and wanting information to be removed is the dumbest thing i have heard on this forum since "But the higher accuracy of the promise is a downside"
  7. adamts01

    Skill => Completing Objectives, at least as far as locking a continent or getting your unit's name on a captured base. Stats and victory are very loosely correlated in this game. Unless you're playing a dick measuring contest, and not trying to lock the continent for your faction.
  8. Prudentia

    no, Skill does not implicate Completing objectives... Skill c Completing objectives aka Skill CONTAINS completing objectives
    seriously does noone in this forum have the most basic understanding of mathematics and formulating problems.
  9. Callyste

    So you're telling me a Medic who's consistently dedicated to revive fallen players and healing teammates, but has a low KDR, is not a skilled player? Or an Engineer repairing stuff and supplying ammo?
    KDR is at best an indication of how skilled you are at shooting stuff. But there's slightly more to Planetside 2 than shoot stuff (even though we'll agree that shooting stuff is still our main occupation in this game).

    And why thank you, I have a good understanding of what an implication is. Your statement was just... off. No need to be pedant or whatever, friend, my initial reply was in no way meant to be offensive.
  10. JadeSinn

    lets start this out simple. if you care what your KD is your in the wrong game. go some where else. your not needed here you are part of the problum not the answer.

    now onto a point that needs to be made. and its a simple one.

    OP mentioned being traped in spawn rooms. if people are stupid enough to not figure out that if the spawn room is being camped by armour to pull back to a nearby base and pull your own armour. then there zerglings that dont use there brains.

    if armour is holding a spawn room then you need to fight armour with armour. not keep throwing bodys out the door and trying to rush the point. go get some armour hunt down the sunderers that the enamy is spawning on and blow them up ! you kill there spawn points to break up the troops that you are being attacked by !

    one of the biggest stupidest things i have seen in this game is people fighting at the damn Bio labs. to many morons dont know how to simply go in hold the gen room kill the SCU and take the damn place that way. its simple bio lab 101 kill the gen kill the scu and cap the points after you mop up the people in the spawn room yet here we sit 5 years into this game being active and only a hand full of people even know how to use this tactic. (( iv seen a squad of 7 take a bio lab solo agenst a 15% over pop by the enamy that holds it by useing this simple tactic. ))

    anyway back on point. KDR in this game is useless. i dont beleave it should be removed but i also dont beleave you should worry about it. if you drop to a low KDR so what. it means you got out played during a battle. and where killed alot. if you get a high KDR good for you heres your gold star. you managed to kill a bunch of people and servive a long time in a game that is not about killing but is about takeing over taratory and capturing the objective points on the map.

    you want something for your KDR ? well to bad. you want it removed ? tobad also. get over it. KDR is nothing more then a useless number in a game thats not even about KDR

    you want to play a game thats about KDR go play COD or something
  11. Prudentia

    If he was a skilled medic at keeping people up he would have a high SPM. but still,again you are being dumb and judging a player by their stats instead of letting the player use their stats to judge their own performance.
  12. customer548

    If checking KDR from time to time (in order to know if I improved or not) is a "dick measuring contest", I would say that locking continents as fast as you can with platoons is a "useless love for merry-go-arounds".

    5 years of locking continents asap with platoons + overpops and... ?

    My KDR highights the fact that my overall gameplay is better than it was 5 years ago. I now know what 'I'm good at, and what I'm bad at. I now know which class and which loadout to use depending on my task, and if I will be confortable with it or not.

    500 000 000 000 000 maps locked by 12 000 000 000 players during the last 5 years ? I don't care. Nothing is remaining.
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  13. VhynSeven

    Ok, I may not have been clear enough, so I'll make a new one.

    I am not saying that KDR means everything regarding the skill of a player, I am far from that. I am just saying that it is a good way to show if someone is good at killing others, which is still a part of the game.

    Now onto the second part many of you miss :
    IT LACK OTHER STATS (capslock for visibility)
    Yes, KDR isn't everything, but let say I meet one random player, I know nothing about him, I check his profile, and... Well, outside of his average KDR, accuracy and playtime, there is a serious shortage of elements to judge what kind of player he is.
  14. adamts01

    Fair enough, but I've spent enough time suiciding to stall caps or kill their Sundy to know that stats aren't what win battles.
  15. Prudentia

    also because i read over this the first time:
    Have a look at your Accuracy and headshot rate stats.
    your allies shouldn't spend time shooting at enemies that should already be dead just because you aren't capable of killing them. if you start killing those enemies outright your allies can spend more time killing other enemies instead of having to face more firepower.
  16. customer548

    Yeah, but your only goal is having maps locked asap and looking at the name of your outfit on buildings. It's an understandable goal. It's game.
    What should I answer to that?
  17. Callyste

    Oh ok then. You were just forum-warrioring, my bad.
    Sorry, not interested.
  18. Prudentia

    no i'm being right.
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  19. LodeTria

    That depends on many things. Did the medic clear out the room/area so he isn't reviving friendly into enemy fire? Or is the medic running around tool in hand, right into an enemy gun? One of these is obviously better than the other, and having good stats be it KDR, Accuracy, HS/R etc shows that.

    Any old pleb can sit in a 70% and cap points or repair generators, but not every pleb can clear the point/gen of enemies for your team to capture.

    The fact of the matter is, you can be a good medic who revives allies AND have good stats. They aren't mutually exclusive, regardless of what people with ... lower stats would have you think.
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  20. Callyste

    Oh, I agree with that. What I am saying is KDR alone is meaningless (KDR is after all the subject of this thread, something some people decided to ignore). KDR, on its own, is poo-poo useless and doesn't reflect skills at planetsiding what-so-ever.

    Now, I really don't care if the KDR stat is removed from the game. When my KDR is high, well yay, cool. When it's low (more often these days), well... yay, cool. I don't think it needs to go because it's still a good indicator of how good you perform in one, single aspect of the game.